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Posted by lunatix @ 16:41 CST, 30 January 2006 - iMsg
Edited by lunatix at 18:46 CST, 5 January 2008 - 16145 Hits
attraction tips/tricks/techniques/rules (70 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 09:13 CST, 20 December 2005 - iMsg
The purpose of this journal is for you people to contribute tips tricks or techniques for things dealing with relationships of anything to create attraction.

here is my contribution

Rules: generally i'd say there are no rules and there isn't, but my rule/tip here for the guys that are clueless. don't be a nice guy, be a GUY who happens to be nice. so no gift giving/endless compliments and generally just being a nice guy. ...cause realistically a girl is more attracted to a jerk than a nice guy, ANY DAY. why that is? who knows. but that's when the play comes in, u take what both jerks and nice guys have and use it the right way. don't agree to everything the girl says, give your own opinion, not just because that's how you feel, but so what, the girl wants you to have your own opinion.

sarcasm and sense of humor is a BIG thing, i personally love girls with a sense of humor, i can say some of the craziests bizzare shit and it can be funny as hell, or just hilarious and i love it when the girl jumps into my reality and just goes along with it. but then there's these girls that have no sense of humor at all. and i'm like gawd, u're so lame, lol. in my opinion a sense of humor is a pinnacle point in what makes a personality that people like. fun no sense of humor = not fun, whining, pessimism = no fun, just thought i'd mention it =P

females are so sexual u'd be suprised how u can start talking about sex related shit and it wont cause any kind of akward thing, not unless it was presented the wrong way

back to the point of this journal:
chivalry learn it... the reason i'm mentioning this is because it's a big thing. and not everyone thinks about it, only maybe after it's too late (damn, i should of opened the door) or maybe u questioned urself if you should have. yes, you should.. females love when you open the door for them. you know simple things like that.

i want to hear some tips/tricks/techniques from you guys. things to do/say in different situations that really makes the difference

since no one has contributed anything useful, here's some contribution of my own

whenever someones voicemail comes on, i always say some stupid retarded shit. like just for example last time i called this girl, i was like 'oh my jeebus, ur voice is sooo sexxyy,' with this retarded ass voice, then i was like 'i'm kidding, u sound like a man... anyways...' lol of course she called back. there's diff. shit u can do to get a gaurantee call back, the key here is to be original or diff. from what other people do.

leave a message saying, 'oh, sorry about the message i left earlier,' or blah blah, ..they will def. call u back curious as hell wtf u're talking about since u hadn't actually left a message earlier, u just made it up. then u can just lie and say that you meant it for someone else.

another thing i've done that has got laughs
i already know this girl and i was hanging out with her during our break then she went to lunch and i went to class, as i was walking away, i called her cell and i was like 'hey, u think u're slick huh!? don't try to play it off, i saw u lookin at my ass' haha. she was crakin' up.. but if she wasn't and was trying to defend herself 'uh, no i wasn't,' then i'd be like, wow, u're a dork. lol, that's the word i use a lot. dork. u dork!
Edited by lunatix at 18:07 GMT, 20th Dec 2005 - 28674 Hits
Female Gamers (3 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 08:34 CST, 20 December 2005 - iMsg
Obviously right now it's not that big of a deal cause there's not a lot of woman only tournaments, but has anyone ever though about gathering some girls and training them yourselves to make them as good as some of the guys. I mean seriously no matter how you put it, on average, the average male player can beat a female gamer. Seriously, what is that about. If someone were to train some girl they can have them destroy the competition of the rest of the girls out there. I dont know too much about the females overseas, but here in the US, the only female gamer I remember being real good, as good and better than a lot of the guys and really good at ctf, she goes by succubus to my knowledge, she has won every female tournament she has entered. and there's actually this other player, i dont know the other female though, i think her name is casey. From what I gather though, the reason I think these females are way beyond some of these other female gamers I've seen is probably due to the fact that from my knowledge they have never been in a female only clan, they're in regular clans which of course consists mostly of males. Obviously 'female clans' don't just play themselves and only other females, but it makes sense that they're probably more in that area than playing outside of that and mostly guy clans.

what other female players are out there that aren't really on the radar or known about, which females are out there that know they could beat these other females that have been playing lately but just weren't at the events?
2258 Hits
Quake Drug Addiction: The Fight (58 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 12:27 CST, 13 December 2005 - iMsg
I am 20, soon to be 21, I am an ex quake3 player.. I'm sorry, ..user. I'm not an ex gamer. I'm an ex quake3 user, the first variant of the drug I tried was labeled q3test1.08, it had the name 'test' in it, it's almost like they wanted you to try it.. This drug was legal, and it still is widely available on the market in various forms and manifestations.. I would like to say that people have a choice to do as they please, but I really had no choice. How could you possibly fight or even question something that seemed so good to you. I never thought how something that was so inducingly pleasurable could be doing me so wrong at the same time. Was I blind or just ignorant? In the state I was in, it truly did not matter, nothing else mattered. At that point, that was my life.

I don't know what the typical gamer life consists of and I never try to imply stereotypes because I don't consider my self to be very typical. It's obvious that not every gamer lives the same way or people for tht matter, but here's my story.

I grew up with two parents and two older sisters who were very outgoing, socialble, and had many friends. Prior to the introduction of this debilitating phenomenon I only had a couple of friends, and I was 'shy,' I honestly didn't know how to make friends, I felt scared, I didn't know what I would say, and money always seemed to be a causing issue in my mind. I need this and that, I wanna try this, I want to learn to.., i want to take w/e lessons, know, I wanted to become me, and though money is a problem for many, that was obviously only part of the problem.

Once the drug began to take over, I slowly strayed away from the only couple of friends I had. I would stop answering the doorbell and act like I wasn't home. This perticular friend of mine lived next door, and he was a great friend, his family also owned a business and was wealthy He'd pretty much get everything he listed in his christmas list for christmas, and that was a lot of stuff. He had quake3 and he played it some, but it was just a seldom casual thing for him didn't get too much into it, and at the time he had a pentiumII 266, and crap vid card so it ran like crap. Though he was a console gaming junkie in general. At the point that I strayed away from us pretty much being best friends, I guess he discovered girls. Though I have always been attracted to females, at the time I felt like, what's the point, I don't even know how to make regular friends (the friends I did have were from chance and coincidence), how am I supposed to get a girlfriend, and even if I did, it sure wouldn't of been from my looks cause I didn't dress with much of a look, I used to hate shopping for clothes (most guys probably still do) and I was chubby, but I dind't do or knew anything, so either way, I wouldn't of been very appealing, not to mention that the minority of the people at my school were african american, so I guess that was part of it too, and I also wasn't going to dress like everyone else to fit in. I realize now that you just have to be yourself cause none of that matters, if someone doesn't like you for something like that then you don't need to be talking to them, I guess I would somewhat dress down to seem even less in the picture and be more unoticible. As for me, I am mixed, I'm german/english/hispanic, and I can speak spanish. So being scared about being rejected and knowing that you would are two different things, but the thing was was that I was aware. Sometimes things aren't what they seem, ..but oh, I knew. So I just kept doing what was already being good to me and never denied me.

