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ESports Heaven's One Night Wonder QL #1 (9 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 12:32 CDT, 17 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 18 March 2010 to 16:00 CDT, 18 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

ESports Heaven has announced a new One Night Wonder tournament but, for the first time, Quake Live players will take centre-stage.

This is the first of potentially many as ESports Heaven states that "over the next few weeks we will be running several small and bigger One Night Wonder as we dabble around with the rules, formats and overall plans we have for Quake Live".

32 players are set to take part although more slots may be made available if there is sufficient demand. These players will compete in a single elimination bracket. The tournament gets underway at 14:00 CDT on March 18th.

Links: Announcement, Cup page, Sign-up, mIRC #esportsheaven
Edited by xou at 09:17 CDT, 18 March 2010 - 8450 Hits
What makes a competitive game? (47 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 17:01 CDT, 15 March 2010 - iMsg
I have been wondering recently what makes a competitive game; what are the features it requires or what are it's attributes? We have seen the criticism that Quake Live gets over a lack of certain commands - but what commands are essential...and why?

Dedicated servers is obviously a big one. Makes some elements so much easier (such as standardising rulesets, etc). Server restarts so that all players can join (a problem with a game such as Modern Warfare 2 in that the game starts once the host is in...)

People seem to be 50-50 on other elements such as hitbeeps.

So, ESReality users, what do you consider to be important parts of a competitive game? From the fundamental or must-have features to the important to the 'just nice if they are there'...
11151 Hits
For Those About To Write (2 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 10:56 CDT, 14 October 2009 - iMsg
We Salute You! is now open to writeups from all registered members. After you register, simply activate your account and allow up to 24 hours for account upgrade. This is news that may be of more interest to tournament organisers who wish to promote upcoming events but news submissions from anyone are welcome, encouraged and appreciated. This move also means that users can submit articles and post upcoming events on the calendar. News and articles are subject to editing and approval.

* A link or source is the most important piece. This ensures that posts will be accurate and correct. It also allows for expansion if necessary.
* If a post requires an embedded image, please include the line "Image: web link" at the top or bottom of your post.
* It doesn't matter how big or small the news is - sometimes it can shed some light on extra areas of interest (i.e. a post about a team's progress can turn into extra tournament coverage or exposure of something that only a handful of people know of).
*Don't be shy - everyone starts somewhere; it's good to get your name (or the name of what you are covering) out there.

Statement from Sabre0001:
"The open-author model has worked for ESReality and allows for interesting news finds that could be hidden otherwise (and allows me to post this self-serving news!). Afterall, that's how I first found out about the Mario Marathon. currently does not have a forum so this allows users to get involved, safe in the knowledge that they will get credit for their work rather than having a thread deleted without warning."

To get to grips with the basics of registering and posting, watch this short video tutorial.
2746 Hits
The Mod Squad (5 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 07:04 CDT, 26 September 2009 - iMsg
This article appeared in it's original format on

transitive verb modified ;, modifying change or alter; esp., to change slightly or partially in character, form, etc. limit or reduce slightly; moderate to modify a penalty

Starcraft - A game supported by the developer. Constantly tweaked and developed to this day after ten years of release.
Quake - A game sustained competitively by a mod (CPMA) and externally developed projects such as GTV and maps.
Counter-Strike: A game modification that spawned a massive competitive scene single-handedly and one of the few mods to go retail.

The importance of the 'mod' cannot be understated. It has the potential to inject life, interest and diversity into old and stale games. A 'mod' can make a game what people wanted it to be in the first place or can take it in an entirely new direction (as Counter-Strike did with the Half Life engine and editing tools). For eSports, mods (or continuous developer support as Starcraft illustrates) are incredibly important. In a sense, they are the lifeblood of eSports. Not all games come equipped for a competitive scene but are pushed in that direction anyway by some party such as a tournament organiser, a sponsor, a developer and so on. As a result, it is left up to a dedicated and passionate mod team to develop or refine the platform that exists so that it can take on this new element. It could be argued that mods need more support and focus if eSports is to develop and grow.

There is, and always has been, a power struggle in gaming and eSports. Developers require profits and this is often dependent on finding a successful game and churning out a franchise. The biggest ones hit the shelves every year. However, as games such as Halo 3, Starcraft and Street Fighter have shown us, an eSports scene requires stability. It is only through familiarity, consistency and stability that a sustainable scene can be maintained. As stated in this clip (5:27), it is by being familiar with a game and its play that you can identify what makes a good player stand out. Unlike in accepted sports, that sense of familiarity is rare within eSports due to its turbulent nature.

