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Cooller scolds OW player for bad play (64 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 11:06 CST, 16 December 2016 - iMsg

why u play Ana if u can't use nano boost on zeh like needed targets? Is zit that fucking hard?

u piece of shit.
20904 Hits
cg_drawgun 3 color (6 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 16:24 CDT, 10 August 2016 - iMsg
I remember it being possible to change the color of your weapon while using cg_drawgun 3. Was this removed at one point or is it still possible?
3889 Hits
QL down? (9 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 17:36 CDT, 31 July 2015 - iMsg
Haven't been able to connect for hours.
2813 Hits
10,000 viewers! (57 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 12:27 CDT, 25 July 2015 - iMsg
14057 Hits
Should zoom be illegal? (220 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 10:17 CDT, 15 August 2013 - iMsg
It primarily cheapens the railgun, but many use it for lightning as well. Strenx for example, he can demolish pubs with ~60% accuracy. What if FOV below 90 was prohibited? Wouldn't that make things more balanced and fair? Quake is more than aim, but zooming can make it a lot easier. Whenever casters get excited over a shot I am reminded of how easy zooming is. Some rails look nearly impossible without it. Do you think matches would be more aggressive by restricting +back rail and campers?
63388 Hits
Q3A vs. QL (50 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 12:25 CDT, 1 July 2013 - iMsg
Over the weekend I dusted off my Quake 3 Arena CD and installed it. At least a decade has passed since I experienced the campaign and here are my thoughts:

The cinematics are little cheesy, but also very fun and served purpose. In my opinion, they educate the player by visually representing challenge and offering reward. The incentive is there and you must defeat these characters to ascend. This is something completely absent in Quake Live. Firstly, there isn't a campaign necessarily. Secondly, there isn't something in the absence of the campaign. Therefore, it's quite possible that the entire concept is lost on a new player. I believe this is important because it plays a significant role in gaming. Aside from the base entertainment value, the true reward is to become better and be a winner. Depending on the community to school a player is not reliable because they are often teased, treated aggressively and will probably rage off. I think it'd be useful to have a campaign in Quake Live. It'd give old players something new to experience and new players something to learn from.

The blood! It's something else missing in Quake Live. To my understanding this is because of the rating board, but it seems a little absurd when consider the primary objective is to kill others to control resources. I don't know how big of a problem this has been or how the rating board works necessarily, but maybe something could be worked out for Premium or Pro accounts? I imagine a good amount of people would pay for Premium or Pro if they could enable blood.

Runs smoother. Some people have frame rate problems in Quake Live and some people don't. Some people have been able to fix their problems and some people haven't. I haven't been able to solve my issue, but I didn't experience any problems in running Quake 3 Arena. I know that Quake Live is a bit more demanding, but I'm going to test some older hardware I have to see how it runs.

Strafe jumping is harder. I knew when I failed Bridge to Rail something was wrong. Movement is so much easier in Quake Live. I'd rather have it be more challenging personally.

Higher accuracy. I had a really easy time aiming in Quake 3 Arena. I kind of expected the opposite because I know that a year or two ago the hit box size increased in Quake Live. It could just be me because my system doesn't run Quake Live optimally.

All in all it was pretty fun to play again especially after all this time. Some of the map differences were definitely strange, q3dm11 in particular. I remember Xaero giving me so much trouble back in the day. I think the first time won I hid and waited to ambush him. Now I was able to deny the rail gun and beat him on my first try. Revenge.

Just felt like sharing. What are your thoughts on Q3A vs. QL?
10403 Hits
TYRYL EXPOSED (141 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 23:10 CDT, 24 May 2013 - iMsg
54435 Hits
Dear Spart1e (79 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 13:48 CST, 3 February 2013 - iMsg
22147 Hits
ESR QL Four Man Duel Tourney (87 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 18:05 CST, 6 November 2012 - iMsg

Hey, if you're interested in this tournament and want to donate to the prize pool send me a message. Will be using PayPal if that's good for everybody. I will update this post if additional details are provided by the participants.


•Purse currently 30 USD.

•Bracket uploaded.

•I am awaiting confirmation from He4rTL3sS so I can begin determining the date for this event. If I do not hear from him soon he will be disqualified.

•He4rTL3sS has not responded to my messages and has been disqualified. Event cancelled.
Edited by Retribution at 12:04 CST, 13 November 2012 - 13738 Hits
Asylum, Quartantine, Longest Yard ... (65 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 09:52 CDT, 10 September 2012 - iMsg
Were the frame rate issues ever resolved on these maps? I've spent a couple of days trying to get a solid 125 to no avail. I had to set cg_drawfps to 0 because watching it fluctuate is maddening. Restricting com_maxfps to 60-80 is the only way I could have it consistent. There are a few other maps with this same problem, but I can't remember which ones. This is unacceptable to me. Very shoddy work from id.