The reality about physical attraction.. for the most part is if you're in shape and can dress well regardless of which style or race you are, people will find you attractive no matter who they are. I guess I used to have a brainblock thinking that there was something wrong with me and that it wasn't possible for someone to like me.

So back to the story, I had never even owned a console in my life except for my sisters when they were younger they had the atari2600. I would always play over my friends house who was a gaming junkie, and had every console including the atari jaguar I wasn't very good anyways. One day I was out to a tattoo/piercing place with my sister she was friends with the people there, the guy that did piercings was a gaming junkie so he had an imported dreamcast and was talking about the shit, I got hyped about it so I told my mom and she saved up for me to get it since I'd never even had a console before, and I reserved it and all. I still remember the release date cause it's hard to forget it was 9/9/99, I got it with like 2 extra controllers 2 vmus and like 5 games. I played it for a couple of months, yes, I had some burnt ones I downloaded from the net too. Then I let this other friend of mine borrow it and I pretty much never played it again. At that point I dind't really care cause I was under the influence.

Though the above story was kind of pointless I thought I'd mention it.

before quake3, I had previously just played doom2 single player. and some jediknight darkforces II on my friends computer. now lets see.

I was using q3test1.08 for quite a bit at this point, I then became fairly decent to the point where I would be getting the most frags in ffa, someone told me about some clan, I dind't even know what a clan was, then they told me about ETG, that's when I discovered IRC, probably ICQ too (lol, who uses that). At that point there was no turning back. I later, started to idle in this channel to this ffa server I would always play in. At the time though I really enjoyed 1v1, it was pretty much 100% for fun, and feeling good in my own litle world, and I would play some lame maps that I liked, like q3tourney3? Then this guy on IRC, told me how that shit was lame, and to play maps that are actually being played in CPL and other leagues, then I'm like, if I like the map who cares..,' anyways, eventually then that's what I started to do playing the actual maps being played. At the climax I was decent at best, but I would like to say that I had a very weird & different style. My aim was never great, but what can I say for the most part it was for my enjoyment and I was more on the careless side of things. In short, I never had money so I wasn't gonna try to go playing serious anyways to try to go anywhere and play.(that's not really what's important about this)

I don't know how the rest of you guys out there are, if you have dreams of becoming a pro-gamer then get involved. Play everygame serious like you're actually playing, condition yourself to not care about enjoyment, because in the long run it's not about enjoyment anymore, it can still be enjoying, but my point is. If you're not growing and getting better it's because you're doing the wrong things. Play people who are better than you, if you can beat someone all the time, stop doing that, find someone who is actually a challenge, because that's really like no practice. 'it's good practice for aim' ..guess what.. no. I'm not gonna go into explanation or detail, this wans't at all the point of the article and i'm not a pro-gamer but I just wanted to go ahead and mention that.

Back to not knowing how you guys run your life... sometimes I question my self, was I the only one in this situation? who else out there had no control over themselves, or still don't or are in denial, or can atleast speak up and say the infamous quote of "i just don't care."

At my pinnacle weight, I was 210lbs@5'9 in 2003, I wasn't too much of an overeater but I was pretty consistant weight mostly came from inactivity, I would say half of my caloric intake came from the drinks, I would be in my room all day and you know that room gets hot, I would literally have cup after cup of juice, and it's surprising how calories form juice adds up, i'm currently at 160lbs, most of it being muscle. My initial weight loss was more than just fat, loss of muscle too, and then i realized that i need to do more than just watch what I eat. Cause eventhough I looked allaround smaller I still had a gut, and I was weak for muscle loss though I didn't have much to begin with. My hair was shaggily ugly (and i knew it) I purposely didn't get a haircut to hide behind it. I cut my hair one weekend, and when I went that monday people were like you look different, and this this person was like 'man, what happened this weekend, you changed' i'm like nothing happened, you're the one who changed your opinion of me. I then began weight training, and I gained some muscle while also reducing excess fat. At this point I was still trying to hide behind the scenes by dressing and acting low key to try not to be noticed. When I finally reached the point that I felt comfortable to show off who I really was or was in the direction of getting there I was trying to get to, in my own style of course, and no more baggy clothes since I was still wearing the old clothes. now i'm QUOTE UNQUOTE hot, and the way I dress is uniquely different then aynthing in this shitty ass town.

Now I'm starting to do things that I've always wanted to do/learn, and I'm making friends and going out places. It's funny because I recently became friends with this guy who happens to be gay, and he's like fucking puzzled why i'm cool as hell but I've never had any gay friends, (cause he was hoping i'd have some for him to meet, and asumingly they'd be attractive cause i'm so hot) only if he knew I dind't have any friends period.. lol.

I don't know if the internet is what contributed to my crazyness and openmindedness, but you see and hear some crazy ass bizzare shit on the net, infact on the net people say some of the gayest shit (literally) that you don't even know if they're just joking or if they're serious, but I have incorporated this bizzare sense of humor in the real world. Is it just me, or do you all feel like the internet makes people more open minded?

Though as much as I may have hated the internet for what I let it do to me , I also can't deny that it helped me to get away, so it's a win win hate/love situation. Nothing told me to change, but I had to push and tell my self to do it, cause no one else was going to. I remember when I used to think and so is not possible, I'll just fail, if you think that way as much of a cliche it may be, it's true. The truth is is if you try hard enough you can do it.

Over years I have changed, as to where I got and how/why I got there in the first place may be a long story. I don't know what the stories for you guys are, but I used to be chubby, quake, IRC, sleep, school, eat, IRC, quake, IRC, sleep, school. I literally had no life. "a life is what you make of it," well maybe it was a life, but it was a crappy life.
13048 Hits
Life Config Theory (57 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 15:44 CDT, 27 October 2005 - iMsg
For those of you who don't understand or choose to stay closed minded to previous post I have made with high level of hostility and opposition, maybe this post will open your mind to a new light or concept I have yet to be seen discussed.

Why do people want to see other people’s configs, or 'pro-gamer' configs? Is it to find a hidden secret, feature, or is it simply curiosity? Will it make you better?

