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Interview with Nicerdicer (5 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 12:14 CST, 9 January 2013 - iMsg
Admins are the unsung heroes at most of the major tournaments. They’re the people responsible for keeping a tournament free of drama and contribute the most towards the successful execution of anything ranging from an online league to a major LAN. I was lucky enough to have an online sit-down with one such guy who’s been really active in the Quake scene – Dmitriy “nicerdicer” Khoriev.

An excerpt:

I think FPS should be present at any good LAN tournament, no matter what, be it major or just a local one. The question though is which FPS game would be in the games list. Community wants a game like Quake, but sponsors want a game that will deliver some money in the end. So it's really hard to strike a balance between these two options. Reborn could be the next best thing for FPS if it manages to break in. But for now, we have Shootmania which is more about money and is less enjoyable compared to Quake, which is slowly dying every day.

Read the complete interview on ProGamingTours
Edited by Cyn1c at 21:39 CST, 9 January 2013 - 5806 Hits
Interview with Evil (56 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 14:23 CST, 13 December 2012 - iMsg
The QuakeLive DreamHack Winter 2012 edition recently concluded with the Russian player Evil taking home the crown. Last week, I got a chance to sit down with him for an interview. During this interview, evil talked about the Russian quake scene, his sources of inspiration, how he prepared for DHW2012 and his future plans.

Here are a couple of excerpts:
Cypher has one special characteristic - if the enemy starts to fear him in-game and avoids a shootout with him till the end, Cypher will exploit this thing very hard! So, you need to fight with him in any combat and never run away without a fight.

Against Rapha, you need to know the things he starts his game with. He calculates a sequence of armors (spreads around within a circle in their proximity) and likes to take advantageous positions. He plays very standard, dry game, without special aggressive moves or focus on specific weapon(s).

Read the complete interview on
Edited by Badb0y at 11:05 CST, 14 December 2012 - 42344 Hits
My Article on DotA 2 (27 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 22:11 CST, 7 February 2012 - iMsg
An excerpt:

"2011 was huge for DotA 2 as well as the players associated with it. The buzz among the community was off the charts as many famous ex-DotA players began showing up on DotA 2 servers and events. The Ukrainian giants had silenced the competition with a loud thud but instead of a cold war and complacent whimpers from those who did not take home the gold, came a flurry of changes that have paved the way for more players, teams, acquisitions and game plans."

2012 & DotA 2 – The Teams, The Players, The Game
5820 Hits
Excello on Quake (132 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 05:29 CDT, 8 August 2011 - iMsg
So I was just skimming through some e-sports articles and ran into this feature:


"The first game ever to make it big on the pro e-sports scene was Quake. No doubt about that but CS has the potential to do what quake never could. Bring the public to the business. Being a hell of a lot easier to get into and being more viewer friendly has made CS the perfect game to break open the barrier that has existed between the public and gamers."

Do you agree with this?
14505 Hits
e-Sports Year Book 2010 (1 comment)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 06:54 CDT, 4 August 2011 - iMsg
So the e-Sports Year Book 2010 has been released and has some really nice articles. I've upped the e-book on the following link as a PDF. The book will be sold in Print as well.
1635 Hits
Hook a brother up (5 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 09:25 CDT, 24 July 2011 - iMsg
So I've just kick started my Wine export business and I'm looking for some good bulk importers in any part of the world. Currently exporting out of Auckland, New Zealand. Can someone please hook me up with an importer/distributor in their region?

1819 Hits
12 yr old has IQ > Einstein (450 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 13:38 CDT, 26 March 2011 - iMsg
Jacob Barnett, a 12 year old autistic boy has an IQ higher than Albert Einstein. This child prodigy has an IQ of 170 and is currently working on his own version of Einstein's theory of relativity. Jacob taught himself calculus, algebra, geometry and trigonometry in just one week. He's surpassed most of the kids belonging to his age group and is currently lined up for a PhD research role!

Full Article
159019 Hits
IEM V World Finals - $145,000 Prize Pool (11 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 14:23 CST, 17 February 2011 - iMsg
The ESL has announced a whopping $145,000 Prize Pool for the IEM 5 World Finals to be held at CeBIT in Germany from 1st - 5th March. Prize purse will be distributed across 4 e-Sports disciplines namely QuakeLive, Counter Strike, Starcraft 2 and League of Legends. With several roster changes and upsets at the IEM 5 European Finals in Kiev, Counter-Strike tops the charts with the highest overall prize purse. However, since the 1st prize of $35,000would be split among a team of five, Starcraft 2 takes the spot for the highest individual 1st prize at $13,000 with QuakeLive first prize at $8500.

