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Way Back When.. (13 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 15:35 CDT, 12 May 2009 - iMsg

Now, they call it quake:live, but I thought of it first :)
10088 Hits
QL on Mac and Linux, when? (47 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 20:24 CDT, 14 April 2009 - iMsg
I know it has been asked many times before. But, I mean, JC said that bringing QL to mac/linux was a huge priority. So, when?
I'm just sick of rebooting everytime I want to play..
6115 Hits
So.. (16 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 05:41 CDT, 19 September 2008 - iMsg id waiting for the the universe to be destroyed by the Large Hadron Collider before releasing QL, or what?
Edited by feTzu at 10:39 CDT, 19 September 2008 - 4630 Hits
New Nine Inch Nails (instrumental) album (7 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 11:09 CST, 4 March 2008 - iMsg
Trent Reznor just released a quite large (36 tracks) instrumental album (Ghosts I-IV). The first part is free (torrent or direct dl) and digital download is 5$ (320kbps, FLAC..).

Head here for all the info.

2904 Hits
My CPMA hud (5 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 09:23 CST, 23 February 2008 - iMsg
Well, I just wanted to share my CPMA hud. I've been tweaking it, and I thought some people might be interested in using it/modify it to suit their needs.


Screenshot (in-game):

Screenshot (cpmahudeditor):

Well, anyway, there it is:
Edited by feTzu at 07:09 CST, 5 March 2008 - 5131 Hits
I'm pissed.. (51 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 11:37 CDT, 23 September 2006 - iMsg
.. I just got my internet connection today, which is supposed to be a 20mbps [ADSL2+ @]. I was (and still am) pretty happy with the browsing speed, which seemed to be totally accpetable; this is until I opened ASE, set the filter to "europe" and refreshed the Quake3->CPMA server list.

Yeah, that is the top of my list classified by ping (and yes, it starts from the lowest..)

What the fuck!? A 94ms latency from a server that might just be ran by my neighbor? Very nice indeed, I used to have that sort of ping when I played on a server located in Seattle, WA.. from Texas.
I was all exited about being able to play cpm with a ping lower than the 50ms I had in the US, wanadoo just ruined it.

Can any Spaniard Gamer (or anyone that is actually familiar with DSL technology) help me with this? I really don't get the issue right here, wanadoo seemed to offer the highest speed with a DSL line (which is the only option, as it looks like cable technology hasn't crossed the Pyrenees yet) - and yet it feels like I still run a 56k modem here.. Is there no way to get fastpath or something that might lower my ping somehow?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Edited by feTzu at 11:38 CDT, 23 September 2006 - 14933 Hits
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source released (7 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 00:23 CDT, 6 May 2006 - iMsg
3180 Hits
Why? (3 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 23:31 CDT, 1 May 2006 - iMsg
Why did you loose vamp? I lost all my money :(
1778 Hits
Something no-one really cares about (2 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 01:37 CDT, 23 April 2006 - iMsg
I just came back from Burning Spear's "concert" at the houston iFest (international Festival)
-jamaica is starring this year- and it was damn nice ! I'm also going to see Steve Marley and Skatalites next week :)
Edited by feTzu at 06:37 GMT, 23rd Apr 2006 - 1393 Hits
Stokedrider goes GOLD + TRIAL (No comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 19:24 CST, 29 March 2006 - iMsg
Stoked Rider featuring Tommy Brunner, which is the first attempt of bringing freeride snowboard simulation to PC (Windows, Linux and MAC) has gone gold today. I have been following the game's progress for about 6 months (the devloppement started in 2003) and have participated to the project as a 'Community Manager'.
I was just mailed the link to the TRIAL version (which is now public grab it here (50mo)) and I was very surprised with the improvements since the last release. I really wanted to congratulate BongFish for their incredible work, and wish them all the luck for the furure.