What I have encountered by the most part is that usually when someone tries to take the whole config and use it as his or her own. It almost never works out, you might use it for a little bit, but then you revert back to your old config or go to another.

It's ok to look at configs, it's essential to have your own core config (because that is quite simply you, your bodies optimum default comfort settings), but you can incorporate some of the features in the configs that you like for your benefit. Small tweaks here and there and things you didn’t know that could be done that can be pretty cool. You use these features and make them your own, now you can say it's your own original config composed from all different sources into an abstract unique entity, which is now your own.

Do you not like to be original? Do you not take pride in being yourself and evolving to different levels by learning from your environment?

Well this concept can go into what I now call the Life Config. The life config can be whatever you want it to be and consists of anything and everything related to how you run your life. You can closely relate it to a gaming config and the things that you do to them, except with a little more complexity of variable randomness, which is what promotes evolution and change.

Learning from the environment, evolution and change, it is what takes you to the next level. Your next state may not be at all what you expect, and could take some time to adjust, but when traveling up the chain you'll begin to understand and see things different then what you saw them before.

The life config (LC) is only a figment of thin air, it does not need to physically exist, but it is always with you and constantly changing. Enough with the abstract ideas, time for the simplistic explanation.

As I mentioned before, the life config can consist of anything, now to discuss some basic things it should contain.

#8-infinity - There is no rank for this, which is want, and need. You have to want something otherwise there just is no motivation to care. Not caring is what I call close-minded, lazy, if that's you and are quite happy where you are and where you're going, then this is very much not for you.

#1 Priority - What is most important, what needs to be done now, and why?

#2 Goals - If you have a goal then you need to do things to get there, not talk about it, do it.

#3 Stop & Analyze - Am I really on the right track? Can I do better? Is this really for me? Do you really see yourself doing this?

#4 Learn & Practice - Constantly involve yourself with new things, the more you experience the more you know and the more fun you'll be to other people. If you like specific spot go there on a regular basis and become a 'regular' people will start to recognize you and will know you by your name.

These are things to keep in mind, but lets talk about the comparison now between configs. I'll start off by the most obvious comparison, if you don’t pay attention at all to how you're dressing, then this might hit you in the face like a brick. You tweak configs for the best performance, so why not tweak your LC to the best performance, and your optimum 'settings'. You see someone wearing something cool, you know what, steal some ideas use it as your own.

apparel_Ironed 0/1 0? return *GLF: <= 0
apparel_Ironed 0/1 1? return *GLF: >= 1

Okay, these values are obviously not 100% accurate and are not constant, but the 0 value will always be lower. Whether your intention is to get laid or not, setting this to 1 will surely not LOSE any points with you could in fact gain you a point, as for the 0, it is likely that you WILL lose points.

Fact: Females pay attention, and if you wear wrinkled clothes because you 'don't care,' the only thing they might care about is caring less about you. That is of course if caring less is even possible

hair_Cut 0/1
hair_Style <0,1,2,3->

Different hair styles will yield different results for you (client) on the specific (server) so called victim (some newb picky ass servers don’t like r_picmip 5, and will kick you, WHAT? fucking server kicked me, sob(but hopefully your approach wont yield that bad of a rejection if there is one)), but if you don't do any kind of thing to your hair and it looks like shit, then.. I don’t need to explain the rest. By now you should know how the GLF works.

"How can this guy aim with that sensitivity, I can't hit shit,"
Yeah well how can that guy get a girl, and you can't. The truth is the guy knows how to play the game, and like they say, you need to practice. If you don't practice, you're not going to get anywhere. Sure you COULD use someone else’s sensitivity, but why not just use something that's closer to what you're already doing and then get used to it with a little of your own tweaking. Unless what you're doing is so off base and bizarre that it's hurting you, then you need to find out what the problem is and correct it. You do this by experimenting putting to practice and seeing what works and what doesn't, or simply researching and asking people. Yes, surprising how everything here goes quite congruently with each other.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong, it's just not working."
That's why you need to keep practicing, the feeling of trying and failing is 1,000 times better then not trying at all. Not just do you learn from the experience, but at least you know that you tried, and that something that you did wasn't congruent to how it should of been. Therefore you know what to not do again, or not the same way.

voice_Tone <0,1,2,3,4,5>
0: mute
1: slow paced
2: less slow
3: normal
4: faster
5: fastest

Once again this is only an example.

You want to talk in different tones in different situation, why? To yield optimum results, why do you sometimes what to change your timenudge? To adapt to your environment depending on your lag. Well you need to be aware and conscious. If you talk to fast, slow the fuck down, if you talk too slow, be aware and speed the fuck up, but now to my point. Voice tone makes a huge difference on what your intended yield is on the specific situation. If you're already talking to a girl or whatever, you don’t want to be like really slow and be like 'heeeyyyy, lettttt meeee gettt yoooouurrrr nummmbeerr' that right there sounds retarded slow, but I just meant slow talking voice in general but it's hard to express that in text, but yeah, if you're talking at the slow speed, it can sound kind of 'creepy', "ugh, what a creep, I can't believe he asked me for my number", even if you're used to talking slow, you have to change this, speed the fuck up, and make it smooth like you've done it a million times and like it's not a big deal at all, 'hey, it was cool talking to you, what's your number, maybe we can get together sometime' anyways, maybe you're like who's that slow anyways, well you'd be surprised, so basically do it at a moderate careless speed, like yeah, whatever, and if I don’t get the number oh well, and of course if she declines there's other things you can say to try to get the number, but that's not really the basis of this documentation.

call_Rate <0,1,2,3->

You do not want to call a girl every single day, the most you will get from her is friends if even that, and who wants that? lol. There's always an exception, if you're so hot that nothing matters. So hot that it is expressed with a radiant glow with the body language that shows that you're hot and confident and people know that you know just by the way you stand with no shyness or fear in your body language or eyes. *Always remember, whoever you're talking to, doesn't matter if you made or received the call, always make sure to end the conversation first, fake like you have to go even if you truly want to keep talking, so don't keep the convos too long, leave them hanging, wanting more and curious having them anxious for the next time they talk to you.

config_Dynamic 1

That is what you want, because setting it to 0 will make it static/constant and stability does not promote evolution, so if you reach a point that you think you're happy with and that's what you want to stay with, then that's when it would be set to 0.

I'm already tired, and I know it was a very short-lived entry so I'm not even going to say anything more, but what I will say is if you now understand the concept of change in relation to a gaming config and you didn’t open yourself to it before, then well I hope you take it into consideration.