Prize Allocation

QuakeLive ($20,000)
1st. $8,500
2nd. $4,000
3rd. $2,500
4th. $1,400
5/6th. $600
5/6th. $600
7/8th. $400
7/8th. $400
9/10th. $400
9/10th. $400
11/12th. $400
11/12th. $400

Counter-Strike ($80,000)
1st. $35,000
2nd. $17,000
3rd. $8,500
4th. $4,000
5/6th. $2,500
5/6th. $2,500
7/8th. $1,750
7/8th. $1,750
9/10th. $1,750
9/10th. $1,750
11/12th. $1,750
11/12th. $1,750

StarCraft II ($30,000)
1st. $13,000
2nd. $6,500
3rd. $4,000
4th. $2,500
5/6th. $800
5/6th. $800
7/8th. $400
7/8th. $400
9/10th. $400
9/10th. $400
11/12th. $400
11/12th. $400

League of Legends ($13,500)
1st. $4,750
2nd. $2,750
3rd. $2,250
4th. $1,750
(+ $200 per win)

Source: ESL-World
Edited by Cyn1c at 14:30 CST, 17 February 2011 - 7370 Hits
Strenx Post-IEM Europe Interview (44 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 13:06 CST, 17 February 2011 - iMsg
France Kévin "strenx" Baéza sits down with Phil in this post-IEM European Finals interview and talks about his infamous match against Russia Cooller, his win over Belarus Cypher for the 3rd place, the upcoming IEM 5 World Championship Finals in Hanover along with his preparation for the same and his plans for 2011.

An excerpt:
I knew I can beat Cypher even if I had 1% chance to do so. He was disappointed because he lost to Av3k. But it's not really an excuse because I should be the most disappointed guy after what happened against Cooller. After our match he (Cypher) came to me and said I wasn't playing my best but at the World Finals, I'm going to play a lot better.

Link: Full Video Interview
Edited by Cyn1c at 04:52 CST, 18 February 2011 - 18034 Hits
DreamHack 2011 Prize Purse - €170,000 (36 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 04:10 CST, 7 February 2011 - iMsg
DreamHack organizers have announced a 1 500 000 SEK (~170 000€ ) total prize purse for its 2011 events. The prize purse will be distributed over multiple tournaments throughout the year that would fall under the 2 major events - DreamHack Summer 2011 (18-21 June) and DreamHack Winter 2011 (24-27 November).

The first set of games have already been announced while the announcement for the rest is still awaited. DHW 2010 attracted over 17,000 visitors and had 13,292 unique computers in the network, renewing their title of "The Largest Computer Festival in the World."

Here's what the DreamHack CEO, Sweden Robert Ohlén had to add :
"2011 will be yet another historic year for DreamHack and its community by breaking the one million mark in prize money for eSports alone. Today DreamHack and partners are proud to present the sum of SEK 1, 5 million in DreamHack’s Prize Purse for 2011. The Prize Purse will be distributed over multiple events and the official tournament games will be presented shortly.

The Prize Purse and tournaments will reinforces yet again DreamHack’s position as one of the leading eSports events worldwide. This year we will intensify our work around eSports, hold more qualifiers and focus on an even greater World Finals at DreamHack Winter in November."
Link: Official Newspost
Edited by xou at 05:37 CST, 8 February 2011 - 11986 Hits
SK-Gaming interviews Cypher (97 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 13:08 CST, 18 January 2011 - iMsg
In January 2010 Belarus Alexei "Cypher" Yanushevsky won the IEM European Championship and it’s time again for Season 5 of IEM to kick off with the European Championship Finals in Kiev, Ukraine on 20th Jan 2011. Having beaten some of the most formidable opponents like Anton "Cooller"Singov at QuakeCon, the Belarusian talks to Stuart "SwitchbacK" Macdonald in this pre-IEM interview about the tournament, his current shape and motivation to win the World Championship and his favorite Quake Live match.
You practically owned the latter half of 2010. Is the whole of 2011 in your sights?
"Before the new year came, I aimed myself to win every single tournament in 2011."
The full interview can be read at: SK-Gaming and G4menation
Edited by Nukm at 14:15 CST, 18 January 2011 - 25740 Hits
ESWC 2005 Epic Movie (3 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 05:25 CST, 11 January 2011 - iMsg
ROFL...a must watch!!! Consists cooller, czm, carmac, wheat and other footage.
1605 Hits
Abrash's 1997 Quake Keynote Speech (No comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 15:17 CST, 7 January 2011 - iMsg
Michael Abrash, an industry legend who's worked on games like Quake and Doom explains the complex problems that were encountered while making Quake and how Carmack and himself found the solutions to those problems. For example, in a video excerpt, he talks about how the potential visible set can be built using calculations i.e. how much area of a level would be visible while standing at a particular location in that level.

