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Phuck this thread (23 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 02:45 CST, 2 February 2013 - iMsg
Guess I was wrong
Strangest thing that has happened in a while.
Thanks for for sharing that link nzro
Edited by Musicofmelkor at 05:46 CST, 2 February 2013 - 3222 Hits
blah blah (67 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 05:11 CST, 27 November 2012 - iMsg
Edited by Musicofmelkor at 03:16 CST, 29 November 2012 - 11715 Hits
i miss xsreality :< (40 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 19:39 CST, 25 November 2012 - iMsg

miss the optimism and excitement of that period
miss the columns/blogs.
even miss the layout

no, i'm not whining.
just being nostalgic while drunk
25613 Hits
Evils mouse/cfg (36 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 15:12 CST, 24 November 2012 - iMsg
watched his games vs killsen and am watching the rapha games
the guy has very precise and smooth aim
not very flick dependent. i like it.
anyone know what he's using for mouse/pad and if he uses accel?
one thing i noticed was that it doesnt look like he uses any accel, which is surprising cause he's russian.

edit: err not so sure about no accel now ;p
Edited by Musicofmelkor at 15:44 CST, 24 November 2012 - 29636 Hits
Attracting casual gamers (202 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 18:23 CST, 19 November 2012 - iMsg
edit: deleted the fluff of the original post

it needs to be fast paced(cs is an anamoly. a slow paced game like that will never be the most popular fps game EVER again)

not difficult to score frags in

no practice needed for movement

If reborn were to come out today and be just like quakelive, except with an extra jump or two, it would fail HARD.
quakelive is too balanced for the casual to enjoy and casuals will never learn the movement system.

my suggestion is to make reborn closer to quakeworld than to quakelive. balanced games take longer to get kills in, you have to chip away damage to get a lot of kills. that is extremely boring to casuals, they want faster gratification. plus, only the hardcore will learn how to use these balanced guns to their fullest potential(i.e. know exactly when someone is railable, shotgunnable, etc).

"if frags come easier in reborn than in quakelive. how will reborn ever be considered a pro worthy game?"

movement system of course
it would need to be much deeper than quakelive's for instance.
that will be one way to separate the good from the bad.

"then how will reborn attract casuals if it's difficult to move around in?"

autojump settings
doesn't need much explanation. if newbies can move around quickly without any practice, they will be much more likely to keep playing your game.

one 'mistake' reborn could learn from quakelive is with the weaponlist/powerup system.

i believe there are 12 weapons that you can bind in quakelive.
plus, there are a lot of powerups in ctf that you have to deal with.
talk about confusing.
reborn needs to stick to 5-8 weapons max

if reborn were to follow this list, i believe it would have a good chance of succeeding with both the casual and the hardcore crowds.

- fast paced
- autojumps settings or servers
- hard movement
- unbalanced weapons
- keep the weaponlist/powerup system simple

the only negative i could see coming from following this system would be a slight devaluation of aim in reborn. however, if reborn could save fast fps gaming, it would be more than worth it.



this is what reborn is going up against.
the goal is create a funner game than this. i just don't see a leveling up system or tutorial system being enough.
some core changes need to be made.

expecting people to have to learn movement before they can start having fun is one of them. that type of thinking needs to be a thing of the past.
you guys have to realize that there are people who have grown up without ever learning movement skills for fps games. millions of players.
you can't expect them to change just for quake/reborn, quake/reborn needs to change for them. evolve or die.
Edited by Musicofmelkor at 01:07 CST, 22 November 2012 - 29634 Hits
Making a movie - need demos - all fps (1 comment)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 03:48 CST, 19 November 2012 - iMsg
making a movie dedicated to fps games
all games are acceptable except for cod/bf3 type games.
(cs 1.6 and css demos will be accepted)
otherwise, i don't care what game/mod it is, i'll use it as long as it's amazing and I can still find the files to play it.

mainly interested in amazing come from behind moments or incredible displays of aim. give me shots that have't been played out in other videos and are obvious displays of skill. btw, i don't care if they're your demos or not, just get them to me.

[email protected]

edit: i've decided to include movement based footage as well.
however, i don't want defrag timed demos, give me q3 freestyle or movement demos from other games instead. thanks.
Edited by Musicofmelkor at 04:18 CST, 19 November 2012 - 884 Hits
The Ultimate Quaker (179 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 15:18 CST, 17 November 2012 - iMsg
Vo0: champion in warsow, cpm, and pk. was also excellent in ql, q2, and wow.

Milton: long running qw champion(1v1 and tdm)

Rapha: one of the best ql players ever. had a very dominating run in ql.

Purri: dominated q2 like no other. excellent in every quake game.

Fatal1ty: dominated the beginning of q3, did great in pk, and made a finals in q4. he was also good in qw and cs.

Cypher: arguably the best ql and q3 player ever. did well in q4 as well.