You modify your config for a reason, not to become worse, but to improve yourself. Now don't tell me I'm lying, hf.

*LC - Life Config
*GLF - Get Laid Factor <0123456789>

//**Written based from responses of this post,
Edited by lunatix at 22:43 GMT, 27th Oct 2005 - 7447 Hits
addict3d_ (2 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 18:53 CDT, 30 September 2005 - iMsg

i was told to remember,
all i saw was december,
99 was the year i surrendered

it was love at first site
it was undying love i could not fight
it grabbed hold of my dick
made me the bitch i do not wish to admit
but the truth was there
i did not choose but i had no choice

i could just not control the urge
i denied friends and family for
interlinking a never ending threesome
between the 2 of them, and the bitch
that i was for 4 years and it stole
much more than just a soul

it lowered my grades,
it lowered me into a hole
it lowered my train of thought

i couldn't ask for much more

i didn't need to smoke to get high
i just played all day and night

1,2,3,4,5, 1 more hr and its about that time
i get up to bloodshot eyes, i get to school
wtf son you look high, i was told this a million times

i sit for hrs, i finally get through
i hate the rhyming scheming sound but its oh so true
cross out reading cross out studying and homework
but i still managed to pass my classes
as long as i had my fix i was happy
isn't that all that trully matters?

till the day you open your eyes,
you're like a newborn in a new life
you see what a waste it has done to your time
i can't go back but i go forward
but now that i realize it's almost over

i see how bad u've been to me
i really don't care if you're changing for the need
to catch more users as ur dreaded feat
but i can tell you now, you don't got me.

self-discovery, use it.
3213 Hits
How to get laid and get a relashionship (41 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 18:27 CDT, 23 August 2005 - iMsg
..that is if you want one

if u dont sense the sarcasm, the point of this journal is so people will finally stop mentioning relationships in a journal that didn't mention anything about a relationship, this info isn't supposed to be useful, but maybe some of the blind will finally shutup and stop posting on the other journal about relationships

******Disclaimer: i could say a whole lot of things here, like this isn't supposed to be a guide, but maybe it'll cover what the blind people don't understand from the other journal because they don't read that it had nothing to do with relationships, but it doesn't matter because no one will read this anyways like they dind't read the disclaimer in the other journal

From popular demand from the blind I entroduce to you a few lines that will tell you all u need to know

it doesn't matter if you're ugly

Be confident, be yourself, express your opninions, be out going, outspoken, dynamic, 'different'

be indefferent toward the girl, but give respect

escalate things through different levels, (close proximity/holding hands/touching)a-z(sex) not a TO z, but quickly, if you plan to get any the same day

don't buy her anything, except for special occasions
if you invite her out expect to pay, if she invites she pays or split the bill

don't compliment, ok to do it once in a blue moon if u really feel to, don't over compliment, females hear this shit all the time

SELF GROWTH: if you dont feel like you have anything to offer or you feel lame, and regardless what you feel, in general, be open minded about things, try new things, don't be scared just do it, try new things every chance you get... if you've always wanted to do something, stop thinking about it, just do it, if you don't do it now, when will you. free your self it's all about you, you're #1, after you then you can start to worry about other things, if you have a bad relationship with your family try to fix it, it's surprising how some people are stuck living behind someone elses shadow, move on and do something about your life. make friends, ask questions, open your self, the end.

Comment #29 @ 20:23 EST, 21 Aug 2005
(iMsg*, Ignore, Reply)
By Beer! Morba
why change to be more attractive to women who would normally have no interest in you.
once they realise you have no personalilty they will drop you as quick as they noticed that you pluck your eyebrows!

you mention confidence - this comes from accepting yourself first, if yout not happy with yourself then you wont be confident, your post suggests to me that your not happy with yourself so have no self confidence, hence the change.

let someone like you for who you are, not who they want you to be.
1% [+]
<< >>
Comment #33 @ 20:44 EST, 21 Aug 2005
(iMsg*, Edit, Ignore, Reply)
By Kitty lunatix - Reply to #29
Notice I dind't say to be more attractive to woman, I just said to be attractive in general though female would be my only goal, but it just so happens, the radiance of hotness just spills over tho other things you didn't intend.

And you're right someone should like you for who you are, and I'm fine with who I am, but I know there's people out there that aren't confident enough and they do need to seek change, change for better, not to change themselves as for the person they were, but to enhance themselves and maybe get more confidence they're lacking. And like you said confidence comes from accepting themselves first, maybe someone doesn't accept themselves but they want to, so they have to make certain changes to finally find the confidence they're looking for.

As for me, sure, in the past I didn't have confidence, I dont know if some people are born with confidence or you just develop it, but I had to become confidence, and it sure wasn't from physical appearance. Though in the past, I just thought i wasn't attractive to females, but that wasn't the problem, the problem was that I just didn't attempt to talk and approach females. But the way I am now, females seem to approach me, once again, the whole point of the post was for Physical Attraction, had nothing to do with starting a relationship with anyone.

And like I've heard somewhere before "Attraction isn't a choice." It's true, when someone feels attraction for someone else, It's their body telling them that this person is attractive, and that comes from their environment how they grew up whatever. But even if someone doesn't like you for who you are, they might not like you as a person, but their body has no choice over if they think you're 'hot' or not, that's never gonna change.

New Comment #114 @ 23:04 GMT, 22 Aug 2005
(Reply) By oda - Reply to #110
He's right though. Customizing your apperance based on a certain girl's outlook is sad. << >> New Comment #121 @ 23:31 GMT, 22 Aug 2005
(Reply) By lunatix - Reply to #114
I'm not customizing my appearance for any specific girl, my attractive radiance will be received by old young women and men , simply because the attraction mechanism is built into our brains. Like I mentioned in a previous post where I've heard someone say this before "attraction isn't a choice'" and it's true, it doesn't matter who you are, or if the other person likes you for who you are or not, it's not gonna change the fact that they're attracted to the way you look, they have no choice, their attraction circuitry is just wired that way. Like I said, I wasn't even being specific about females, but for example, even a clueless FEMALE, who her in herself is has a unibrow/unplucked eyebrows, they will feel attracted too. Are you saying just because the other peson is a certain way that they wont. It's also hilarious when I hear, 'she's hot for a black girl' or something in that area... who gives a shit wtf they are, if they're hot they're hot, and the fact is, your body has no choice but to see the obvious of what's infront of them hotness. Which I will just state as attraction. Once you get to know the person, they may have a shitty ass attitude, and then you might not feel 'attraction' for them anymore, though you were initally attracted from the look itself. Doesn't change the fact that they still look good, however you want it to be worded. Also, I have found, and have questioned some females as well about, let me spell it out QUOTE UNQUOTE HOTNESS. Some females are reluctant to have ANYTHING to do with a guy simply because they are so "hot," what I have heard the reason behind this is "because, they have an endless supply of females going to them" so they just asume that the guy is "a guy" as in fucking everything that flocks to him. For those of you people who actually care about relationships and you want someone in that same area, it all starts with being friends first, so even if it's a female who is like that, and you're hot and you want her, you need to be friends first, and show her that you're not the guy she thinks you were. ....I could go on for miles

Comment #171 @ 12:03 EST, 23 Aug 2005
(iMsg*, Ignore, Reply)
By Beer! Morba
When do we have the followup to this - 'How to keep that fantastic woman you have pulled' ?

