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Quake Live Still Down? (6 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 23:41 CST, 23 November 2009 - iMsg
Been down more than I have ever seen it down. Granted I haven't been playing that long.
2257 Hits
Monitor Question/Evaluation (17 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 15:44 CST, 13 November 2009 - iMsg
I am currently looking into buying the Samsung SyncMaster XL2370 LED monitor.

I was wondering if anybody has this monitor already, or has heard much about it?

It has the 2 ms response time I am looking for, but I am looking for information regarding the maximum refresh rate. Is the Samsung SyncMaster XL2370 capable of using a 120 Hz refresh rate?

I am tired of using this 25 ms response time POS LCD monitor, hehe.
5524 Hits
Monitor Question (12 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 12:08 CDT, 21 October 2009 - iMsg
I have a LCD Samsung SyncMaster 912n, and was curious to what specifications you are looking for when using a monitor for quake.;rnav

Is this good? Or should I think about a better monitor?
4450 Hits
Played Quake Live Today......... (54 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 17:51 CDT, 19 October 2009 - iMsg
For the first time in at least a couple months. I had played earlier on for about a week or so but I just could not get into it. I don't know what's been up with me lately, but I just have that FPS desire again that I have not felt, well, in a good 9-10 years.

I actually won a game 1 on 1 on dm6... it was 13-11. I feel so sloppy and my rocket launcher aim is definitely terribad, but I still somehow managed to hit 18% plasma and 44% railgun, hehe

Although I feel like a retard playing hop scotch when I try to strafe jump effectively, lol

Still messing with the cvars, but I think I got it pretty close. Now I actually have to play enough to figure out a good sensitivity that is comfortable for me. I still feel really erratic.

I guess MMORPGs don't help you aim in FPS games, haha
17619 Hits
CG_PredictLocalRailShots ?? (30 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 11:49 CDT, 19 October 2009 - iMsg
What is the purpose of this cvar and do most good players have this on or off?

Does it have something to do with the built in timenudge for the QL netcode?
10502 Hits
Mouse Suggestions (87 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 11:47 CDT, 19 October 2009 - iMsg
I am currently using the Logitech MX518 mouse and was curious as to what are considered the best mice out there for FPS games today?

I got the MX518 because I liked the extra buttons for World of Warcraft, but was unaware of how effective it is for an FPS game.

Excuse my ignorance, but I've been a little out of the loop. =)
12879 Hits
Rocket Arena Mod for Quake Live?? (2 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 11:45 CDT, 19 October 2009 - iMsg
I was just curious if there were any plans to implement a Rocket Arena modification for Quake Live?

I was starting to mess around with Quake Live and was looking for a little Rocket Arena to just get used to shooting and moving again. I know there is Clan Arena, but I do miss the old 1 on 1 Rocket Arena maps.

At the moment I am just messing with bots and playing with my mouse and sensitivity. It's been a good 7-8 years since I've played an FPS consistently so I am still trying to remember all the little cvars and tricks to get that "smooth" feeling when I play.

I feel like a retard playing hop-scotch when I strafe jump now though, lol
2343 Hits
Makaveli -vs- Abyss (1 comment)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 15:14 CDT, 18 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Q2DM1 - The Edge
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Makaveli
Version info: 3.20
How to play back Q2 demos

Found this random demo from an online match against a HPB

Date modified says April 19th, 1999. This is before the EDL tournament (that was in July) and I was probably playing some of my best Quake 2 around this time.
1253 Hits
Makaveli -vs- Shub (8 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 14:14 CDT, 18 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (1 vote)
Gametype: N/A
Map: Q2DM1 - The Edge
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Shub
Version info: 3.20
How to play back Q2 demos

This is the 3rd match between Shub and Makaveli from the EDL (European Duel League) in 1999 at Stockholm, Sweden.
2852 Hits
Immortal -vs- Makaveli (3 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 15:23 CDT, 17 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4.5 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: q2dm3
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Immortal
Version info: 3.20
How to play back Q2 demos

