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I dont know how the map controversies (5 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 17:31 CDT, 31 August 2010 - iMsg
should be handled. But i know how they shouldnt, and its whats happening now. Different organizations chosing different maplists.

I will only say that change for the sake of change isnt good. People is shortsighted so their personal interests interfere with the game.

dm6 removal, the most played map, the one that even noobs knows how play, out of the list? So if im a newb im simply out, not one map to understand, just random walls that doesnt make sense. strike 1

t9 removal, a fast, easy to learn, action packed, rainy original map. If anyone knows the real motives behind the spider masterminds that taken these decision please enlighten me cause if there is people boycotting QL those are... strike 2

Dismemberment inclusion.... lawl

I have to say that in my opinion when a map aquires certain degree of playing time it should stay evah. It becomes a classic, a must learn in the path to quake excelence. Examples being dm6, ztn, t4, hub and dm13. Then yes rotating maps, that may eventually become part of the list. 2 rotating maps like t9 and my other personal chose would be prantic, fun map. But i dont care as much of the new maps chosen, as to not kill classics stupid! So diversity is added, but the ones you already studied hard are there too. In some time maybe there would be 7 static maps plus 2 rotating for a total of 9 in the maplist.
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 17:32 CDT, 31 August 2010 - 1952 Hits
A better interface for QuakeLive (4 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 22:32 CDT, 24 August 2010 - iMsg
Dont know you but for me the main page of the QuakeLive site is a clusterfuck. It feels really unintuitive. So heres my 15 min mspaint idea of a clean main page, rest can be added as buttons options whatever.

Basically the most important info in my opinion are friends and servers, so theyre at the top. The server list shows all servers, but with smaller icons so they fit all in the window and gives you a bigger idea of the game activity, as you hover it automatically zooms smoothly and you can see more info of that particular server. The friend list is also bigger and has more options to sort.

Its just random thought so you can whine all you want with the many errors it has. Constructive feedback welcome.
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 22:33 CDT, 24 August 2010 - 2499 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 20:53 CDT, 13 July 2010 - iMsg

There are many locations worlwide were the server update failed and thus the new clients cant connect. Anyone has experience tinkering with the files to rollback the client version AND has the previous version files? Rapidshare Megaupload Whatever. Heard it was the pak0 but doubt so cause its the biggest file. I suppose the updates touch new small files. I need the file bin.pk3 from the version prior to Saturday update. The last version file size is 8.858.821 bytes this is the one that doesnt work, so if you have this size youre already updated. If it says bin.xfer is because it started updating and was interrupted AFAIK. Thanks.
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 22:40 CDT, 13 July 2010 - 4020 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 20:27 CDT, 12 July 2010 - iMsg
3 days spamming the QL threads and sending im's and emails to Sync and nada zero none. The servers in Argentina werent updated properly 3 days ago and now when you try to connect you receive the unpure binaries error. This is a trivial fix for them right?

3 days without dose im starting to shake and have nightmares. Any help to contact them appreciated.

edit: The server is going down! At least now we now whats happening.
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 22:19 CDT, 16 July 2010 - 6650 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 17:10 CDT, 11 July 2010 - iMsg
Diego Forlan

From the 3 million little spot country, comes the Golden Ball of the 2010 football world cup.

Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 21:59 CDT, 11 July 2010 - 5523 Hits
LMAO@Vo0 (30 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 15:57 CDT, 11 July 2010 - iMsg
4117 Hits
FIFA REFEREES ARE: (73 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 17:34 CDT, 8 July 2010 - iMsg


Cheat ???

No LMAO's please enough retarded topics already. I want some unbiased data its not about countries. I wish me good luck finding it but trying doesnt hurt.
6646 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 09:32 CDT, 6 July 2010 - iMsg
Hey whineland, got news for all. QuakeLive is rules. The server close to my location had problems so we played a bit of q3/cpma. Oh god please id ignore the whining and keep it up. Will just mention 2 of the things that caught my atention, one is visual, the incredible revitalizing effects to the graphics that a balanced bloom has, and how dull it feels going back. Secondly, the netcode, oh my god using rocket and lg feels incredibly floaty in q3 compared to ql, railguns feel weird in both tho. There will always be things to improve and little wishes, but on the big picture QL is a miracle most fail to appreciate.