Would be interesting to see your thoughts.
<< >>
Comment #177 @ 12:18 EST, 23 Aug 2005
(iMsg*, Edit, Ignore, Reply)
By Kitty lunatix - Reply to #171
This wasn't to pull anyone, the basis of this article was to simply become more attractive, people will either come up to you or you can hear them snickering about you amongst their friends. As for the person that I am, I wouldn't classify my self as the conventional 'guy.' Though you have all kinds of people who approach from 'ugly' to 'hot,' I would have to say that I'm not really into females that approach me. I akwardly attracted to the ones that don't seem interested in me, EVEN IF THEY'RE UGLY I just get this wierd kind of akward attraction towards them. Isn't that funny? Like I said, the basis of this article is as is what it was, I even had a disclaimer. If you read any of my other replies you see me mentioning about me questioning some females about what they felt about very attractive guys, which can go against you intensions but it doesn't change the fact that they are infact physically attracted to you.
Edited by lunatix at 00:30 GMT, 24th Aug 2005 - 12687 Hits
Physical Attraction 4 The Complete Idiot (336 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 18:03 CDT, 21 August 2005 - iMsg
**ONLY INFO GIVEN NOT RELATED: Yes, it is true, the #1 thing to getting a female is confidence, females are all about emotions.

About me: I'm a heterosexual male. I'm not a metrosexual, pretty boy, or in any other kind of group, so don't label me, don't categorize me, I'm just me.

Though I'm a guy, and I only care about females, the intention here is to VISUALLY attract females, but non the less, it will also attract other people, wether they be straight or gay males

*******All females are bisexual*********
If you're trying to prove me wrong you're wasting your time

By that little fact right there, that means 2 things the more gay you look or the more you look like a female the more attraction you will get from people.

Hair: It makes such a big difference, it can make you look like a completly different person, I'm not gonna go into specific styles, I'm trying to make this short. But lets put it this way, if you've had your hair a certain way for all your life, or for a very long time (1+ years) it's time to change your hair style, wether it be color the whole look, or length. Get some magazines look for some celebrities, take it to the salon, and say 'hey i want this right here'. Or get some suggestions from females. My point here though is hair makes a big difference, and quite honestly, wtf, having the same hair look all that time? It's time for a change. (czm, no offence, you're cool, but that bowl cut is getting old)

HAIR IN GENERAL: ANY hair on your body is hair you need to maintain. Quiet personally i have never shaved my legs or arms, and you dont need to, but what's a must?
BUSH: First of all, asuming you plan to have sex at all, or do anything sexual, my gawd, do u seriously just let a bush grow? EIther trim or shave ur bush, and most def. shave the family jewels,
ARMPIT HAIR: same thing, either shave it completly, or simply, trim it, none the less TRIM.
ASS HAIR, most def. SHAVE it with a razor, no point in trying to trim it, u shouldn't have hair there anyways, now if you're gonna tell me that's gay? well you're a fucking idiot, good luck to u and ur dingle berries i'm sure u get shit stuck on ur uneeded ass hairs.
Backhair: got any? get rid of it
Chesthair: sure why not, but not needed

Facial Hair: Wether you like the facial hair or not that's your choice, I'd say female could care less either way as well. I also like to change mine around sometimes i'll have some sometimes i'll completly shaev it, nonthe less make sure to maintain it, sometimes you can even have the scruffy look

I know some people who haven't grown like any other facial hair but they have a mustache, and have never shaven it once, ...sometimes i think to my self, hmmm, why dont they shave it, cause quite honestly they look like of retarded, either that, or i'm just thinking they could look better. If you have never shaved your mustache, just go ahead and do it, what are you afraid of? there's nothign to be scared of

IF YOU SHAVE YOUR MUSTACHE IT'S NOT GONNA GROW BACK FASTER AND THICKER IT'S A LIE, SO DON'T BE SCARED TO SHAVE IT. and if you've never shaved it... damn, wouldn't you like to see what you look like, i bet the first time you shave it, people will be like 'wow',

and in general, wouldn't it be wonderful if someone just walked up to you and told you what they thought, it's not even about caring, but just about hearing opinions

Nose Hair: I have this perticular friend, not real close friends, but just some casual friend, well, he has crazy ass nose hair, i'm a guy, but hell yeah i notice the shit, he has like strands fucking hanging out his nose... I don't tell him anyhting cause i don't want to 'be an ass' or embarass him or some shit, but, DAMN YO, if you have nose hair like that, I'm telling you, GET A NOSE HAIR TRIMMER, and trim that shit, if I notice it, females will most defenately notice. Maybe you're one of those people who had notice the your nose hair berfore but you didn't know what to do about it, or quite simply so clueless, you dind't know it was an issue, well i'm telling you right now, it's lowering your points. Make sure when trimming to just get the crazy outer hair, you shouldn't be going deep into your nose.

Eyebrows: This is one area a lot of guys dont pay much attention of, but I can tell you first hand, it makes a big difference in your look. Most certainly if you have a unibrow or hair inbetween your eyebrows, that's the first thing you NEED to do, is remove it, get some tweezers and just pluck inbetween. Now to the actual eyebrow, you dont need to have girl thin eyebrows, but bushy ass eyebrows that are all over the place are nothing special either, now if you get more a clean down look that will be just fine. Either get one of your female friends to do it for you, or go to the salon and get it waxed, tell them you want a clenaed up look, but not too thin, I STILL WANT TO LOOK LIKE A GUY, not like i'm gay (for those of you guys scared of loooking like a girl), but lets put it into perspective, it's better for it to look too thin, than too thick, kind of like jeans except in reverse, it's better to have some jeans that are too baggy than too tight am i right? (you will literally have females walking up to you going like 'wow, you have some nice eyes' or some other shit, and it had nothing to do with your eyes, it was just your eyebrows, it's just that they didn't even know what it was, others will notice it's the eyebrows and will be like 'wow, do you arch your eyebrows' non the less, it's amazing how big of a difference eyebrows make