Immortal vs Makaveli on Q2DM3

Looks to be an old practice game.
1961 Hits
Makaveli -vs- Night (2 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 15:22 CDT, 17 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Q2DM1 - The Edge
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Makaveli
Version info: 3.20
How to play back Q2 demos

>> 72095-mak-nit.dm2 <<
(1306KB, 46 DLs)

Makaveli vs Night

Exhibition at the PGL Season 3 Finals
1443 Hits
Makaveli -vs- a|toxic (6 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 15:20 CDT, 17 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 3.7 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: ztn2dm3
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Makaveli
Version info: 3.20
How to play back Q2 demos

Makaveli vs Toxic from Clan Abuse
4396 Hits
Blue -vs- Makaveli (35 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 15:18 CDT, 17 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 3.3 (5 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: q2dm3
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Blue
Version info: 3.20
How to play back Q2 demos

Game 2 of Blue vs Makaveli

Played on Q2DM3
9425 Hits
Gaming and Life (125 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 12:47 CDT, 8 July 2008 - iMsg
Well I haven't contributed anything to this site in years. In fact, I have not visited this site in years either so I figured I would say hello to the community by posting a column.

I've been "out of the loop" so I've noticed a lot of interesting news. Particularly that the CPL is ceasing operations. I must admit, I saw this coming back in 2001 and gave the CPL about 5-10 years before it went under. Due to my personal experiences with the organization and its primary owner (Angel Munoz), professional gaming from the organizational standpoint left a very sour taste in my mouth, and actually cost me some money in the process as well. That being said, I must admit I am happy to see the CPL cease its operations. Not just for my personal reasons, but also because I feel the existence of "professional gaming" leagues influences young people too much into thinking that it is a realistic career pursuit to "play hard, go pro."

Now, let's not make the mistake of thinking I am against amateur/hobby style gaming. In fact, I would encourage it. Gaming for fun and no prizes is the most enjoyable experience I have ever encountered with online games. I will say that I have had much more enjoyable experiences being the random "nobody" than I ever did being a top player competing in events for cash. Of course, these are my personal feelings and everybody is different depending on their own experiences.

I guess I would just like to encourage the young people who play these games to make sure that they live their life. Do not invest too much of your time and effort into these online games and let life pass you by. Go to school, get a job, mingle with friends and family and do not let gaming be the main focus of your life as some people have. If you're in high-school, are awesome at games and decide to go to a tournament here and there, that's awesome. However, do not get caught up into being a "pro gamer" if you win some money. Take the money and run is the advice from an old professional gamer. Life is too short to be spending your time staring out a window while you play a game.

Life is a beautiful thing, and should not be wasted. Go outdoors, spend time with your family and friends, and get an education and a decent job to earn a living. I promise any of you that are caught up in the whole "gaming scene" that you will be much happier and feel more fulfilled in the process.

With a little gaming on the side of course. =)
Edited by K9-makaveli at 19:37 CDT, 9 July 2008 - 52773 Hits
Answering a question from Chaperonrouge (154 comments)
Posted by K9-makaveli @ 14:50 CST, 14 February 2003 - iMsg
I was recently asked by Chaperonrouge,

From chaperonrouge (Reply, Quote)

i just read your comments on cpl/munoz and since i'm a rly curious person im now wondering what happened between you/others and cpl...mind giving me some background info?

So I decided to write back and it turned out to be much longer than expected. Obviously it's just a small piece of some of the things I could say on the subject but I have so many experiences it's impossible to compact it all into one column.

Well it is a really really long story. Remember that I was doing the whole pro gaming thing for about 3-4 years in all and have a lot of experiences that I go back to when making my comments.