4281 Hits
Football:The importance of being Italian (77 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 10:31 CDT, 5 July 2010 - iMsg
Hey dudes was just thinking that if you trace the world cup champions to their cultural origins, Italian blood is the best to win world cups. Disclaimer: Im leaving Brazil out because its a rich mix of cultures that is hard to trace to single origins, and maybe thats why theyre so good, contrary to nazi beliefs, the mix of races improve the species. Lets call it the best mix of all cause theyre the ones with more world cups as a country, im not diminishing Brazil achievements, but it doesnt fit the purpose of this post.

Lets see first the countries of Europe:
Italy - 4 titles
Germany - 3 titles
England - 1 title
France - 1 title

Now as you may know, Argentina and Uruguay was a prefered spots for Italians at the end of 1800 and through the begining of 1900. You can see many Spaniards surnames too but you have to remember that when a Spaniard guy marriages a Italian girl the son keeps the surname of the father. So they may have an spanish surname but prolly they have italian blood also.

Countries of America (excluding Brazil)
Argentina - 2 titles
Uruguay - 2 titles

Germany doesnt have a big representation outside of their country, so i would say theyre the second best archetype to be succesfull at football based only on their own success. But the Argentinan-Uruguayan relationship with Italians and theyre share of titles leaves no doubt on the issue imo.
9783 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 14:30 CDT, 2 July 2010 - iMsg
With the first half just finished, its clear to anyone but sheeps that Uruguay started playing real football, and then by very ugly fouls that went without yellow, while the only yellow was for Uruguay and by crushing our captain Lugano with a penalty that went unnoticed forcing his replacement, then they nearly broke the neck of another player, and so on. Then finally scored.

Theyre all so sure your sheeps that they started the show with some reading about racism, ohh poor Ghana, preparing what they already knew was going to be unfair. Look Ghana won, so racism doesnt exist, right? At the same time they cant accept it, such an insignificant country being world champion again? Oh noes they feel so "first world" that they cant accept the truth, blood of champions cant be bought, referees yes tho.

Can someone really enjoy winning in such despicable way? I mean, you know, its the cheating equilavent, were supporting a rotten organization.
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 14:34 CDT, 2 July 2010 - 21126 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 09:21 CDT, 23 June 2010 - iMsg

rest zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


hi agu_
2297 Hits
MS WMO (62 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 09:09 CDT, 23 June 2010 - iMsg
fake? real?
16463 Hits
Why QuakeLive Coverage SUX (42 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 16:05 CST, 4 March 2010 - iMsg
Hello, im all for the success of the QL initiative. Im pretty sure ive spent more time in my life playing Quake than anything else except for sleeping. QL has many strong points, wont repeat what we already know.

Now, if theres is something truly important for a competitive platform like QL its proper coverage of the big events. Big events, big personalities, etc, is such an important aspect. Yet here were, year 2010, the most important event yet of QL, and what is the only option? A stream that so far has sucked.

Sorry to all the people there at CeBIT, i suppose you want it to succed, but excuses have a limit. Why not one channel per game, i mean how much more would be the cost of having one channel per game? Theyre not that many games, and it would make such a big difference. StuidoA? StudioB? Cmon its so TVish, so 80ish. If all studios are having matches of the other games, repeat matches, make interviews, build hype, you get it.

I wont touch the "DDoS" part cause sincerely, an event of that caliber should at least have redundant connections, managed switches and direct support from the ISPs, to name a few. Those are all fails by design, prior to the "DDoS" issue.

And finally, i know its old but, where the flying fsck is GTV id? 1 year of open beta, major event, and no GTV? Its such a great concept, has so many advantages for the seasoned player. I dont want to be tied to unprofessional coverage, i want to spray man!

It would be a good thing even for streams, i mean when theres GTV, stream coverage has competition. Give us a proper service, and we will enjoy the added depth of player cameras, shoutcasting and all, its a nice idea if done properly, i would be more than happy to pay for such service. But why are we doomed to miss games, get buffered and watch CS due to subpar coverage? Basics first, geniuses.

Im truly sorry but its a sin and those in charge are going to hell.
7550 Hits
Facebook shut down 10,000 member group.. (5 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 12:02 CST, 2 March 2010 - iMsg
...exposing paedophile coverup

"Facebook, without warning, has taken down the group 'We won't allow the state to cover up the Hollie Greig padeophile Scandal' after they posted details of an interview with Peter Eyre from The Palastinian Telegraph and Talk Radio Europe, where he laid out Hollie's story and named all those involved. (they could have simply removed whatever post offended them but chose to take out the group instead).