ANYWAYS, get them wax, and then when you see hairs growing back in, get a tweezer and pluck out the hairs, and you can maintain it yourself, either that, or keep going back to the salon to get it done, but that's $$$$, who wants to do that, you can maintain it yourself

Glasses: If you haven't tried contacts you should try them, but glasses are ok, just dont have some ugly oversized grandma frames

Lips: No one wants to see crusty dry ass lips, so if you have a problem with chapped lips, USE CHAPSTICK

Oral Hygene: This is very obvious, keep your mouth clean, and the whiter the teeth the better, you don't want to look like railmccoy, that's a big no. Keeping mouth clean: Some people may have grown up with badhabbits, some people wakeup and never brush their teeth, well what I would recommend is to make brushing your teeth the very FIRST thing you do in the morning. Do you eat breakfast? Well you SHOULD, it is the most important meal of the day like they say, but my point of mentioning that is that YES, don't wait to eat and then brush your teeth. BRUSH YOUR TEETH AS SOON AS YOU GET UP. As far as brushing again afterwards.. that's your choice. For those of you who want extra help in cleaning their teeth, there's a pre-brushing mouthwash product called PLAX Anti-Plaque Dental Rinse, that will help get rid of fresh plaque. I currently wear braces so I use all that I can including a flouride mouthwash to keep teeth strong, you shouldn't really need that though. Now for the health of your teeth you NEED TO FLOSS. Brushing teeth AND flossing will prevent gum recession. Any blood at all from brushing or from INITIALLY flossing if you haven't in a long time is a sign that you have gingivitis.. but don't be too worried, gingivitis is reversable, but if you dwell too much, you will go to the next stage, that IS NOT reversible, this stage is called a periodontal disease. Periodontal is determined when this probe like thing is stuck inbetween your gums and teeth to see if it goes down a certain amount. For you people without braces, for your convience there are these certain brush looking things that will hold floss for you, and this could help you get through flossing faster. I'll also like to mention this tool, not exacly new but not used by that many is the tongue scraper, you can find these in the store where the other oral hygene products are at, basically you use this to scrape your tongue which is said to be one of the main places where mouth odor is comming from, so this will help keep that down. Regardless if you have a tongue scraper or not after brushing your teeth you should brush your tongue, of course you should all know this). Then I recommend following with listerine mouthwash, I personally still use the original listerine, but none the less listerine is great.
1. Brush
3. LISTERINE mouthwash

STYLE: Now about your style, develop your own style, other than this, don't be scared to explore outside your norms, go out and shop with a girl, it's good to completly change your look, especially if you're looked one certain way for most of your life. Develop your own style, take different things from different people that you really like, and incorporate it into your own. Don't dress like a fucking geek, NOT UNLESS, you have the complete confidence and personality to be able to pull it off, in which case you shouldn't of been reading this text to begin with. Because like I stated above, CONFIDENCE IS THE #1 THING THAT CAN MAKE YOU ATTRACTIVE confidence is only attractive in the PHYSICAL sense when it involves a radiating vibe and body language that goes along with it and that's not what this test was about, but about being Physically Attractive to others.

Have your own unique look. Also, have you ever seen something that you were like 'that's cool,' but for some reason you wouldn't dare to try that yourself, or for some reason, you didn't buy a certain brand of something for some odd reason. Well move forward and forget about it, It's all about risk, not taking a risk is a risk in a self, in a long life of dullness and a constant of repetition.

Socks: I'll go ahead and mention socks, white socks are retarded as hell, wear w/e you want, but white sucks. (in general)

Piercings, Tattoos: I'm not gonna go into detail but I'm just gonna mention that Piercings can enhance your look and create attraction... If you're gonna get your ears pierced... you know you do what you like, but quit honestly, screw the whole one ear thing, get both pierced, I'm wearing some hoops right now. Yes, people are attracted to it, and when i say piercings I mean some basic ear piercings, basically nothing too over the top, because then you would be put into another category, then people wont necessarily be more attracted because of the 'bizzare' piercings in peoples eyes, but it'll basically appeal to less people specifically older people, so some basic ear piercings can enhance the look... as far as tattoos, I'm not exacly gonna back it up, I don't like the whole idea of having something 'permanent' on your body, and from what I've heard from many people, including my sister who has about 5 tattoos, she says she wishes she never got them, that she was "young and stupid," well that wasn't her trying to convince me, cause I already had my mind set that I didn't PLAN to get any tattoos, she was just telling me. So don't make a mistake and just get a tattoo like that, and to tell you the truth, tattoo can 'look cool' but it doesn't really create much physically enhancing attraction.
yes, i just had to take out the 'jewelry' part thought by that, that jsut consisted of 'body jewelry' aka piercings as well as the common thing of 'rings' that can be cool too, but yeah, i'll just 'leave jewelry out, ofcoures its completly optional, but the word 'jewelry' does 'sound' kind of feminin, lol

Body langugage: Stand up straight, don't look nervous or look like you don't know what you're doing, people can clearly see that you don't if you don't. When sitting down don't ever cross your legs, and be steady and not a whole lot of movement and readjusting. When walking think of waves of your energy just going accross through everyone FEEL confident, if making eye contact, never look away first.

Facial Expressions:Change up facial expressions, are you always looking serious? Change it up a bit and look friendly, put out a smile. You always smiling? Look serious, either way you will get people going like '..hmm'

Fitness: This one is kind of obvious, GET IN SHAPE. When you're in real good shape, you can pretty much pull off any look just cause clothes fit so good. I'm not talking about about becomming a body builder, just getting in shape. Over weight? lose weight.... if you start to lose weight, you'll eventually notice that it's not all about 'losing weight' but losing body fat, body fat under 10% is pretty good shape, to put it into perspective, i'd say 8% and less body fat is 6pack material, so you need to workout, not just watch what you eat, intitally concentrate a lot more on the lower body, DO A LOT OF SQUATS, your thighs/legs contains the biggest muscle group in your body. When you workout that region and develop more muscle, as you've probably heard before, it BURNS MORE FAT, and that is our goal here. Of course you should be working out both uppre and lower body, but most def. make sure to work the legs.