An excerpt:

The year is 1997 and a top programmer named Michael Abrash has recently left id Software. As per id Software and John Carmack’s open policy, Mike is allowed to deliver a speech on the internal coding methods that were used in solving complex problems faced while making the famous first person shooter that changed the way we play FPS games today – Quake. Unbound by any NDAs, Mike reveals the exact ideas and reasoning behind the choices made back then.

For the complete audio presentation and 2 video excerpts, hit up the following link:

Mike Abrash's 1997 Quake Keynote Speech
Edited by Cyn1c at 15:18 CST, 7 January 2011 - 4157 Hits
SK Gaming hiring writers for Starcraft 2 (No comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 09:42 CST, 4 January 2011 - iMsg
Source: SK Gaming

This might be an opportunity for many who're related to the North American, European or South Korean Starcraft 2 scene. Here're the details from SK's website:

StarCraft 2 feature writer

This is a paid position. SK Gaming needs a creative person who can express their opinions and craft articles to interest StarCraft 2 fans. It's also important this writer is able to come up with questions for interviews and conduct them himself.


* Above average to excellent English language skills, particularly written.
* A solid understanding of the StarCraft 2 competitives scenes. In particular at least one, though preferrably a combination, of the following: the European, the North American or the South Korean.
* Capable of producing written articles and interviews to a good standard.
* Self-motivated and capable of coming up with ideas for content.
* Able to take direction and eager to learn, improve and refine one's work."

**It will be considered a plus if an applicant has good connections with teams and players already and this should be mentioned when applying.

StarCraft 2 coverage writer

This is a paid position. SK Gaming needs a dedicated person who is fully immersed in the competitive scenes and able to follow the progress of a tournament and keep the community up to date on the significant storylines unfolding. This individual will also play a part in coordinating the SC2 match ticker volunteers to ensure proper coverage of the major SC2 events for the SK Gaming community.


* Solid English language skills, particularly written.
* Above average to excellent understanding of the StarCraft 2 competitives scenes. In particular at least two of the following: the European, the North American or the South Korean.
* Capable of producing regular news posts covering happenings within the different scenes. Typically news will be required on a daily basis.
* Available to cover the important tournaments around the world in real time and produce news posts regarding significant matches while a tournament is ongoing.
* Able to take direction and eager to learn, improve and refine one's work."

The most important tournaments for the coverage writer to be capable of following are:
-GSL Code S

How to Apply

Send the following information to [email protected]

-Position applying for
-Full name
-MSN address and/or Skype name
-Esports history
-Writing history (incl. sites, role there and time period spent)
-Examples of past work (so interviews/articles for feature writer, news for coverage writer)
-A basic overview of why you want the job
-A basic overview of what you're capable of doing for SK
-An overview of the time you have available per week*

* Don't write "I'm available all the time", give a reasonable estimate of the time you will have free on an average week. Also mention days and times you are not available.
Edited by Cyn1c at 09:42 CST, 4 January 2011 - 4228 Hits
New blog - Feedback & Suggestions? (10 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 00:07 CST, 13 December 2010 - iMsg
So I recently started my own gaming blog and I update it regularly with news and videos. The articles and reviews are coming out a little slow because I only get time after work or on weekends to put them up.

I just wanted some general feedback about the look and feel of the whole thing, if it's user friendly or not ( I still have to add a sitemap) etc. Also, if there's any specific stuff that you might want me to cover, feel free to drop in.

2995 Hits
Revive your 2nd Gen ipod mini (12 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 07:52 CDT, 27 August 2010 - iMsg
Came across this tutorial when I was looking for a mod for my almost dead 5th gen. I own a Cowon J3 but I wanted something on the side. The end result is a 16GB 2nd gen ipod mini (Flash based) that plays FLAC :P

The parts you'll need are mentioned here:

Parts n Pics:

Original Tutorial:
5303 Hits
TOG & The Oceanic Scene (1 comment)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 05:01 CDT, 26 August 2010 - iMsg
For those who don't know about TOG, it's the biggest online community strictly meant for gamers over 25 years of age, hence the name - The Older Gamers. They even have offline meets and have dedicated servers for a hell lot of games.