'Mods' provide the stability required, as games can be utilised competitively for longer as they evolve over time. The game can be tweaked and developed after release without the need for a complete overhaul or new release. They can provide that platform of stability but this is subject to other conditions which can be analysed at a later point in time. A 'mod squad' or team allows for errors on the part of the developers to be rectified. It allows for the community to provide feedback and it may be taken into account. Capcom themselves, have admitted that Sagat is a touch overpowered in Street Fighter IV but what can be done? The answer is 'absolutely nothing' until the next edition is released. Until then, many online gamers will have to endure 'Sagat Fighter IV' and endless chants of 'Tiger...!' in their dreams. Most revealing is the fact that a number of people were pleasently surprised that no Sagat player made it to the top 8 of the EVO Championship Series.

The issue is that the team behind the mod do it for the love of the game. Mods by their very nature cannot be sold as they are developed using licensed parts from a game. One of the problems is that eSports hasn't captured the imaginations or public attention as much as hoped. Starcraft does immensely well in Korea and has gained total support from Blizzard as a result. Halo 3 has a strong competitive following in the United States and therefore, Microsoft have been willing to invest in eSports. But what of the others? Those that are behind some of the improvements and modifications are often ignored by the developer. Unfortunately, this means that the talented teams behind the competitive features, mods and developments can run into shortages of time or worse, will burn out. Are many talented mod teams destined to remain 'bedroom coders'? For eSports to grow, we need these passionate people reaping rewards for their efforts so that they can continue to produce work and react quicker to required changes. This is where issues arise. Teams are required to develop and work on these modifications but developers may be unwilling to take them on officially. Extra staff increase the wage bill which eats into profits and there is no proof at the moment that the developer will reap a significant enough return. There are people who are willing to do it for free. After all, this is how it works at the moment. This is not always the case as has been seen when id Software (Quake Live) hired arQon (responsible for CPMA for Quake 3). Perhaps times are changing and that is certainly for the best if true. However, most importantly, modifications which keep people playing older games can obstruct this idealised franchise model that developers have worked to build.

It is time for the eSports scene to take charge. Tournaments need to be able to choose the roster of games rather than bending at the mercy of developers. It is time that certain games receive the backing of the community and the LAN organisers and develop from there. Mod teams become important within a decision as such as they will be the ones responsible for ensuring that things remain in balance, that the game develops over time as new things become possible (spectator and shoutcaster support for example). All we can do for now is plead with developers not to churn out games. The biggest and most sustainable eSport games of recent years have become so big through lack of competition - Starcraft and Warcraft 3 have not seen sequels on the horizon, until now in the case of Starcraft, while Quake 3 and Counter-Strike have been forced to fight off competition...from within their own series. Starcraft did not develop such a following in Korea by releasing sequel after sequel, year after year. Ten years after the original, we are about to see the second in the series. So how can any other game or eSport scene be expected to flourish when subjected to competition from a multitude of sequels. Instead, the original platform has been constantly tweaked over time, new maps have been developed and introduced by leagues every so often in order to keep the action fresh and this has also allowed newcomers to enter the fray and be competitive. Developers may see little or no return from eSports at the moment but the truth is, they are part of the problem.

For the sake of argument, let us take Pro Evolution 6 as an example as it is a popular game and many feel that it is one of the best of the series. It is chosen as an eSports for the future BUT there is a twist. A PROMOD team is hired to develop a competitive mod. Rosters can be updated (although there is another route that could be considered that will be explored in greater detail later on), graphical tweaks can be made but most importantly, the gameplay can be refined over time. For example, within the Pro Evo game (and as a result, the initial PROMOD release), shooting and scoring from four yards out from the right corner flag occurs too frequently. Many feel that this is too blatent a glitch to allow. In step the PROMOD team; job done. The game becomes a better spectacle, people play the game more as their enjoyment is not reduced by such an element missed by the design team (but ultimately found and exploited by some players) and stability is introduced to eSports.

