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Posted by flowrush @ 02:59 CST, 23 December 2010 - iMsg

I'm curious what will come out of this one.
13134 Hits
Razer Holiday Giveaway Post new topic (1 comment)
Posted by flowrush @ 03:29 CST, 11 December 2010 - iMsg
Click link, make wishlist, win prizes. Smile
17848 Hits
Review: "ARTISAN KAI.g3 HIEN" mouse pad (89 comments)
Posted by flowrush @ 07:44 CST, 25 November 2010 - iMsg
Finally got around to testing out these pads and taking some pictures for everyone. I want to thank Artisan for providing me the pad's free of charge, allowing me to do a proper review.

First off Artisan is a gaming peripherals brand of a Japanese company called "GrowUp Japan" aka "GUP" which from what I can tell are only recently breaking into the mousepad market. They showed up at Quakecon 2010 with a booth and mousepads, along with Cooller picking one up and having his pictures taken with reps.

What Artisan markets the KAI.g3 in is Large, Med, Small sizes in either navy blue or wine red and either as Hard or Soft version. When I received both pad's I actually could not see a difference in the surface material, and Artisan confirmed this. The difference between the HARD and the SOFT is just the middle layer of material, which is more dense on the HARD pad, giving it a slightly more firm feel versus a more spongy feel on the soft. The material itself is unlike any other mouse pad I have tried and I can only best describe it as a cloth fabric similar to a canvas material, but certainly of it's own kind. Artisan describes it as a "2 way tricot knit".

What sets this mouse-pad apart from all others in my testing is it's consistency and feedback. And in fact this is part of Artisans secret sauce, which is in the supporting layer beneath the surface which uses a "special structure foam". You can see comparison pictures from typical "open cell rubber" on their site here ( ) on the right side.

Artisan's description: "Micro air bubble is lined evenly. It achieves even bounce pressure of mouse pad layer. All performances will be the same at any part of gaming mouse pad. Therefore, same reaction, same stopping, and same aiming with this special structure foam."

Now I own several mouse pads, notably the Puretrak Talent that everyone has started to use so I will compare it to that. When I used the KAI.g3 and switched back and forth from the Talent, I actually noticed how much more stable my aim felt in particular with flick shots. If any of you own a Talent, doing a full flick shot across the pad you should notice that it actually has small ripples to it, especially if you have a bit of downforce. I believe this is a small form of instability that may hinder your performance. It may not be much, but it is a nuance you may not really be aware of until you've tried something better. So I really want to praise Artisan for creating a mouse pad which strives towards uniformity and purity of quality in a product. Secondly, although the KAI.g3 is listed as a cloth pad, it feels like something between a hard pad and a cloth pad, like a hybrid pad that is not plastic, but a tight nit patterned weave that doesn't feel like it will ever wear down or begin to loosen fibers like most cloth pads do over time. Additionally Artisan claims by not using Polyester, the mouse pad does not absorb moisture, therefore not affecting the response of the mouse pad, which I can concur with. However, the mouse really does glide across the pad with ease and small precision shots are also with just the right amount of resistance, less so than the Talent. It has a denier which is between 100-200 like fine yarn, versus 80-100 like most other cloth pads. Better yet the bottom material does a perfect job of holding the pad in place as the material is different kind than typical rubber found in every other mouse pad. My verdict is that performance-wise, this pad is a new leader amongst mouse-pads that sits in a class of it's own, however small that lead may be.

Now on to nit-picking. The Large pad is actually not as big as some people might hope. I took a photo comparing to the Talent and it is clearly a few inches less wide and deep. My hope is that Artisan my offer an XL size in the future to fill this gap for players with a lower sens. But on that note, that pad itself is a rough texture weave. I question if low sens players might irritate the skin below their wrist if they have a tendency to drag their arm across the pad (which is a habit I have). It really depends on how you position your arm and aim "ergonomically" without dragging your arm along the front edge of the pad. My last nit-pick is that for portable use, this pad may be fragile and susceptible to bending which could deform the mouse pad due to the density of the inner foam material not really making it flexible. You can see this bending in one of the photo's I took. It happens more easily on the SOFT version than the HARD version, which I was able to bend significantly and it just formed an arc, whereas the SOFT pad started to crease. Although there are some small fibers protruding out from the edges of the pad, feeling with my finger along the edge convinces me the top layer will not peel back as has happened with my Talent after 6 months of use, and this is simply from the cutting machine for the pad. The way I see it with my one month of experience using this pad is that if you take care of it, it will take care of you, as it has done for me. I say it's worth every penny if you want to invest in a quality product that I believe has finally raised the bar in mouse pads.