This community has several divisions and each division takes care of a specific genre of games. Then, there are sub-divisions within each division with each sub-division having its own servers. I joined them way back for COD4 but sitting here in India, I had a shit ping to almost all their servers (most 400+). They have pretty awesome forums too.

I wonder if 4seasons gaming has ever reached out to this community because a lot of people on TOG are from Aus/NZ. With such a huge community in place, I'm surprised the scene down under hasn't been that big internationally.

And to any fellow TOG'er in the house, Salut!


Edited by Cyn1c at 05:03 CDT, 26 August 2010 - 1625 Hits
Event Horizon 4 Trailer is out!! (9 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 15:36 CDT, 17 August 2010 - iMsg
So far, team EH has done 3 movies with some brilliant tricks. This is a heads-up about things to come in their 4th Quake 3 trickjumping movie:
4726 Hits
U.S. Legalizes Jailbreaking & Unlocking (8 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 05:40 CDT, 29 July 2010 - iMsg
Ripping of DVDs has been legalized as well! Non-infringing use of copyright-protected material is legalized now. The list includes:

* Allow owners of used cell phones to break access controls on their phones in order to switch wireless carriers.
* Allow people to break technical protections on video games to investigate or correct security flaws.
* Allow college professors, film students and documentary filmmakers to break copy-protection measures on DVDs so they can embed clips for educational purposes, criticism, commentary and noncommercial videos.
* Allow computer owners to bypass the need for external security devices called dongles if the dongle no longer works and cannot be replaced.

2546 Hits
[Mouz] Cyx passes away in car accident (31 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 03:28 CDT, 29 July 2010 - iMsg
In a tragic news, Mousesports star Antonio 'cyx' Daniloski has died in a tragic car accident. He was on his way back home from the airport after missing the flight to take part in IEM Shanghai. While on the way back, a tire failure caused the accident.

"Today we must say goodbye to our beloved friend and player, Antonio "cyx" Daniloski. Toni had a car accident on his way back from Frankfurt airport and died of the consequences.

Starting point was a missed flight from Frankfurt to Shanghai (China), which our entire Counter-Strike 1.6 team was suspected to take. Unfortunately, Antonio "[cyx]" Daniloski missed the flight and received another flight on Thursday morning.

On his way back from the airport, he had a car accident due to a tire failure and died of it's consequences.

Our thoughts at this difficult time for us go to Tonis family, relatives and friends. We mourn a friend and player who was always loved by everyone in our [mouz] team and the whole gaming community and because of his commitment and engagement he was one of the most important and famous personalities of all time in [mouz].

Our Counter-Strike 1.6 team is already on their way back to Germany and we've canceled our presence and Intel Extreme Masters Global Challenge Shanghai."

Image Copyright: Fragbite
Edited by Cyn1c at 04:19 CDT, 29 July 2010 - 15369 Hits
ESR Giveaways (54 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 08:53 CDT, 27 July 2010 - iMsg
I was wondering why a thriving community like ESR has no contests of its own? How about giveaways, once in a while?

I'm sure some strings can be pulled for sponsorship. I briefly saw a Thermaltake advertisement on the news page. Maybe Xou was testing out something, but how do you like the idea?

ESR wallpaper contest, a caption contest, article-writing contest etc. could be fun.

Your thoughts?
8459 Hits
Younger Brother (11 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 03:54 CDT, 27 July 2010 - iMsg
Any Younger Brother fans in the house? Unite!!

What are your views about their latest album - Vaccine?
Edited by Cyn1c at 03:56 CDT, 27 July 2010 - 4653 Hits
2GD vs. Slasher (69 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 05:59 CDT, 6 July 2010 - iMsg
So what do you all think about the confrontation we witnessed during the shoutcast? It sure as hell didn't sound like it was all jokes and laughs or some minor leg-pulling. I have to admit, it was the first time I heard 2GD switching to a condescending tone.

Also, Slasher told 2GD to "Shut the Fuck up" while moments ago, he pointed out that little kids were on the stream and so, 2GD should mind his language. lolwut?

If you were the 3rd shoutcaster or a general listener/viewer, what would you make out of it?
10943 Hits
Quake 2 on the Browser - HTML5 & WebGL (7 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 07:18 CDT, 8 April 2010 - iMsg
Excerpt: "GWT is designed to enable Web application development with Java. Developers can benefit from Java's static typing and more rigidly structured architecture. It generates the requisite JavaScript code that is needed for the application's client-side components. GWT powers several high-profile Google Web applications, including Google Wave. The GWT developers implemented browser-based Quake by using a Java port of the Quake 2 engine on top of GWT."

