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<3 Quake (10 comments)
Posted by groparoo @ 07:11 CDT, 23 June 2016 - iMsg
Happy Birthday Quake!!!

Quake is a very important part of my life and I enjoy it since 1998!
I've met a lot of great people in this time (some of them are my best friends to this day) and had a lot of fun, quake was the place to go when feeling sad, or when I was just stressed out and wanted to relief some pressure, or when I wanted to save some money and not go out :P .. but in the majority of the time I played it because it made me happy :) and I was feeling awesome when playing it.
Last year I started a tattoo sleeve and I wanted to give my tribute to QUAKE, an amazing culture and passion :).
I wanted something to represent the good and evil, so I present to you:
Uriel: the angel who wears the scars of the countless battles. (his face is taken from a gargoyle from the 'I Frankenstein' movie)
Klesk: the alien devil who is about to take the quad damage. (I was feeling evil almost every time when taking quad, like I was given an evil super power, trying to kill as many enemies as possible)

(Pics are taken from the 1st days of the tattoos, they are healed now, If you want to see pics with the rest of the sleeve, I saved some here.)

<3 Quake
Edited by groparoo at 07:24 CDT, 23 June 2016 - 4721 Hits
TDM LAN PROPOSALS (55 comments)
Posted by groparoo @ 04:19 CDT, 7 August 2014 - iMsg
Prior to wision's post regarding the cancellation of Prague LAN #2, a sad news for every quake lover, me and Belgium !nFerNo want to present two valid alternatives for helding a TDM LAN event.

OPTION #1 'The Storm' LAN party

The event is taking place on 10-12 October in Sint-Niklaas (Belgium) in an awesome repurposed warehouse, with 200 available spots. !nFerNo is part of the organizers and he confirmed that a QL event will be hosted during the LAN, and this could turn into our TDM LAN.

!nFerNo is also in charge of the streaming part of the event, so there are big chances to hook up Zoot with proper streaming setup. He also wants the community to choose what kind of tournament should be held: TDM or CTF?.

OPTION #2 Bucharest 'Cheap beer and herbs' TDM LAN

The event will take place on 19-21 September in Bucharest (Romania) at Discovery Arena gaming cafe where we successfully held 3 quake live 'lans' so far. Here are some photos I saved from their facebook page, the cafe has 32 PCs and 2 places for recreational purposes. I can talk to the owner and setup a streaming corner for Zoot.

I will edit this post and fill in the necessary informations, but we need feedback on these 2 options and maybe confirmations from teams who are planning to attend. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or #lan-prague @ Quakenet.

Please use the poll in order to vote for the preferred option!

Links: Storm LAN party website, Discovery Arena website, mIRC#lan-prague
Edited by groparoo at 08:13 CDT, 8 August 2014 - 46427 Hits
Mad Max: Fury Road - trailer (10 comments)
Posted by groparoo @ 05:21 CDT, 28 July 2014 - iMsg
Omg omg omg omg!!

4585 Hits
Need advice to purchase a mech (46 comments)
Posted by groparoo @ 03:39 CDT, 25 June 2014 - iMsg
Hei guise,

What to choose from:

- Filco Majestouch 2 Tenkeyless: ~160 euro
- Razer BlackWidow 2013 Tournament edition: ~ 90 euro

It's for home use only, I need it for quake (I play 3-4 hours / week) and for typing in twitch chat when stream is on :).
I really really like the Filco (master race), but no retailer has it here in Romania, the Razer one I already tried it and there are several stores here that have it in stock.

Is it worth it to spend almost double the amount for the Filco? Does anyone own this baby?

7381 Hits
Romanian QL LAN - 3rd edition (65 comments)
Posted by groparoo @ 13:33 CDT, 14 October 2013 - iMsg
I'm pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the Romania Romanian Quake League LAN, event that will gather quakers from all over the country to play, compete and have fun with friends.

The LAN will take place in Discovery Arena Internet Cafe on the 26th of October 2013 in Bucharest. The tournament will have the same format as the previous editions and will consist in two cups: QL Duel and CA 2v2 (draft teams).

If you want to know more about RQL, here is a coverage of the first two editions.