This post may sound like a big ad, but I really encourage you guys to try the game out. If you got a high-end machine, be sure to enable all the options and you\'ll be amazed for sure. You can also get a discount of €5 on the game if you achieve a 1000 heightmeters run, which brings the full game down to €29.9. try it out! you could very well love this!

Edited by feTzu at 23:54 GMT, 30th Mar 2006 - 1482 Hits
random links (14 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 22:53 CST, 26 March 2006 - iMsg
planetside full and free for 1 year
Some pictures.. :)
one picture = 1 dollar for liveSTRONG take a minute to upload a photograph.. it's nothing and it can really make a difference :)

And I would like to add I hate TES5: Oblivion.. even with the lowest settings I can't even get half-decent fps's.. the game seems to be fantasctic and I can't even try it.. damn.
Edited by feTzu at 04:59 GMT, 27th Mar 2006 - 4867 Hits
Southpark '1001' - The Return of Chef (37 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 23:58 CST, 22 March 2006 - iMsg
I have just seen the southpark's new season premier (ep1 aired on comedy central a few hours ago) and I think the way the creators/writers delt with chef's voice actor demission is pure genius; the message the creators passed by Kyle's speech was very explicit and showed that the people over at southpark studios still have respect for Isaac Hayes even if what he did was not right*. (Although they still deeply despise scientology the "fruity little club that scrambled his brains")

spoiler:I really wonder if they will have 'chef vader' come back in the next episodes, because it could turn out to be pretty hilarious :)

*: for the reminder, Isaac Hayes recently quitted his role at southpark studios (he was the voice of Chef) because 'south park made fun of religions'. The creators tend to believe he left after the direct critic to scientology (church in which Hayes is involved) in 'Trapped in the Closet'

Note to self: this is my 200's post
Edited by feTzu at 06:03 GMT, 23rd Mar 2006 - 5780 Hits
Vital Sign (2 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 17:02 CST, 20 March 2006 - iMsg
I just wanted to notice people about Vital Sign which is a free FPS . You just need to register and download.
I haven't tried it myself yet, but it seems to be not-so-bad; and could definitely turn out to be fun .. The main hassle is that it's german, so non-german speakers may encounter some difficultes understanding/playing, but -what the hell- it's free.

It weights 200mb and can be downloaded here. Have fun
2681 Hits
Phosphor Beta 1 (9 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 11:44 CST, 18 March 2006 - iMsg
I just found this website which seems to be developping a browserFPS that seems to be quite advanced (technology-wise) and which could lead to an online fps played in the browser.

EDIT: I forgot to mention there was actually a multiplayer mode! Just go under the network tab in settings and set yourself as a client, refresh server list, select one server and there you are !

It requires Flash + Shockwave, playabe under IE and FireFox
Edited by feTzu at 00:24 GMT, 1st Apr 2006 - 5133 Hits
YouOS (20 comments)
Posted by feTzu @ 20:47 CST, 16 March 2006 - iMsg
While having my everyday 'read some digg' time, I found a very usefull website (actually, it is a LOT more than a website) called YouOS

What the hell is this?
YouOS is a WebOS (Web Operating System), which allows you to create your online 'virtual' desktop with space storage, programs (in this case, they are called apps) and such..

YouOS is a fully extensible (through its IDE, already avaliable) javascript based OS. A bunch of 'apps' are already avaliable and you can for exemple send emails between users (a functionality for mobiles phone -via sms- is also avaliable; and 'external' email seding/receiving is underway), upload files, write richtext and then save it, chat (between users only at-time, will be open to global networks in the near future) [.insert your awsome idea here.] In other words: it's extensible at will :)

Programmers may particulary be intereted in this, as the code (which seems to be java(script), opens an infinity of possibilities; imagine. code. use.

Another step for Web 2.0 has been made.

YourOS - "click here and thou shall not regret your actions" King Lear

I would like to precise that this is still under alpha testing, you can expect tons of funcionalities to be added the coming weeks/months.
Edited by feTzu at 05:05 GMT, 17th Mar 2006 - 8925 Hits
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