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jimqc/hunkr/0wner still at it? (60 comments)
Posted by gloat @ 03:45 CST, 20 February 2016 - iMsg
So I recently started playing quakelive again, played this duel against jimqc:

On my 8th beer+rust so my aim is nonexistant, but luckily I could still time items. Noticed he was pretty aim heavy after my start got fucked. I thought his name sounded familiar so I did a search and found out it was the same guy as hunkr/0wner/r4ven/etc, the guy that was banned in quakelive for cheating. I haven't bothered to analyse the demo in wolfcam from his pov, but it feels like he's still at the same game.. poor decision making, no timing whatsoever, terrible movement, but 50% accuracy no problem. You guys be the judge.
28834 Hits
ayrton senna quotes (1 comment)
Posted by gloat @ 14:49 CDT, 7 June 2014 - iMsg
some inspirational quotes, i thought this was fitting for ql. 2:30 in particular reminded me of cooller :p

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