Toxiq: owned everybody in q4 and was a legendary q3 player. known more for tdm in q3 tho.

who is the greatest FPS player out of these 7?


say a new hardcore fps is coming out and there will be a million dollar prize for a tournament after 1 year. each guy decides to participate and put their all into it.
which guy would come out on top?

btw, this fps would even be more hardcore than cpm or quakeworld, it would make painkiller and quakelive look like tiddlywinks.
Edited by Musicofmelkor at 21:40 CST, 18 November 2012 - 30466 Hits
LG, headshots, casuals, and movement (22 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 21:15 CST, 15 November 2012 - iMsg
those were the 4 topics that got my attention the most from the reveal video from last summer.
yeah, i know the video is old, but yesterday was the first time i watched it in full.

what are your thoughts on headshots?
at first i was for them, but then i thought about the randomness that would happen and the possibility of it causing even more +backing.
"omg, im headshottable +back time"
now im not so sure they would be a good addition.

lg is probably the most hated gun in q3/ql history, but i truly believe its rep for being a cheese weapon is a bit unfair. why? because I believe good lg is a skill. my evidence being the countless people i've outlged in 1v1, tdm, and thunderstruck, while being out pinged. i even 100% lged a guy who had 10x lower ping than me(he was running the server off his network and i had 55-60 ping). he wasn't a noob and he was definitely trying(he was a legendary pro in cs, but had a long q3 background)

anyways, the problem in q3/ql with lg isn't the damage, it's that, that the weapon can be SPAMMED/ABUSED. people have way too much lg ammo in q3/ql matches and that turns the lg into a dominant weapon, even tho it was always meant to play 2nd or 3rd fiddle.
qw's lg setup is the best implementation we've seen so far, imo.
strong, hardly any cells, so you can't spam, and it always falls after rl in importance.
make it strong, but keep cells/ammo kind of low.

movement has to be difficult, if movement is simple like quakelives, don't expect all the hardcore players to jump ship.
you might think that's a terrible idea because it would scare the casuals away, but the way to prevent that would be to add auto bunny/autostrafe jumping settings in the game. newbies would now be able to move as quickly as the pros and would be able to put up a better fight. yet they'll always know in the back of their minds that their frags weren't truly earned. imo, that would make a lot of them want to take off the training wells, so to speak, and give the real game a shot. another cool thing you could do with that is run newbie cups where everybody is forced to use the autojumps settings. these newbies could get some early tournament experience and possibly find an interest in esports.

no pc fps game will ever win over the casual market(at least not at this moment in time). console gaming is where most of the fps casuals are at and i don't see that changing for a while..
dumbing the game too much will not get you to bring them over in droves. period. all that you'll do is alienate all the hardcore players.
It's not a big deal, let xbox keep most of the casuals. if you make the game fast, not too difficult to get frags in, and as random free as possible, I guarantee reborn will do better than ql at keeping the casual player's interest.

here's what a newbie had to say about quakeworld!
10:55 take a look, 2gd(if you ever read this). maybe you could get him to test out your game at your studio ;p
nothing wrong with using extra perspectives
Edited by Musicofmelkor at 02:38 CST, 16 November 2012 - 10403 Hits
fair spawn system idea (97 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 04:54 CST, 15 November 2012 - iMsg
the respawn system has always been a turnoff to casuals
i believe its part of the reason why clan arena became more popular than tdm/1v1. getting respawn owned constantly has to be a huge killjoy.
instead of doing the same thing. how bout beta testing something new? heck, it might even add another skill if done right and i think casuals could learn it pretty quickly.

melkor respawn system:

make every map have up to 5 respawn points
let the player choose where they want to respawn after death.
they can choose the location by either pressing 1-5 on the keypad(or it could be bound by their weapon binds. lg for lg respawn, etc. i think this is probably the best way)
or using their mouse to pick from a clickwheel on the screen that comes up when they die.
they have 5 seconds to choose or they get randomly respawned if not done in time.
the player is also given the option of a random spawn instead of having to decide(by clicking mouse2 for random, 6 on the keypad or random on the clickwheel)

i know what youre thinking
this would just make it too easy to frag your killer after you respawn.
well, to combat that, a few things can be done.
a delay could be added if you pick a 1 of the 5 respawn points
1-3 second delay, ideally you'd want it as low as you can go. a good amount of beta testing on the maps will be needed to figure out the best time. however, clicking mouse2 and choosing random results in no respawn delay!
instant random respawn for anyone ballsy enough to choose it!
also, the screen goes black after 1 second after every death.
if it were to stay up longer, the dead player would have too much of an advantage. 1 second would still give the player who fragged the chance to trick the dead player who is watching from his corpse.

if done right, this would add a whole new element of skill to 1v1/tdm.
pick wrongly and you give up a frag. pick correctly and you put yourself in a much better spot . it all stems on your quick decision making ability.
think of all the possibilities? could this finally end the luck aspect in fast twitch fps gaming?
if explained in the the game, i believe casuals could learn it pretty quickly, too.

Edited by Musicofmelkor at 02:05 CST, 25 November 2012 - 16237 Hits
need help with my gaming setup (8 comments)
Posted by Musicofmelkor @ 00:46 CDT, 16 August 2012 - iMsg
hey, been on a mac for years and have been out of the loop when it comes to gear, so i have a few easy to answer questions

steelseries 7g - good keyboard, right? no issues in xp?

mice will be g400 and wmo 1.1
qck heavy mousepad. no issues with this combo, right?

where can i get a logitech g400 online without the angle snapping?
my local stores don't stock it anymore :/

the pc is going to have windows 7 installed
can someone show me a website with an easy guide to dualboot from windows 7? never done it before and don't want to risk screwing up my main partition

i have an old crt lying around and am thinking about using it.
win xp works better with crts, correct?

well, i'm too tired to think of any questions, so im going to bed.

edit: pc is a budget ibuypower with a 1 gig nvida card in case you're wondering.
2112 Hits
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