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Awesome day (16 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 13:04 CST, 13 December 2014 - iMsg
#freehitsu did succed, im back in the game. thank you esr santa for this awesome gift.

and fuck you zhu, pathetic cunt :{D
8353 Hits
Not being awesome anymore? (69 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 04:48 CST, 8 February 2014 - iMsg
Guys im tired of being awesome.

Seriously, how long one can endure endless see of pussy and alcohol, mixed with pro athlete level results in the gym?

I would like to know some way to get not awesome, like you pathatic cunts.

Please help <3
15417 Hits
this is retarded (46 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 04:27 CST, 1 February 2014 - iMsg
2 months.

For 2 months now i can play only on pl/swe/gbr servers. Which is totall bullshit and id fault, because i get normal 50 ping to whole europe in any other game [q3/wsw/et].

And some wonder why quake is not popular anymore.
Edited by hitsu at 04:27 CST, 1 February 2014 - 10254 Hits
French hip hop? (47 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 15:42 CST, 28 January 2014 - iMsg

eventho i never was fan of hip hop music, i really enjoy french rappers. maybe because i dont understand a word.

My question to french population of esreality:

could you recommend any good artists?

Currently i listen to Soprano and group he was part of: Psy 4 De La Rime
18395 Hits
Zoto casting Dota2 (63 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 13:06 CST, 27 January 2014 - iMsg

btw. dota2 guis rage quite quickly :D and i didnt even say anything bad about their game :D
13830 Hits
Faceit Winter #4 Final (14 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 11:48 CST, 26 January 2014 - iMsg

What cypher intended by going to red?

Edited by hitsu at 13:46 CST, 26 January 2014 - 3567 Hits
Fragmovie music (11 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 14:43 CST, 22 January 2014 - iMsg
When quake movies started to use lame electronic music instead of awesome heavy metal/rock ?
4218 Hits
POLSKA (20 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 16:23 CST, 19 January 2014 - iMsg
Considering recent problems with routing i got with my awesome neostrada, ill would like to ask other polish users, what do you guys think of netia services?

cause in my hole these are the only one i can get.

ps. and how much do i have to pay for using orange infrastructure?
Edited by hitsu at 16:24 CST, 19 January 2014 - 9148 Hits
Need opponents (7 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 13:02 CST, 2 December 2013 - iMsg
Need 1400-1600 elo feggets to play.

as im currently limited to playing only on .pl and .se (maybe .gbr too, didnt check), due to reasons that are unknown to me, im looking for friends to duel :D

add hitsu, and be ready for my awesome rages :D
Edited by hitsu at 13:03 CST, 2 December 2013 - 2175 Hits
hu3hu3hu3 (2 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 09:13 CDT, 9 October 2013 - iMsg
1871 Hits
could it be? (9 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 07:44 CDT, 19 September 2013 - iMsg!profile/matches/Av3k


Tournament: DreamHack Sponsor Quake Live Winter Championship
Dates: 28-30 November

hmmm? coincidence? i think not
3060 Hits
Shit just got serious (99 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 07:01 CDT, 5 September 2013 - iMsg
24283 Hits
need tips from fat guys... (252 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 06:46 CDT, 30 August 2013 - iMsg
... who got in shape :-)

So basiclly i've been trying to lose some weight lately, and got rather decent results, as i went from 85kg to 78/79 in 1,5 month, by jumping the rope, eating at least six meals a day, and doing shitload of pushups and crunches <3

I dont really think its possible to lose much more[and tbh im satisfied, as im 178cm tall], as i already grew a lot of muscles in form of bigger chest and arms due to pushups, however my tummy is very balloon like, and i would want to change it.

I know its a result of eating too much in the past, but how can i work out to nullify this? its not like i want abs, just no balloon, so it will be flat.

thx for advices, you're all faggots anyway <3

EDIT: its not fat, as im doing 30mins cardio with rope every 2 days. im just full of air

EDIT2: laim request, my menu.

