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How do you players deal with over confident opponents? (23 comments)
Posted by polterg00se @ 16:02 CDT, 30 October 2017 - iMsg
I have grumbled and ranted all throughout the time I've played Quake Live duel over the course of 3-4 years. I've made some great progress though, winning some tough games between 1800-2000+ elo players. The only thing that has worried and annoyed me the most with my inconsistencies in Quake Live is my inability to punish bad positioning from opponents when they rush me down. If you watch guys like Rapha punish bad positioning, or sometimes in Fraze's Quake Live duel tutorials, the opponent gets over zealous for getting frags, and with those two high level Quake players I see the bad pushes get instantly punished with good rockets and lg. I just watched a video of Rapha playing against Anarki in QC and he complained that because of the speed and hitbox of these champions, people can do absolutely dumb shit all the time and get away with it and they get the frag because they gain an advantage after they push through.

I heard all of the time how people don't have to have good aim, just play positionally. Well, I actually have this problem with Quake Live and that is why I avoided Quake Champions entirely (as I can't stop people from doing that in VQL). I feel like punishing players for dumb attacks would be the most important part of why Quake Live is played positionally, but it hasn't helped my game all that much.
The respect from the opponent isn't there, my aim isn't there and my body ain't ready. You would think that because Quake is heavily based on positioning and working the positions well, that players rushing through choke points and bad spots would know better but it just surprises me that I don't punish their actions. Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me?

Am I even looking at this the correct way?!
10902 Hits
Looking for someone to grind with (11 comments)
Posted by polterg00se @ 16:52 CDT, 15 May 2017 - iMsg
Hey, so I have a few people on my friends list but none of them are really interested in grinding Quake Champions. I'm a North American Quake Live player looking to transition over to Quake Champions and make the top 100 players on the leaderboards (whenever that comes around). I need 1-4 people who know the game, preferably with at least 2 years of Quake experience. If you feel like you're up for the challenge, let me know and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Portfolio: I don't really want to over-self promote, but I think I'm pretty good at Quake. In Quake Live I've got close to around 1900 elo in duel, but I usually have bad routing and high ping so I always play with 50+ ping. I have above average aim, but not necessarily top tier. I can time the items in both QC and QL. I've beat high level players ranging from 1900 elo to 2400 elo. With time, I personally see myself increasing my knowledge of the game and everything that comes with it.

My gamertag in Quake Champions is polterg00se. Send me your steam url and I'll add you if interested. Btw, I am totally willing to bring over 4 people into this circle, just in case a few of us are not on at the time, you should be able to keep grinding with teammates regardless.
7909 Hits
Need help with my cfg (bug) (6 comments)
Posted by polterg00se @ 00:52 CST, 3 February 2017 - iMsg
So I am using the lightning gun alias that lowers my sensitivity some when i shoot it, but my problem is that out of nowhere it just stopped working after I changed my crosshair size in the cfg file. Now it is broken, can anyone help me with this?
5192 Hits
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