Verdict: 9.8/10

-Uniform surface glide
-More than one color choice unlike most pads
-Doesn't absorb moisture as to maintain performance
-Durable surface for longevity
-Clean surface (no loose fibers to get in your lens)
-Absolutely sticks in place
-Hybrid pad resistance (perfectly balanced amount of friction vs glide for not too fast or too slow)
-Made in Japan
-Wide enough for almost all users

-Shipping costs depending on where you live
-No XL size very very low sens users
-Could ruin if bent or mishandled
-Rubbing your arm along the front edge could feel abrasive depending on how you position and move your arm for your mouse
-Marketing is limited and mostly word of mouth

Currently this pad is available for order from or via directly from their site -

PS- Just a little note, I did compare the new KAI.g3 to a new Puretrak Talent so that testing was objective. Caveat Emptor, this is what the difference between my 6 month used Talent and a new one looks like..
Edited by flowrush at 21:04 CST, 28 January 2011 - 49817 Hits
Ozone Gaming Gear (29 comments)
Posted by flowrush @ 18:24 CDT, 30 September 2010 - iMsg
I recently discovered this gaming company based out of Spain that appears to specialize in mice and mouse pads much like Razer does and their lineup intrigued me. The Radon mouse in particular looks to have a shape, size, design and features that would be perfect to me. Seeing as they are fairly new, peer reviews are bare thin around the web.

One of the one's I did find regarding the Radon concluded it performed exceptional in fps games. I also enjoyed the Paint Test which checks for accelleration, which I have not seen before, which also concluded no accel issues. Here's a link to it -

Please note, I also did a generic google search for ESR regarding this company and didn't come up with anything except for a post here or there of someone who owned the mouse when I guess it was called a 'smog'. So pardon me if this company has been mentioned before and written off as just another generic gaming company with junk products.

So the purpose of my post is if anyone here in the ESR community owns any of Ozone's products and would be willing to give your opinion, synopsis or review of it, particularly their mice, and their new Trace cloth pad also. It would be nice if Sujoy did another round of testing with newer mice that showed sensor used, perfect control speed, malfuntion speed, prediction, etc. but I don't see that happening. If you have the ability to test that yourself as an owner of one, go ahead :)

Edited by flowrush at 18:46 CDT, 30 September 2010 - 8281 Hits
Razer BlackWidow (mechanical keyboard) (158 comments)
Posted by flowrush @ 17:46 CDT, 18 August 2010 - iMsg
Looks like Razer is taking pre-orders on their new mechanical switch gaming keyboard (versus traditional membrane switches), called the "BlackWidow". Appears there are two versions, with a more expensive one for $130 US and the cheaper one for $80, only difference appears to be backlighting level adjustment for the "Ultimate" version.

I'm actually pleased to see Razer get into the niche market of mechanical's and I think they will be successful with it. From information I have found their keys are custom switches with several years of research.

Here's also a video demonstrating the sound from the clicks and the backlighting..
32835 Hits
Re: My abyssus seems fine on cloth (No comments)
Posted by flowrush @ 08:20 CDT, 21 June 2010 - iMsg
Fckin jitter dammit!!

1326 Hits
Hard to find a 120hz monitor new, online (24 comments)
Posted by flowrush @ 15:37 CST, 18 December 2009 - iMsg
I've been looking true 120hz LCD monitors online for 300 or less (or close to that) shipping from the USA and everything seems either unavailable, discontinued, or refurbished.

Any suggestions?
Edited by flowrush at 15:37 CST, 18 December 2009 - 6123 Hits
WMO random scrolling up (28 comments)
Posted by flowrush @ 11:18 CST, 13 December 2009 - iMsg
Is there a solution to the random scroll up that this mouse exhibits?

Im getting it while playing a few times daily and it's really starting to annoy me switching weapons by itself randomly. I suppose I could just bind mwheel up to nothing but I'd rather find out if there's any kind of solution to this.

Bought mine little over a year ago new.
9984 Hits
Razer Megasoma mouse pad (6 comments)
Posted by flowrush @ 22:41 CST, 1 November 2009 - iMsg
Expensive, yes. "Pinpoint precision" ? Stay tuned for when mine arrives. :)

Someone else has recieved their copy and heres some photo's and unboxing video...

this is the video link
Edited by flowrush at 02:22 CST, 2 November 2009 - 5578 Hits
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