Okay, after reformatting the problem is not limited to ca1, ca3 and dm17. I am not able to maintain 125 FPS on any map. Tested on clean Windows 7 x64 with latest GPU drivers. I assumed my frame rate issues stemmed from what seems to cause others to lag on maps with dust, but now I don't know. I believe Starcraft II is an opengl game and from what I can tell the amount of FPS I have are expected, even though it is much more CPU dependent than what I assume QL is. I suspect the problem is QL, but if it's on my end it must be the physical hardware or drivers. If anybody has any suggestions I would appreciate it. Also, if you know of a method to determine whether this is exclusive to QL or not would help. Will be trying Unreal Tournament 99 in a few hours to see how it goes.

*confirmed r_lastvalidrender is 5800 series.
*tried chrome, internet explorer and firefox.
*tried different priority and affinity settings on browser and plugin.
*tried using old GPU driver.
*tried minimal and maximum visual configurations in QL.
*tried with AA/AF on and off.
*tried overclocking CPU and GPU.
Edited by Retribution at 09:00 CDT, 12 September 2012 - 8833 Hits
STRENX EXPOSED (467 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 00:10 CDT, 21 August 2012 - iMsg
"not possible u use tn"
84248 Hits
CA Trolls (106 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 10:53 CDT, 12 May 2012 - iMsg
Over the years, I've experienced my fair share of trolling in multiplayer games. Unfortunately, Quake and its sequels are no different in their immunity to this behavior. I'm making this post because of something that happened to me in public CA yesterday.

I selected a server close to my location that was still in warmup mode. I soon noticed that one of the players on my team had a whopping 250 ping. Basic math suggests the team with this player will lose. To be fair to everybody involved I called a shuffle vote. Many players declined the shuffle. I tried again and the same thing happened. Feeling like I had little options left I tried voting for this player to be kicked. Before the vote could even finish the enemy team all pressed f3.

What followed is what you imagine would happen. The HPB quit halfway through the match and instead of anybody moving to spectator they continued the brutal unfair beating that resulted in a 10-0 victory. Before it ended, I quit out to see if there were any other servers available. Finding nothing, I went back to the server I was just on.

This is where some of the harassment started. One of the leading enemies, Hannity, started making fun of me for leaving the match. I ignored him and called vote for a shuffle. Once again, it was declined and they all pressed f3. The new player on my team had a decent ping, but what I soon found out is that he could only earn 1 point per round and is Tier 2 at most. I'm not blaming him, I'm instead blaming the people who are deliberately declining the shuffle. Much like the previous match it was landslide victory for them.

Now here is where the trolling starts going wild. Hannity (the player who was berating me) joins Spectator to let his clan member, Lou_Dobbs, in. They decline shuffle and f3. I ask them why they are not shuffling and a player named howdarkwepray (who has less than 4 hours of play on his account) said "what's the problem friends can't play together?" and then Hannity chimes in with "YEA I KNOW RIGHT". Throughout the match Hannity, Olbermann and Lou_Dobbs continually harass me, mentioning over and over again that I'm terrible and I should quit out like I did in an earlier off balance match. They obviously won again; they declined shuffle next map.

The harassment continued but the new development is that a player on my team, named storm__, was shooting me and fellow teammates with rockets and lightning throughout the match. In addition, a player named tigereyes joined their team. In spite of only having 14 hours of play, he dealt more damage than any of the OnR members. Needless to say it was another loss.

Not going to investigate this any further, I'm just going to conclude that they do this often. Clan OnR and their buddies sabotage as many matches as they can by declining shuffles, harassing, continuing off balance matches and deliberately telling friends to join opposing teams to shoot at the players.

Can't say for sure if it's coincidence or that they're all connected but here are their names again: howdarkwepray (new), tigereyes (new), storm__, -OnR- Hannity, -OnR- Olbermann and -OnR- Lou_Dobbs. Don't expect a shuffle if you see them on. It's a sad state of events.
30041 Hits
Reaction Time (111 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 15:25 CDT, 11 May 2012 - iMsg
23422 Hits
4:3 to 16:10 (101 comments)
Posted by Retribution @ 14:15 CDT, 11 April 2012 - iMsg
I used to play on a 4:3 CRT using r_mode 17 (1280x1024). Since it died I haven't decided on a replacement and I've been using an LCD. The native resolution on my 16:10 LCD is 1680x1050. My aim hasn't been the same since the switch. Yesterday I tried using a FOV calculator to experiment. Since I used 104 FOV @ 1280x1024 the calculator suggested I use 117 FOV @ 1680x1050 on my LCD. From what I can tell this seems to be OK. I just have one problem. I have a much harder time seeing distant enemies now. In general, I was able to see things much easier on the CRT. I used to be able to shoot 50+ percent rail without zoom. If if it turns out I need to start using zoom now which zoomfov should I use?

To summarize, I want to confirm that the conversion is correct and know if there is something I can do to fix the distance issue with or without zoom.

31228 Hits
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