Skin Tone: I almost forgot about mentioning this till I read stoneeh mentioning it. The human brain is wired to be naturally attracted more towards nice even skin along with other things. So my suggestion is, if you have never gone tanning, GO TAN. Darker skin toned people are known to tan to even out skin tone, so it's beneficial for all, not just for the pale. Tanning is huge one, I dont know how i missed it, it's huge because it really enhances the look. There's a many benefits to tanning and I'll list a few... #1. You simply look healthier, you have this like glow to you, and it's just way more appealing/can help even out skin tone. #2. Tanning can help get rid of acne, yes, it's true. #3 when you go out in the sun or in a tanning bed, you body naturally develops vitamin D #4. Tanning gives your body protection against getting burnt in the sun. Of course when you initially go tan for first time you're gonna want to start off at very low minutes, if you're REALLY pale, like some of you I know are, you probably shouldn't start at more than 5 minutes, and that of course conists of turning in diff. positions while lying on the tanning bed. I don't have to go into completly detail about it because for one it's not complicated, and 2 any tanning salon will tell you exacly what to do and recommend how many minutes to go in if you haven't done it before (if they're half decent anyways, they should be, if not ask) but you should be turning in it. One last suggestion with that as well is if you're using the gogles, make sure you move the goggles slightly on the sides around your eyes so you wont get what is known as 'raccoon eyes' which basically you can kind of tell that they have been tanning because the eye area will be slightly diff. color. That's for standard bed which is what I recommend, though there's diff. kinds along with stand up tanning ones, and as for eye protection, make sure to always have it, even a towel over ur eyes would only stop like 3% of the uvrays, w/e none the less you need eye protection, you shouldn't want a towel over ur head anyways, but that provides very little protection if any, plus you want you face to get tanned that's the first thing people will notice
Quicker alternative to tanning would be mystic spray tan where you go in a booth and you get tanned from this spray that is sprayed all over, you essentially get same effect, but there's downsides, #1. More expensive #2. Doesn't naturally protect your body against uv rays, doesn't give any protection whatsoever #3. basically no benefits other than getting the 'tan' itself, probably wears off faster than a 'real' tan, dunno, never had it done
(as far as the 'sunless tan' that you can buy at the store in bottle form, I wouldn't recommend it at all, because it is known for not comming out very even, plus the other solutions are better, and much better experience (new experience) if you ask me. but yeah, the problem is that it doesn't come out even, so stay away from the 'sunless tan')

Skin: Come on, if you have acne, get some Pro-Activ. Other than that, get some face wash (soap isn't good enough) like noxzema, use it before going to sleep, and in the morning out of getting out the shower

Body Odor: You do not want to smell, always, wear deodarant. Cologne is def. not a necesity, the idea here is to simply not give an unpleasant odor. I personally use degree Anti-Perspirant & Deodarant, though just an Anti-Perspirant can be enough. As far as Cologne, and such.. I would say it's kind of outdated, I still have some I have around, but if I plan to have on some kind of scent, I just use some body spray like AXE for one it's cheaper than cologne and yes it smells good, and I spray it all over, and yes on the family jewels as well. Bottom line it's pointless to use cologne anymore (my view anyways).

(like I mentioned, the important here is about not having an unpleasant odor, as another thing i leave you to. Comfort is about not experience discomfort.)

*********There's is so much more I could write about, and a lot more other aspects that actually go into interaction with the person, but this was to simply inform the completely clueless in the Physical Appeal area.

**ONLY INFO GIVEN NOT RELATED: Yes, it is true, the #1 thing to getting a female is confidence, females are all about emotions.
Edited by lunatix at 17:58 GMT, 27th Aug 2005 - 222064 Hits
The Novices Quake3 Timing Guide (43 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 19:36 CDT, 20 August 2005 - iMsg
Tool to practice timing from sWozzie

#### Quake 3 Timing Techniques [1vs1 Perspective]
## lunatix @ ETG
## [email protected]
## Notepad: Format > Word Wrap

# Intro: This documentation is for the timing novice [1vs1 Perspective].
# About me: I have been playing Quake3 since Q3test1.08, I currently play no games and I feel no hype over Quake4 though I'm hoping it works out. I am no mathematician, math lover, math enthusiast. I'm sure a mathematician would come up with better methods, or simply they're so fast and adding subtraction it makes no difference to them; but the way I see it, when I play Quake3 regardless if my ADDING/SUBTRACTION technique was fast or not, you know, I want to play I don't want to be doing math.

#### Disclaimer: This documentation is given as is and is not designed to make you a better player. This texts only goal is to provide, inform, or to simply reference various timing techniques. Timing is very easy, and once learned can be helpful but can also send you to a plateau if you rely too much on it. It's good to always know when items will spawn, but that by no means entails you to pickup the item every time or to even be near it going for an item every time may put you in more harm than good. Winning is about controlling the player, not the map.

## Basic information:
All items are active and ready for pickup straight out of initial spawn.

Max Health: 200(if(H>100) -1h/s) | Armor: 200
MH - Mega Health, 100 Health
RA - Red Armor, 100 Armor
YA - Yellow Armor, 50 Armor

Theoretical Maximum of item spawns in standard 15 min. match:
MH: 26 (2600H)
RA/YA: 36 (3600/1800 (5400A))

Timer: \Cg_drawTimer 1

## Methods of timing:
The most common way of timing is the most obvious, adding and subtracting times. I will discuss two different techniques, one that I've heard of people using and one that I use, both just require memorizing and recalling. Sorry if I mis leaded you thinking you wouldn't have to deal with math at all, but these are numbers, math had to be involved somewhere, the only math used here is Substitution, and Recall. Which in my opinion takes less work than the conventional method.

Before learning any techniques first learn to keep track of items. This documentation will only deal with three main items, MH, RA, YA.
Assuming you just magically know when times will spawn. Okay, what if you know the times, but don't know what times is for what item? You just have like three numbers going around in your head. OK, so this is why we always keep the items in the same order, mentally/verbally keep the times queued in same order. I preferably prefer MH, RA, YA, so always remember the times in that order. If for some reason you don't remember a time, then replace it with 00, but make sure you always have something in its place that way you wont have numbers mixed up.