Cannot access blogspot from work so decided to create a thread instead. Do hit Ray Cromwell's blog on the following news post:
Edited by Cyn1c at 07:19 CDT, 8 April 2010 - 7854 Hits
Dormant players in the duel scene (39 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 02:23 CST, 12 March 2010 - iMsg
This thread is not to discuss the reasons of inactivity (school/uni, personal stuff etc.) behind some famous names in the duel scene but the very fact that their absence is making most of the bigger events and their outcomes rather repetitive. For instance, take a look back at the top 5 finishers in the recent QL events.

Can you think of some names off the top of your head who could be a bit more visible at these events and clinch some wins from the top 3?
8433 Hits
Av3k Stirs it Moarrrrrrrrr! (33 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 12:48 CST, 5 March 2010 - iMsg
Maciek 'av3k' Krzykowski talks about his victory over the Swede fox in his relegation game which saw him handily take care of his opponent with barely a moment he wasn't in complete control of everything which was unfolding. av3k also discusses his group stage losses and the prospect of facing Cooller in the semi-finals, someone he has never lost to except for that group stage matchup.

How does av3k explain the general dislike people on ESReality have for him? What does he say about his occasional tendancy to quit games or play less diligently? av3k also explains what he meant by his comment that ESReality posters would have their cell phones and shoes taken from them by Polish school children, a comment which has blown up ESR with tons of comments.

av3k: "I didn't want a restart [vs. Cooller]"

Read the complete thing here. It's got a video of him talking it out:

Edited by Cyn1c at 12:52 CST, 5 March 2010 - 6412 Hits
yourmom! (28 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 23:31 CST, 24 February 2010 - iMsg
Wrong thread, wrong people. Fail first reply. Somebody delete this shit ffs.
Edited by Cyn1c at 01:29 CST, 25 February 2010 - 5120 Hits
That 'much awaited' duel (205 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 15:23 CDT, 31 August 2009 - iMsg
Post a duel/team match that you always wanted to see at a major LAN or online tournament so bad that you shat your pants in anticipation but it never happened and you were like "ffs, make that happen already."


The outcome of that much awaited match turned out to be something completely unexpected.

For instance, in a Cypher vs. Cooller match (which I'd love to watch on any given day), who's mostly your favorite and why? Does the ASUS Summer cup '09 bring back memories yet? :P
Edited by Cyn1c at 18:30 CDT, 31 August 2009 - 27976 Hits
Call of Duty 6 (72 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 09:14 CDT, 21 June 2009 - iMsg
The game looks really promising. I hope the MP turns out to be as addictive as COD4's. What are your thoughts about the game?
9434 Hits
Open Arena (58 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 17:44 CDT, 12 June 2009 - iMsg
Has anyone tried it?

I really liked the weapon models. Take a look at this Coldrun run by tr1ckyw1zzy (Defrag + Open Arena)
34018 Hits
VQ3 or CPM (307 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 17:10 CDT, 7 June 2009 - iMsg
I keep watching this video just to remind myself to keep an open mind :)

I personally prefer CPM because the VQ3 movement kinda restricts the fun with the movement, but that's just me. You'll see a hint of this in the above video as Voo begins to show off by reverse strafing while playing against someone like CZM. He took the match really casually and exhibited some brilliant movement. Guys like Fatal1ty have very fluid movement in VQ3, on the other hand.

What do you prefer and why?
97489 Hits
ESWC 2008 ZTN (part 1) - Cypher Vs CZM (11 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 06:20 CDT, 24 May 2009 - iMsg

I was watching the video on youtube and came across something that made me go Ppppppppppppffffffffffffff WTF!!!!

Here's the link:;index=27

Watch the video from 0:19 to 0:23 and tell me what the hell is going on?
4027 Hits
Private Servers (34 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 08:01 CDT, 26 March 2009 - iMsg
Does anyone have any idea if Private Servers would be available for QL in near future? Given the fact that the Asia-Pacific region is still stuck with the high pinging US servers and the players have to play practice matches or spectate.
5800 Hits
FOV for Quake 3 (84 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 09:05 CST, 12 December 2008 - iMsg
What FOV do you use for Quake 3, irrespective of the mod you play. I've been using FOV = 130 ever since i began playing quake 3.

I know it's too much but I just can't come to terms with "in your face" kind of vision.
42747 Hits
Happy B'day Quake 3 Arena (8 comments)
Posted by Cyn1c @ 00:10 CST, 2 December 2008 - iMsg
Yep, it's Q3A's 9th Birthday!

The release date was 2nd December 1999 :)
2581 Hits
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