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Can this budget PC run QL 200 fps? (42 comments)
Posted by R_Type @ 08:17 CDT, 27 May 2014 - iMsg

Long story short I've sold my PC for traveling 4 month ago.
Now I'm back and I need to Quake badly.

I only play QL on a low setting and with a low resolution. (800*600)
So I don't want to spend too much money on it as I have some other priorities.

Is this configuration can run it smoothly?

. Intel core i5 4440s
. 4Go DDR3
. Nvidia GeForce gt620 1Go

Thanks for helping and please answer in a way that the nub non-geek I am can understand >:U
Edited by R_Type at 08:43 CDT, 27 May 2014 - 10502 Hits
CRT/VGA info (9 comments)
Posted by R_Type @ 09:15 CST, 30 December 2013 - iMsg

as i don't want to spend too much money in gaming gear, i'm searching for a cheap CRT.
I've found this one for 10 euros :

It seems okay, but i've read that VGA don't support 120hz.
Someone can explain me what is the best mode i'm going to get ?
My graphic card only has DVI connection.
(At the moment i play on a cheap LCD@60hz through a DVI/VGA adaptor).

Thanks :V
Edited by R_Type at 09:23 CST, 30 December 2013 - 2460 Hits
Need help to improve ! ( TDM inside ) (22 comments)
Posted by R_Type @ 07:50 CST, 4 November 2013 - iMsg

As i'm actually bored to play CA, I tried to join a few TDM pickups.
It was fun ! Cool experience, even if i was stomped.

So i decided to focus on this mode, i spent a few hours reading tutorials and watching some demo.
Problem : even if i understand the dynamics i can't reach the goal i fixed to myself at the beginning of the game. I tried to mimick the position of well known players but i failed each time.
In fact i do better running with my MG brainless than when i try to control/time a weapon and some armor.

I know i'm not an aimbeast, i'm only an average/low player, but i know i can do a lot better :D

Is anyone kind enough to help me ? i need someone who tells me what i do wrong/what i should do.
Maybe we could join the same pickup and talk about the game while playing ?

Link to my QL account :!profile/summary/R_Type
Edited by R_Type at 07:54 CST, 4 November 2013 - 8604 Hits
Lightning fucked up in 120hz (4 comments)
Posted by R_Type @ 05:02 CST, 18 January 2013 - iMsg
Hello, i was messing around with my config. I have a 22' 120 hz Samsung monitor. The problem is that the lightning is fucked up in native resolution ( 1680*1050 ) and 120hz.
I don't have any problem in 800*600 120hz or 1680*60hz.

I wanted to take screenshot to illustrate it but wooOOTTT !!!
The problem does not appear in the jpeg screenshot :/

Is there a way to fix this ? thx
Get my plusses.
2416 Hits
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