Here I would like to outline a model that could be adopted. Games are licensed and agreed upon for a fixed period of time (for example: five years) for tournament play. In year four of the cycle, there is a review at which point it is determined whether to continue with this game or use a competitor product. This allows professional gamers to plan for their futures, broadcasters can familiarise themselves with a new series if necessary, fans know what to expect and game companies will work towards producing their best. If their product is not picked initially, they have time to produce something that may be deemed worthy. Below are a number of eSports games that could be chosen to be supported for the future. They are popular games the world over, or have the potential to be, and the reason for each choice has been outlined. This list ignores scenes that are in place such as Virtual Racing or the niche games that are still played at a high level (such as Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, QuakeWorld and so on), and is not a definitive guide but can provide some food for thought and debate.

The eSports Games Of The Future:
Pro Evolution Soccer PROMOD: Pick a version; the pinnacle of the PES series probably being 6. Throw out the real-world roster approach; it's time to move away from Barcelona mirror matches (or Real Madrid for 2009/2010). Instead develop five balanced rosters that suit different playstyles. Some people prefer to ship it down the wings, some prefer a defensive approach while some embrace the Irish tactics of the 90's (route 1 football). Players should be able to find one or two that suit them well (and can counter-act another player) rather than adjusting how they play to suit the game. This allows for individualism and adds an element of playstyle to the game. It also allows for a tactical approach to a game or matchup: Does a player pick their usual team or do they counter-pick what they expect the opponent to pick. A PROMOD also allows for in-built sponsorship. Not only can a company sponsor an event but now the brand can appear on the billboards around the stadium. Simply release a tournament patch for the tournament computers and you're ready to go.

Quake Live: It is modelled on Quake 3 which is identified as the ultimate Deathmatch game. The fact that it is in Beta phase is just as good as a mod team as it allows for constant tweaks and adaptation dependent on feedback. The community is crying out for certain external support such as GTV and maps. GTV is not completely necessary if others continue to provide high quality support in their own streams...but in game is always going to be better quality and allows for spectators to interact with each other if nothing else. The main element that QuakeLive requires is LAN support. As it is focused on multiplayer, it is unlikely to face competition from id Software projects such as Rage or Quake 5 and the Unreal Tournament series has been shelved. Quake Live also features two fantastic competitive modes in the form of 1v1 duel and Capture The Flag. They are the easiest to cover, the easiest to understand and can produce great encounters as seen in QuakeCon 2009.

Starcraft 2: As Agent Smith would say, "it is inevitable". The gameplay seems solid from the battle reports that have been broadcast so far and the barrier to entry has been made lower. It needs to be modelled on professional Starcraft in how it is supported and tweaked after release. The professional structure is in place, in Korea at least, and this needs to be maintained and developed. One unfortunate piece of news that has been broken is that there will be no LAN support but there is time for that to change. One point to note is that within the professional division, the transition from Brood War to Starcraft 2 needs to be seamless.

Warcraft 3: Warcraft 3 is another game that has been successful for a number of years and has grown an eSports scene with dedicated fans and structured leagues. It is also a game that is tweaked over time to achieve balance. As an eSport, it is one in which new blood has been able to enter the competitive arena and have a degree of success.

Counter-Strike 1.6: A game (or remember, modification) that helped to start it all. It is backed by some of the biggest teams, tournaments and sponsors. After all this time, it must be doing something right. Broadcasters are now accustomed to the gameplay and know how to cover a match effectively. For the sake of keeping things fresh, a new map could be introduced every now and again. If pushed, a graphical touch up could be used (for fair weather fans!). A modification can also allow for the sponsorship approach as illustrated by the above example of Pro Evolution Soccer. The CGS displayed team jerseys which in competitive play, could be used to display a major sponsor (which increases the brand awareness, ensures that the team can continue to receive support and gives the sponsor more 'bang for their buck').

Trackmania Nations: It's free, popular and typifies what an eSport, or any game for that matter, should be - easy to play but difficult to master. It was originally designed for the Electronic Sports World Cup so has the competitive element in mind. An in-built track and car editor means that it can be kept constantly fresh by the community and any competitive maplist is compiled from custom maps. Some competition tracks could be more spectator or casual friendly with a clear sense of direction as to where the track is and should lead.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: This assumes that it can take Call of Duty 4's lead and replicate the competitive environment. Call of Duty 4 was a game that struggled initially to find its footing within eSports but the release of a Promod boosted it into serious contention. The Call of Duty series has been immensely popular on both PC and console systems which would make it a correct choice. A Promod is of utmost importance as CoD4 illustrated. This promod introduced important competitive elements that were missing from the Vanilla game (but some of which may be welcomed in the casual game).