Stream: TBA
Links:, Discovery Arena Cafe, poster :)
Edited by groparoo at 03:22 CDT, 16 October 2013 - 3935 Hits
Firefall just went Open Beta! (19 comments)
Posted by groparoo @ 02:25 CDT, 18 July 2013 - iMsg
On the 9th of July, the guys at Red 5 Studios gave green light for the Open Beta of Firefall, a massively multiplayer online team-based FPS.

Firefall features both a large, open-world cooperative campaign that can be shared with hundreds of other players as well as a competitive multiplayer component that will incorporate features such as ladders, tournaments, clans and leagues.

According to Mark Kern, CEO of Red 5 and former Team Lead at wow_WoW, the game tries its best to integrate both vertical and horizontal progression, meaning that at higher levels your character is still able to be threatened by a lower level player, but will still have an advantage in equipment.
Brief description of gameplay and game mechanics can be seen in the official ‘Introduction’ tutorials.

Great news for esport enthusiasts! Red 5 specially designed a new gametype called JetBall, the official competitive mode for Firefall.
The gametype consists in two teams facing each other in round based matches with the goal of scoring points in special designed arenas with the gameplay of something between 1 Flag CTF and soccer :).
If you like to see more about JetBall watch the official unveil of the mode and an exhibition game here.

Firefall is free to play and you can download the game client here.

Source:, wikiFirefallWiki
Stream: TVr5studios on twitch
Links: Firefallthegame, YouTubestagefivetv,, FacebookFirefall
Edited by groparoo at 03:27 CDT, 18 July 2013 - 6229 Hits
Romanian Quake League - the untold story (41 comments)
Posted by groparoo @ 16:35 CDT, 12 June 2013 - iMsg
Greetings fellow quakers!

I was thinking the other day why not show the ESR-Logo-OrangeESR population what happens in a small quake community within a small country? So I decided to write a few lines about my people and how we enjoy the game.

When you address to a new group of people it is polite to introduce yourself, so I’ve been told :). In this note, my name is Alex, I just turned 28 and my role in our small community is to organize and admin cups, write news, articles and in general, represent the quake community when outside so called “esport” organizations have a proposal or interest in the quake scene. I’ve been playing quake for literally half of my life, it’s in my blood, I love this fucking game and I hope that I will always save some little time for it.

But enough with the “cool story bro” I guess most of you are in the same situation :), so let me tell you the story of my people :D.

We call ourselves the “Romania Romanian Quake League” :P and after a couple of online cups we decided to hold a LAN like in the good old days. The newschoolers of our community that came in contact with quake only from QuakeLive never went to LANs so we thought it will bring them joy and to be honest we also missed the LAN Party feeling :D.

With this in mind we searched for an internet caffe that could meet the necessary requirements (spots available, 120hz monitors etc) to hold a proper QuakeLive tournament.
We were lucky and we found such a place close to Bucharest downtown, with easy access for everyone. Everybody liked the place and the event so much that we decided to hold a second one. You would say that it wasn't a real LAN :) and you are right, but from the icaffe we pinged stable 5-6 ms to Bucharest servers so closest to lan conditions as possible.
Both of the tournaments had the same format and consisted in two cups: Duel and 2v2 CA (draft teams).

The first LAN event was held on the 15th of December 2012 and gathered 25 quakers from all over the country. But like they say a picture is worth a thousand words I’ll let the images speak.
Here you can find pictures from the RQL LAN #1.

The second LAN event was held in the same location on the 20th of April 2013 and like the first edition we filled all the spots at the icaffe. We have the pics to prove it right here :).

Demos from the semis and grand final can be found here.

We had prizes at every cup we held, but money is not important, we play for the love of the game :). After every cup we celebrate and if we don't held cups, at least once every two months we gather and drink till the bartenders kick our asses from the pub :D. The beauty of our small, elitist community is that all of us are friends with each other and we enjoy hanging out and party together. We are like a big family, or at least i like to see it this way :).

We are planning to do a fall edition, if there's interest from you guys we can stream the event with live coverage but with romanian-english potat accent :))).

Special thanks to qlSyncError for granting us league admin privileges to one of our accounts so we could spawn multiple premium servers.

The rest of the love goes to all of the people that keep this religion alive!

Heart Quake !!
Edited by groparoo at 03:59 CDT, 13 June 2013 - 14618 Hits
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