If you are not aware of this story yet - then get up to speed with it as it is a huge coverup which seems to reach up to the highest levels of power. They are doing their utmost to stop this story including legal threats and D-notices to the UK media.

There is a backup facebook page (though how long this will last) here and an official website here

The interview can be heard on

Please take the time to learn to this horrific coverup and see how desperate they are to keep it hidden. "

2102 Hits
Quake Live in WCG 2010 (23 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 19:07 CST, 9 November 2009 - iMsg
5976 Hits
The intel spot from ESL Dubai... (No comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 12:24 CDT, 20 October 2009 - iMsg
...about geek rock stars was $$$!

Seriously best spot ever.
993 Hits
2nd QuakeLive server in SouthAmerica!!! (13 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 14:26 CDT, 26 August 2009 - iMsg
God is a Quaker! Thanks to id software, UnlimitedTorneos, and Tranthor !!!

First was Chile where my ping sucks, but now theres a server in Argentina!!! Where my ping doesnt sucks!!! Awesome!
2318 Hits
RESPECT TEH PACO? (58 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 11:46 CDT, 25 May 2009 - iMsg

The Jibot is no more, undergoing a methamorphosis into bersker mode he kicked the hell out of qlr in the 2nd bo3, awesome. The guy has played since ever, never gived up, and finally wins a LAN tourney vs champions like Cooller and Cypher playing more agressive style which is a plus.

Respect the Jibo
<3 Asus
23607 Hits
ESR Virtual Betting (3 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 17:32 CDT, 26 March 2009 - iMsg
E$ 4,294,967,295

1784 Hits
clan519 you... (32 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 11:46 CST, 27 February 2009 - iMsg
...suck, seriously. Youre a tool. Whats the point of accusing a IYWGFO(in your who gives a fsck opinion) botter by botting? Beacuse you know, what your doing is kind of forum botting. You have the xchair locked on kgb, and you fire fire fire!!!1!1 On a participant that had his prize robbed on basis of "suspicious wtf", by a not unanimous vote, orchested by anakin "nomadic" skywalker WITHOUT proof. Keep trying, maybe when you reach the post 1000 on the mather, people ends believing your "truth"... terrorist terrorist nuclear weapons biological weapons terrorist terrorist the terrorist
7010 Hits
The "QuakeLive" of CS ? (4 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 21:15 CDT, 13 August 2008 - iMsg
1815 Hits
QuakeLive netcode: the 200ms miracle (28 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 12:28 CDT, 30 July 2008 - iMsg
(Random rainy day of 2009, on some dark room a nerd cant stop SPRAYIN' so he decides to post on official quakelive forums)

"Im here today, to congratulate id software on the massive success that QL has become.

IMO, one of the key aspects that made it is the possibility of playing with people from distant places smoothly. Thanks to the uber antilaged-tweaked chiter-unfriendly netcode that id pulled playing with 200ms is now possible and enjoyable. This made the QL community more heterogeneous geographicaly, thus enabling the full potential of the matchmaking interface.

Thanks for taking the DM genre back to the place it should had never left."
9004 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 12:56 CDT, 16 July 2008 - iMsg
Just read this post and its like a OMG SPRAYIN one.

Dont know exactly how, there are too much possibilities, but the big picture is, you want this game to survive the dumbified era of FPS? How much <3 we felt thanks for example to the ESWC Masters? 1400 specs in the final? And thats without people that due to timezone differences wasnt able to connect cause they were working/sleeping and went the demo download route.

The sad news are that donations wont work, people dont donate if they can get it free. maybe premium GTV servers with reserved bandwith? 5bucksx500specs=2500u$s

Im dreaming?
2678 Hits
ESWC MASTERS 2008, 2dn thread (No comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 09:52 CDT, 7 July 2008 - iMsg
Disclaimer: Been trying to post in the original thread for 24 hours and i cant take it anynomore, so i create this thread cause prolly there are others with this issue and a thread with less posts may help.

Cypher is a best, props to him. I was on fox side, he deserved a 1st place at an event of this caliber on his resume, anyway a 2nd place on a master event is like omg. av3k moves and aims so fluently, i love his style. Jibo is a +back abuser thats why he will never win anything.