I start the day with some fruits, around 8-9 am, then when i get hungry i eat some high protein breakfast[usually eggs. i love eggs]. dinners are typical polish cuisine tore into 2 meals: one around 1pm and one around 4pm. After that i eat 2 light meals, but no later than 8pm.

I do drink only water and tea. One coffee in the morning. I do not drink alcohol as much as i did in the past, but from time to time i get wasted with vodka.
Edited by hitsu at 07:32 CDT, 30 August 2013 - 51804 Hits
Man of steel (77 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 07:57 CDT, 16 July 2013 - iMsg
seen it nerds?


and i was sure avengers final scene was great. bs - mos did show how fight between two super-guys should look like :-)

sadly i wasnt able to see it at the cinema. i would be even more brain fucked.

best superman movie ever, cant wait for sequel
15548 Hits
How to hit railzzz? (49 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 16:20 CDT, 11 March 2013 - iMsg
Oooo allmighty railwhores of esreality

any tips to improve my rail consistency, cause usually i can miss guys going up the jump pad :X
and as far as i belive you dont need aim to play ql duel, theres this minimum you have to hit.

cvars, exercices, anything!

PS. no i dont have confidence problems, i always do warmup before duel, no lg problems.
11597 Hits
How is this even possible? (85 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 04:57 CST, 19 January 2013 - iMsg
Today my rage went over 9000!

Some one please explain me, why the most balanced duel map ever is not played at all? Why do i have to wait 15-20 minutes for a game on t7, when ppl are joining instantly for aero or ztn?

also: im making the list of ppl who like t7, so i can play it without problems... just post ur ql nick so i can add
11908 Hits
Skyfall :DDDD (47 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 17:30 CDT, 26 October 2012 - iMsg
So i watched Skyfall today...

... and i must say its a real James Bond fan feast :-) I just couldnt count all of the previous Bond references :-)

Master acting skill froms Daniel Craig, Judith Dench and my favourite, the villain Javier Bardem :-)

Even tho the movie lasted for almost 2,5 hour i wasnt bored even for a minute, watching lots of action and having lots of lol burst in between :-)

Just cant wait for Bond 24, with M, Q, and Moneypenny :-)

What do you, people, think about the movie?:>

PS. IM a Bond fan, and my view is biased as hell
Edited by hitsu at 17:31 CDT, 26 October 2012 - 19834 Hits
im not hating... (10 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 05:04 CDT, 19 October 2012 - iMsg
... on adroits "LAN", but great event so far, only 3 hours of delay :DDD

also awesomness of not having lan support for 24 bucks a year strikes again
2661 Hits
House series final (52 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 06:09 CDT, 22 May 2012 - iMsg
Ok, im mad...

whole episode was rather good, but the ending? wtf was this shit? im so dissapointed, there was so much potential, but noooooooooooooooooooooo...

On the other hand, im also sad because my beloved tv show wont be aired anymore :<
6428 Hits
WTF ping? (22 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 17:58 CST, 16 February 2012 - iMsg
Is it me, and my shit polski telecomski, or just routing to every single server in quake live got worse?

Suddenly i ping 80 to germany, when i usually have around 50... This kinda limits me to only pl servers, which is bad, coz pl players are retards, and i flame them too much :S

PS: i would like to get other Poles, using TP, experiance
Edited by Ozymandiass at 18:06 CST, 16 February 2012 - 6138 Hits
Why o why, dear quakelivers? (36 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 17:21 CST, 7 November 2011 - iMsg
Why 99% of quake random duellers avoid servers with maps different than ztn/dm6 ?

Im waiting for someone to show on, so i can play dm13, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone connects... Is it really THAT hard to be semidecent at more than one map?

5929 Hits
WMO 1.1 still decent? (75 comments)
Posted by hitsu @ 16:17 CDT, 3 August 2011 - iMsg
Hey guys, got a little question...

As i recently noticed, my A4tech is a bit to heavy and big to play Quake [was fine to play ET tho]... So i started to look after nice mice, thats light and not too expensive... The obvious conclusion is WMO... But - is it still decent mouse nowadays? Anyone using it?
20108 Hits
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