#Technique 1 (Covers all items)
This method provides a way of timing by memorizing a list and then substituting the seconds with the corresponding number. (If you have played and at least somewhat tried to time items you will notice that these numbers look familiar, now if you hadn't taken the time to do it yourself, here's the list and simply memorize it)

--:00 | --:00
--:35 | --:25
--:10 | --:50
--:45 | --:15
--:20 | --:40
--:55 | --:05
--:30 | --:30
--:05 | --:55
--:40 | --:20
--:15 | --:45
--:50 | --:10
--:25 | --:35
--:00 | --:00

Same list different style:
--:00 --:35 | --:00 --:25
--:05 --:40 | --:05 --:30
--:10 --:45 | --:10 --:35
--:15 --:50 | --:15 --:40
--:20 --:55 | --:20 --:45
--:25 --:00 | --:25 --:50
--:30 --:05 | --:30 --:55
--:35 --:10 | --:35 --:00
--:40 --:15 | --:40 --:05
--:45 --:20 | --:45 --:10
--:50 --:25 | --:50 --:15
--:55 --:30 | --:55 --:20
--:00 --:35 | --:00 --:25

*Same numbers in reverse

These are the numbers that you will be substituting for precise times:
Substitution list:

--:-0 = --:-5

--:-1 = --:-6
--:-2 = --:-7
--:-3 = --:-8
--:-4 = --:-9

--:-5 = --:-0

--:-6 = --:-1
--:-7 = --:-2
--:-8 = --:-3
--:-9 = --:-4

--:-0 = --:-5

*Same numbers in reverse

#Putting list to use:
Now that you have the list and if you have not already figured it out already here we go. I will now give out some random item pickup times and we will now

find out when they spawn.

-MH Pickup: 03:25

okay.. minute time doesn't matter at all, 03 means nothing to us, lets just look at the seconds, 25, okay that's pretty simple it's already on the list, look for

25 on the list, what's the number following it? 00..okay so the MH will now spawn at 00, when you have this memorized, you shouldn't have to look for anything
-Spawn: 04:00

-RA/YA Pickup: 03:45

Remember, all I see here is the seconds, the minutes mean nothing, so what's following 45? It's 10
-Spawn: 04:10

At this point 'zero zero' and 'ten' should be circulating through your mind, make sure you keep them in same order.
-MH Pickup: 06:47

oh shit, so we're on a number that's not on the list so now what, here's when the substitution comes in place

1. We see '47'
2. Round number DOWN to closest number on list, which of course ends with either 0 or 5, so anyways, '47' of course will now be '45'
3. '45' on the list is '20'
4. Okay, so we all know we picked it up at 47 and not 45
5. Look at the substitution list, look for '7', what does '7' equal? '2'
6. Now it doesn't matter if it ended with 0 or 5, because that number will now be the substitution number, so the spawn is now at '22'
* Notice that substitution list the numbers are both the same in reverse, '7' is '2' and '2' is '7' respectively

-Spawn: 22

I'm not gonna go into armor because it's the exact same thing, and if you're too dumb to understand what the 'same thing' means, then you shouldn't be reading this document.

#Memorization technique: Say the numbers over and over, consecutively, 'forty five, twenty', 'fifteen, fifty', ..etc. Print/Write out and type to monitor or somewhere where you can easily see it, only way to learn/memorize it or anything for that matter, is constant use.

#Technique 2 (I will only cover MH)
This method I have heard of people using. What is essentially done is memorization the times that the MH is known to spawn at a given time. The flaw with this technique is that you have no sure time of knowing when the item is exactly spawned, especially if the mh wasn't picked up right away or purposely delayed.

*Assuming you pickup items right after each other (list should probably edited to higher times per item spawn to makeup for delays
1| 00:03
2| 00:38

3| 01:13
4| 01:48

5| 02:23
6| 02:58
7| 03:33
8| 04:08
9| 04:43

10| 05:18
11| 05:53
12| |06:28|
13| 07:03 * Repeats
14| 07:38

15| 08:13
16| 08:48

17| 09:23
18| 09:58
19| 10:33
20| 11:08
21| 11:43

22| 12:18
23| 12:53
24| |13:28|
25| 14:03 * Repeats
26| 14:38


1| 00:03
2| 00:28
3| 00:53

4| 01:18
5| 01:43

6| 02:08
7| 02:33
8| 02:58

9| 03:23
10| 03:48

11| 04:13
12| |04:38|
13| 05:03 * Repeats
14| 05:28
15| 05:53

16| 06:18
17| 06:43

18| 07:08
19| 07:33
20| 07:58

21| 08:23
22| 08:48

23| 09:13
24| |09:38|
25| 10:03 * Repeats
26| 10:28
27| 10:53

28| 11:18
29| 11:43

30| 12:08
31| 12:33
32| 12:58

33| 13:23
34| 13:48

35| 14:13
36| |14:38|
15:03 * Repeats

Once you've learned to time and when items spawn it's about knowing when to do the right things, also delaying items if you feel the or delay them far enough for you to be able to run from one item straight to the other or simply to throw the opponent off.

* Note
Even though I have been timing for a long time, sometimes I just \cg_drawTimer 0 to force my self not to 'know' exactly when item spawns, this forces me from thinking too much about items and concentrate more on what the opponent is doing.

#### Disclaimer: This documentation is given as is and is not designed to make you a better player. This texts only goal is to provide, inform, or to simply reference various timing techniques. Timing is very easy, and once learned can be helpful but can also send you to a plateau if you rely too much on it. It's good to always know when items will spawn, but that by no means entails you to pickup the item every time or to even be near it going for an item every time may put you in more harm than good. Winning is about controlling the player, not the map.
Edited by lunatix at 16:56 GMT, 23rd Aug 2005 - 13467 Hits
ESR Celebrity Look-A-Likes (18 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 15:04 CDT, 14 August 2005 - iMsg
Recently I was told I looked like some UT player (sticks finger in back of throat) named infinite and also Benicio Del Toro by someone else from my previous profile picture. Well it so happens I have a picture that looks like Benicio Del Toro.. Enjoy.


Has anyone else here been told they look like someone else, and do you agree, or are you like, no I don't.
7107 Hits
The UNKNOWN Pro-Q3dm6 Bug/Trick (20 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 04:03 CDT, 13 August 2005 - iMsg
Along with the best Quake3 config ever released here, I am now unvieling the infamous UNKOWN Pro-Q3dm6 Bug/Trick for your pleasure.

This trick is mainly used for 'falling' down and making no sound when landing to sneak into the ra room without notice from whichever door you plan to take, but this bug/trick works on any of the sides of the mh room area. I could give complete instructions, but I think this demo I made a while back should be enough, you can make your own variations, just as not shown in the demo as in going from jump pad straight to the opposite side and landing with nosound/depletion of health. I think the demo speaks for it self.

Running is not required, hold walk while falling for convenience of air stability and to be ready to walk when landing and not be heard. Use crouch as pleased.

Yes, I do take full claim for this technique, thank you.
Edited by lunatix at 09:10 GMT, 13th Aug 2005 - 6027 Hits
Best Quake3 Config Ever (8 comments)
Posted by lunatix @ 01:21 CDT, 13 August 2005 - iMsg
I'm finally releasing the best Quake3 config ever for public distribution, enjoy.
8286 Hits
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