About the shaft abuse, yes its more used now, yet remember its a weapon that requires a lot of skill, you have to keep tracking the enemy constantly. I wouldnt change damage values etc, it would do more harm than good, and anyway there will always be people asking for changes. This is the quake3 of 2008, you love it or you hate it, but stop whining remember even with a slight lg abuse its a 100times better game than most of the other fps.

Great event, gtv is so great, i love it. Thanks ESWC :')
1108 Hits
Mod Chips Legal In the UK (6 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 09:47 CDT, 13 June 2008 - iMsg
Techdirt reports that an appeals court has overturned a lower court ruling and has now said that mod chips do not violate copyright laws. The case involved a mod chip seller, who imported mod chips for the XBox from Hong Kong and would sell the chips or mod the Xbox's himself. He was charged with copyright infringement and found guilty by a lower court. The appeals court has dismissed all charges, however.
6504 Hits
The reply/plus bug... (No comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 18:52 CDT, 29 May 2008 - iMsg
is doing a quick comeback.
1319 Hits
Carmack on id Tech 6, Ray Tracing, etc (38 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 15:27 CDT, 12 March 2008 - iMsg
sparse voxel octree? OMG he's back! :))

"In a recent interview he comments on a multitude of topics starting with information about Intel, their ray tracing research and upcoming Larrabee GPU. Carmack seems to think that Intel's direction using traditional ray tracing methods is not going to work and instead theorizes that using ray casting to traverse a new data structure he is developing is the best course of action. The 'sparse voxel octree' that Carmack discusses would allow for 'unique geometry down to the equivalent of the texel across everything.' He goes on to discuss other topics like the hardware necessary to efficiently process his new data structure, translation to consoles, multi-GPU PC gaming and even the world of hardware physics."

Interview at PC pesperctive
10566 Hits
Tim Sweeney: PCs are Not For Gaming (73 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 22:09 CDT, 10 March 2008 - iMsg
TG Daily is running an interesting interview with EPIC founder and Unreal creator Tim Sweeney. Sweeney is anyway very clear about his views on the gaming industry, but it is surprising how sharply he criticizes the PC industry for transforming the PC into a useless gaming machine. He's especially unhappy with Intel, which he says has integrated graphics chipsets that 'just don't work'."

Full interview

I have to agree on the intel igp part, its a shame that with the money and skills and fabs they have, the best chipset made IMHO was the 810 many years ago, it was all downhill from there. Imagine nvidia and amd products with a strong intel scenario, win win situation.
Edited by gSTRUCTOR at 22:10 CDT, 10 March 2008 - 11033 Hits
ESWC 2008 Q3 player (wish)list confirmed (124 comments)
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 08:25 CST, 24 December 2007 - iMsg
In no special order:


20721 Hits
Posted by gSTRUCTOR @ 23:57 CST, 7 November 2007 - iMsg
Nice read

Random items, not so random lol...

Mouse+WASD keys for 3D first-person movement
This is so much the best way to move a first-person avatar in a 3D space that, until we get virtual reality gear that really works, there is no reason to consider anything else. Dual-joystick setups on controllers can’t match it for precision. First use: unknown.

Independent movement and aiming
Early games restricted the avatar to shooting in the direction that it was facing—as in Asteroids, for example. Separating movement from aiming requires a second joystick, which substantially increases the physical coordination required of the player, but offers more freedom for both player and designer. Probable first use: Robotron: 2084 coin-op, 1982.

Multiple difficulty levels
Designer John Harris has observed that older games, especially coin-ops, were intended to measure the player’s skill, while the newer approach is to provide the player with an experience regardless of his skill level. The old-fashioned school of thought is that the player is the designer’s opponent; the new school is that the player is your audience. By offering multiple difficulty levels, we make games available to larger audiences, which also includes handicapped players. First use: unknown.

Mod support
Modding is a form of gameplay; it’s creative play with the meta-game. The earliest games weren’t just moddable, they were open-source, since their source code was printed in magazines like Creative Computing. When we began to sell computer games, their code naturally became a trade secret. Opening commercial games up to modding was a brilliant move, as it extended the demand for a game engine far beyond what it would have been if players were limited to the content that came in the box. Best-known early example: Doom, 1993."
Edited by Nicky at 14:58 CST, 5 January 2008 - 1607 Hits
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