Halo 3: Halo 3 is another game that has captured the public imagination and opened up eSports to non-traditional markets in the United States. As a game, it is popular around the world but hasn't replicated the structure that is in place in the US. The game boasts major backers and is the primary game of the MLG. Dr. Pepper has also launched its biggest sports marketing campaign using a Halo 3 star which indicates its importance as an eSport.

Street Fighter 4: Street Fighter is a series which has captured the attention and, with the recent release of 4, is in the public eye. Street Fighter 4 was the main attraction at the recent EVO tournament. Street Fighter as a series has been a pillar in competitive communities and almost any gamer has seen the YouTube clip of "That EVO Moment". It is a game that welcomes newcomers, particularly with the skill rated Tournament system. While that is flawed in that people who have never played the game are lumped in with people who just haven't ventured online as yet, the order is quickly restored. A round limit of 99 seconds, which is rarely reached, also limits the amount of pride damage a player must take. Of course, it could use a couple of tweaks but that is what this model is supposed to represent.

Warsow: Warsow has the potential to be a great eSports game; it is designed for competition and is free. However, in order for it to be a success, the learning curve needs to be flattened (the game needs to be 'noobified' as some would say). As it currently stands, there are a number of different moves that can be pulled off by characters with a combination of buttons (and wall positions) but there are also two types of ammo for any weapon along with all the powerups that duel fans are used to seeing. Warsow could benefit from a skill tier rating like Quake Live has in place so that new players can slowly adapt to the game in a safer environment. The potential is there to become a popular duel game, and a great eSport, but it is currently too intimidating for new players.

There is no denying that modifications are, and will continue to be, important for eSports. It is the continuous after-support that allows for a game to be tweaked to perfection. The model outlined above whereby a game gets a certain period of time as THE competitive game also allows for this 'tweaking to perfection' to actually take place. eSports has the potential at the moment but I believe that it is only through the emergence of mod teams and support of modifications that it will reach its full potential.
Edited by sabre0001 at 08:25 CDT, 26 September 2009 - 4241 Hits
Stermy Interview with (69 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 05:17 CST, 10 December 2008 - iMsg
Italy Stermy is a well-known name within Quake, Painkiller and even FIFA at this stage. His career has just taken another turn with the closure of the CGS and the launch of his own website. Ireland took the opportunity to grill him about his past, present and future.
Do you see yourself being competitive in the deathmatch scene once again; especially with the arrival of new blood such as Cypher and rapha who have taken the Quake world by storm in 2008?

Of course. I have only left the scene for a year and half but I still played some from time to time. My game is still really good and I have a big learning curve I can work on if tournaments are going to pick up this game. My experience has definitely improved as I have still competed under pressure on live tv in a scenario that the other fps players haven’t played on, which is a good advantage come tournament time .

These players have also improved their skill and their game. There`s so much new talent and new ways to play the game, anyway I have competed already with most of them in Quake4 and I'm sure it will still be a good match when the time will come.
Read the full interview at to find out what his background is, his plans for his site, his thoughts of QuakeLive and what is in store in the future.
Edited by xou at 06:25 CST, 10 December 2008 - 11775 Hits
My QuakeCon Experience (7 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 06:12 CDT, 7 August 2008 - iMsg
So I have arrived back in Ireland after a three week stint in America that included a trip to Dallas for QuakeCon. Really enjoyed the whole weekend. Have learned some things for my next one or for other major LANs for definate!

Toured around a bit to check out the lay of the land and met a few cool people. Didn’t seem to be a line for people like me (without PC) so set to work playing arcade games. Developed a slight addiction to air hockey which led to a bruise on my thumb the following day. Air hockey, the next extreme sport! Was a good way to meet people and get to see how diverse a crowd QuakeCon can draw.

First day of the actual convention arrived and still no line for non-BYOC people…Found out that I had to wait in line with the BYOC people. But again got to mingle and drew a few funny looks because of . It’s amazing how much people wanted to know about Ireland (and how often conversations faded into stereotypes!).

Once inside I did a couple of laps of the Vendor area and then hung out in the Extreme Gaming tour booth for a while watching PMS|Iris play Q4 and ThunderQueen play GH. Quite impressive all around and what a job to have! Stopped by the main stage to watch some of the Quick Draw Challenge and Quick Picks. The name is quite misleading – not so quick! Got my hands on a FRAG movie grenade squeeze ball too which was pretty cool but decided against trying to bring it home on a plane or in my luggage!

