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Is there any advantage to using a low DPI? (60 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 12:10 CDT, 30 April 2017 - iMsg
I see a lot of QL players use 400-800 DPI.

While this is fine in games, to me it's too low in Windows.
22486 Hits
Need new mouse (not Zowie or Razer) (32 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 10:01 CDT, 25 May 2014 - iMsg
I need a good mouse that has to meet the following criteria:

* Optical and corded (duh)
* Thumb-buttons
* Not Zowie (using EC1 now, and it's not very good)
* Any Razer mouse that requires Synapse or similar always-online crap
* Able to set polling rate with 1st-party software (so none of the old MS mice)

What mouse would you guys recommend?
8652 Hits
QL players with their own Twitch streams (5 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 17:54 CDT, 30 May 2013 - iMsg

Who else? I'll add more to the list.
Edited by Carsomyr at 20:31 CDT, 30 May 2013 - 3077 Hits
What are some good QL fragmovies? (9 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 12:04 CDT, 1 April 2013 - iMsg
Please recommend some good Quake Live fragmovies that focus on frags (like noctis' "some frags"), instead of fluffy "music videos".
7236 Hits
czm and quake live (25 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 12:16 CST, 6 March 2013 - iMsg
In one of the more recent, major tournaments I remember czm saying in an interview that he had done some changes to his configuration because of how QL differs from Q3. Does anyone remember what that was about? Is he playing with mouse-accel now?
9488 Hits
Would T6 make a good duel map if … (18 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 22:43 CST, 1 February 2010 - iMsg
Would T6 make a good duel map if Railgun was removed? Or is it bad no matter what? Should it be played in tournaments?
5561 Hits
Can't set number of comments (6 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 05:08 CST, 24 January 2010 - iMsg
For some reason when I set number of comments per news post in preferences, it won't stick after I click Ok/Submit. It reverts back to "show all," which is pretty annoying considering the 1K+ comments threads.
2668 Hits
Mouse accel fix for Vista x64 (No comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 22:20 CST, 3 November 2009 - iMsg
What is the easiest and most painless way to fix the mouse acceleration in Vista x64?
1071 Hits
QL demo pack from QuakeCon 2008? (1 comment)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 15:24 CST, 18 December 2008 - iMsg
The demos on from Quake Live is just an unsorted mess, but I seem to remember that a pack or something more organized was posted somwhere.

Anyone know what I'm talking about and where I can find it?
1790 Hits
removing the virtual betting box (5 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 20:21 CDT, 17 August 2008 - iMsg
I want to remove the virtual box on the right, but I can't for some reason. I tick off virtual betting in perferences, but it's stil there, and moving it up or down doesn't work either. What's wrong?
2548 Hits
The improvements in QL (107 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 21:28 CDT, 9 August 2008 - iMsg
Let's try to focus on the positive changes in QL for once.

I haven't gotten the opportunity to play QL yet, but I've seen some videos, and I love the fact that the rockets are faster. Also, the new character design is slicker than the old ones.

Maybe those who have actually played it can fill in some more things that are better in QL.
18576 Hits
New monitor technology on the horizon? (62 comments)
Posted by Carsomyr @ 14:54 CDT, 15 March 2008 - iMsg
CRT monitors are better for "pro gaming" that LCD, because they are more responsive and can show more frames per second; but they are not easy to get hold of these days as LCD have become the standard.

I don't like that one bit. If my Samsung 1100MB should fail me, I will have to look around on online auctions for CRTs.

Is there hope? Have there been talk of new monitor technology that can replace LCD and at the same time be at least as good as CRT when it comes to the aformentioned featues?
17559 Hits
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