I have dealt with Angel on a very personal level, remember, I was once the CPL's boy.. their man, their media monster. I would do nothing but praise them and try to make things easier for them, ( I gave him Intel on a silver platter ) and boy was I good at selling them. All the long while, I was doing everything for free, to make the "dream" happen.

However, as time goes on, and experiences arise, I really began to see how little Angel actually cared for the gamers. It started with his comments directed toward individuals of the gaming public, who had brought up some rather valid and interesting arguments toward his business and its practices. His responses were generally rude, know it all, and condescending. After Babbages CPL, and it was run very poorly, I began to question some of these things myself. For example, for being the CPL's media darling, why wouldn't they help me out with a practice machine at Babbages?? After all this was supposed to be a PRO event right? So why don't the top players (not just me) have oppurtunites to sit and practice on the tourney machines when nobody is using them? So instead I run around doing media stuff for the CPL, and get no oppurtunity to play a game of Q3 for almost a full 4 days before playing a match against Prozac in the round of 64, which I lost. I even asked for them to take my #5 seed away so I could qualify like everybody else and get some practice time in. Request denied.

After the event I did some thinking about the event and my whole gaming career. There were some very obvious concerns. One was that I devoted what.. about 6 months of practice time to Babbages, only to NOT be able to play for almost 4 days? So what did I get out of it? Nothing. I began to think of other players as well. Blue for example got the shaft at Babbages with the bug he encountered. Fatality, c3 and many others were forced to play till 5 in the morning because of the CPL's "delays." Then being forced to wake up on 2 hours of sleep and play again in championship matches for big money. Did Angel care? Of course not. In fact, when I brought up the issue about practice machines to Angel on a public forum, I myself got a rude and condescending comment back, his boy right? He threw the price of the tourney machines in my face like it actually meant something, about $520,000 worth of equipment or so. The thing is, that equipment isn't even paid for by the CPL, it's donated, and not even that, loaned to them for their event. After the event, it's packaged up and still sold on the market. The company loses very little, and the CPL doesn't do a thing.

Afterward I began to question his care for the gamers that sacrifice everything for this. I wish I still had the emails that went back and forth between myself and Angel, they would definetly shed some light on why I hold this malice toward him. He basically gave me the "my way or the highway" speech when I brought up numerous concerns, things they should be working on to improve, and trying to get him to show some compassion and concern for the well being of the gamers. All meant nothing to him of course, and from that moment on I banned myself from CPL events, saying I would never take that dirty money again out of principle. "Even if I was guaranteed to win a million dollars, I will not play for them." is what I would say.

Ever since then I've been on a crusade of sorts to expose the REAL Angel Munoz and to get the gamers, from all games to show a united front when standing against him. What sponsors does he generate without the gamers? Does he even have a league? You can't even host so much as a LAN party without the gamers, let along a full self proclaimed pro event (Which is really nothing more than a glorified LAN). What about the health of the gamers? Vision for staring at monitors for hours on end? Medical for the pains I still to this day get in my wrist, and I'm sure others get as well? Dental? Ha! .. What happens to people who are putting off college to make the dream happen? What happens if they win for a while, everything looks fine and dandy, then they lose and wasted months for nothing? Now they are broke, don't have benefits, and no college education. If Angel actually cared about these things he'd be taking "steps" to help the gamers out. No steps, process, method, whatever is even being started by Angel. He feels that it is not his responsibility. Then who's is it? He's making money off the gamers, and he OWES it to them to try and help.

Of course, he doesn't care. Why? Cause he has food on his table at home, he has his house paid for, his cars, his office, his wife has things she wants. Does he think about what the gamers have? What they "need?" What happens to the losers, not just the winners? Certainly not, he only cares for himself, his image, his company, his profit...........

That is just a small portion of what I mean. Talking in person is obviously much easier for my to convey my ideas. And my poor wrist is killing me.................constant reminder of pro gaming and the CPL
Edited by K9-makaveli at 18:52 GMT, 19th Feb 2003 - 92318 Hits
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