On Friday I spent a lot of time over by the tournament area spectating and took in some of the Extreme Gaming Tour on the side. Also gave UT3 a bash against PMS| Raven Murder. Managed to scrape a win (-1 to -2) but she was definitely taking it easy on me! (And if reading, “thank you!” ). Lost it in the finals where I found out why I don’t like UT – the double jumping. Something that I am very unused to and resulted in me leaping to my death!

During the tournaments, John Carmack sat down in front of me. Slasher came over and started chatting to him and asking all sorts of questions. So I of course listened in – was very interesting. Both Slasher and Carmack were straight to the point and right on the money in what they were saying. However, I fell into a trap set by a necro post here in a journal where Slasher had said that he was leaving for a position at GotFrag. Got a bemused reaction. Whoops! Need to read the dates of the original post in future However, did get to hear a great comment – when Carmack and Slasher were done talking, Carmack turns around and says “where can I get a soda?”. Response: “Hey, it’s your QuakeCon”

From there it was the screening of the FRAG documentary. And what a great job they did of it. Capturing the highs, the lows and everything in between. And providing a good overview of what pro gaming encapsulates and some of the stories that it can throw up! They also did a great job in the Q&A session.

Saturday was filled with tournament action and the anticipation of the approaching finals. Also played in the Q4 FFA tournament in the Extreme Gaming Tour booth. Won my heat but lost in the finals. Not bad for my first taste of Q4 DM action though! The finals were great, even the wait before hand was entertaining with the FRAG grenade squeeze balls being fired around the place.

The CTF match was unbelievable. Was hoping for RAGE to pull off a surprise and they put up quite a fight in an epic battle but it just wasn’t meant to be! The 1v1 GH was decent but 2v2 was a bit frustrating seems as we had to sit through the same songs (damn DragonForce). Though the performance of “One” at the end made it worthwhile! I felt really bad for the 1v1 guys sitting while all this and Corvette draw was taking place, especially Cypher who seemed trapped while Zero4 walked around a bit. Finally it came time to play the final match. Another great matchup and a great win for Cypher!

Overall a great weekend - would have liked to network a little more, have learned to read original posting dates (damn ESR & necro-posters! I don't need help looking like an idiot :D), should stay around the tournament area (missed my match :( ) and don't wear when there is a Christian convention in the same hotel and I have to share elevators with some of them!!!

(Sorry for the long post.........but it's my journal! :D)
4418 Hits
Max Payne (15 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 16:00 CDT, 12 July 2008 - iMsg
What I consider to be a great game (and series) that was innovative for its time and very impressive is being made into a movie -

A little strange considering the game itself is tribute to movies and movie genres but makes me a little more optimistic about it - instead of a usual game to movie tie-in, it is a movie based on a game based on movies! Also, after seeing Sin City I wasn't sure it was going to be made but looks as though they have taken a slightly different approach.

Apparently the release is in October. Quite excited already!!!
4767 Hits
Linkin Park (Gig) (No comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 16:15 CDT, 23 June 2008 - iMsg
Certainly not everyones cup of tea but I was at them last night and it was incredible - got into the pit and was about 20ft from the stage the entire night.

Gig kicked off with Coheed & Cambria (sp?!) - had only heard one or two songs beforehand but they were quite good. Digging the front guys crazy hair too! (

Next up was Queens of the Stone Age - lots of energy and the crowd got going, still a lot tamer than I was expecting! Good fun had by all...

The main eventwas LP - They looked frozen (had been raining all day and was very cold) - came on in jackets, hoodies, scarfs, etc :) Crowd was crazy though - singing, screaming, jumping, etc. Was quite a night...

2nd time seeing Queens, 3rd time seeing LP (and would do it all again!)
2758 Hits
Ong Bak 2!!!!!!!!!! (6 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 11:18 CDT, 18 June 2008 - iMsg

Trailer - Cannot wait!

Not much else to say really :D
2903 Hits
Converting demos (14 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 16:42 CDT, 4 June 2008 - iMsg
Hi all,

I'm just wondering are there any programs or any ways to convert Quake demos into something playable in Windows Media Player or Quicktime (or any other readable format really)

I know there is a .tga process but it takes up a lot of file space. Alternatively are there screen capture software that ye would recommend - have used FRAPS but have experienced system drain (and it plays back in a very small window)

3063 Hits
Emigration (92 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 11:02 CDT, 20 May 2008 - iMsg
So I have come to the end of my college course (and formal education) but now I have to look to the future to see what it holds for me...What do I want to do, where do I want to go? Your guess is as good as mine at the moment!

Throwing a few CVs out there anyway but not too sure what I would like to do...In the future, considering heading away and emigrating for a while - get out and see the world...So, and this is where ye come in, I am open to suggestions...

What I would like:
Cheap enough travel (both within and out of the country) - low cost carriers would be great!
Decent standard of living
Decent climate (anything better than rain for 10-11 months is a bonus to me :D)
Reasonable rent (any estimates?)
Any other info that may be of interest / warning...

So ESR people, tell me about where you live! (or other suggestions). Thanks!
18108 Hits
WCG Ireland Announced (17 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 17:46 CDT, 12 May 2008 - iMsg
Scheduled: 03:00 CDT, 6 September 2008 to 13:00 CDT, 7 September 2008
Schedule: Passed

After much deliberation, details of the Ireland Irish World Cyber Games qualifiers have been announced. The event will take place on September 6th and 7th in The Digital Hub, Dublin.

The games that will feature as qualifiers for this years WCG WCG event are:

Halo 3 (xBox 360) - 4 man team
PGR 4 (xBox 360) - Individual
Fifa 08 (PC) - Individual
WC 3 (PC) - Individual

In addition to this, there will be other competitions (including Call of Duty 4 and Counter Strike: Source) run at the event and trade stands will be featured. More details will be announced closer to the event.
Edited by Badb0y at 11:24 CDT, 18 May 2008 - 14631 Hits
Local Bands (38 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 06:23 CST, 3 March 2008 - iMsg
A lot of the mainstream music on the radio is awful in my opinion, I've given up listening to it - much happier with my MP3 player...

But there are often bands that we support locally that we would love to see bigger and better - so who are they? Who are the bands that you go to see, even if you know it's going to be empty and you will go home with hearing loss?!

Roper - Limerick, Ireland (Metal)

Recommended Songs:
Morning Star, Gallows Hill, Road to Ruin

Inreign - Limerick, Ireland (Metal)

Recommended Songs:
Chamber to the Temple of You, Blood Stained Glory

Decato - Limerick, Ireland (Indie Rock)

I'll post more later anyway but give me some recommendations - doesn't have to be metal despite how biased it looks, just a band that you think deserves some exposure :)
9832 Hits
Next Guitar Hero Game Announced (14 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 09:18 CST, 15 February 2008 - iMsg
To be titled Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and will feature 30 Aerosmith songs and bands that have opened for them...Sounds pretty poor to me unless you love Aerosmith and the GH series, but not for the fans of just GH.

5257 Hits
CGS 2008 Games (10 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 08:00 CST, 13 February 2008 - iMsg
So Call of Duty never made it and PGR3 has been dropped for Forza motorsport...Have to feel bad for the players who lose out on another season by default because their game is simply dropped.

2717 Hits
Got a new mousepad!!! (30 comments)
Posted by sabre0001 @ 11:17 CST, 29 January 2008 - iMsg
Won't be using it though - asked a question in the Fatal1ty live discussion and instead it got used as a newsletter question...So got sent a signed (huge) mousepad. Nice one!

Here's what I sent (answer was somewhat expected but still interesting :) ):

This month's question comes from Mark in Limerick, Ireland

Do you think that eSports can stabilize in the future? Will there be a time when there is a central group organized to try and streamline issues (and possibly rank tournaments - like Golf or Tennis where certain tournaments are majors but others are important and carry good prize money); rather than the current set-up where all tournaments are competing with each other yet using different games, different rule sets, etc. making it difficult for players..

Fatal1ty's Answer:

Very good question. This is actually the very reason I first decided to join up with the Championship Gaming Series. Having an organized and televised league with franchised teams competing for cash is definitely a step in the right direction. It's very tough to tell right now exactly what will happen in the world of eSports, even in a few months from now. The concept is still new and just beginning to crack the mainstream shell. so I think you will continue to see leagues competing with each other for a little while. but look at what happened with the formation of the current NFL. The NFL and former AFL were competing leagues until they finally joined forces to make professional football what it is today. This is one of the main issues the CGS is dealing with today, but again I think the CGS definitely has the right idea in order to make one centralized gaming league.

7137 Hits
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