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Life in Europe?(a complicated situation) (55 comments)
Posted by ToyTiger @ 08:11 CST, 2 January 2013 - iMsg
It's a little awkward to make such a topic at a gaming site, but there are so many people here living in Europe. I would value your advice and knowledge, which is what I really need now.

The situation is as follows. I've known one girl for a very very long time, I couldn't even name for how long that's how long it was. She lives in Vienna. Some time ago, maybe two years ago or more, we tried to make something happen for us to live together. But it's complicated.

The issue is mostly the language barrier. If I move to Vienna which job could I get, without speaking German? She tells me Austria is quite a paradise and even if you don't have a job you still can rent an apartment with the money the government pays jobless people. But maybe she exaggerates it, since she mostly lives off her parents' money. In any case I couldn't even work as a market vendor without knowing German, so I'd have to sweep the streets or something until I learnt it. I'm ok with that, I don't need much money, just enough for life. But it MUST be enough, and I don't know if it would be enough to support two people (or more) if I work low-paid jobs all my life.

If she moves to Russia... Well, that's worse, Russian is a very difficult language, and I doubt she could ever learn it enough to work here. So I'd be the only source of income. I know that life in Russia depends on which city it is, but in mine it's bad. Right now I can't earn enough for two people, and the governmental money is nominal and useless, you couldn't even pay half of your apartment fee from it. Basically she says she doesn't care that her quality of life plummets if she moves here, but I suspect it would be worse than simply average. Even by local standards. We could face real hardships in case of me being fired or something, even in terms of buying enough food.

Another option we thought about was to go to UK. We both speak English. But can two people work low-paid jobs actually live in UK, without civilianship? Like, rent an apartment and live without fear for future in all respects (enough money for a visit to a doctor or dentist, enough for food, etc.)?

So about a year ago we stopped talking about it. I pretty much decided that our destiny is to never live together, this way both of us will be better off. But time goes on and on, and I can't meet anybody else I'd like to live with, as well as she. This brings back desperate thoughts about how the situation could be tweaked.

I would really appreciate it if somebody from Europe told me about future prospects of people who:

1) don't know the language: can they live off of government money while they learn it (realistically, without any other financial help); which job could they find once they learn the language a little and would it pay enough for life? (would be nice to know about Austria specifically, or Germany, or Poland - since she's Polish in nationality and could move there, too)

2) know the language, and it's English, and the country is either UK or Australia. Our education would hardly be of worth and we'd both be foreigners to native people, so can two people with low-paying jobs earn enough to rent an apartment and have no other issues at all?
15749 Hits
What's wrong with my QL (can't play)? (63 comments)
Posted by ToyTiger @ 21:05 CDT, 9 September 2011 - iMsg
When I connect to any server I see something like this:


I was waiting for the problem to solve itself for a while, but it hasn't. My videocard is totally OK, everything is as usual, I don't understand this...

Help please?

P..S. Other games look fine, and the drivers got newly reinstalled to no avail so far. The gun model is ok and the weapon effects are ok, so only the textures seem to be "colorful" and the text\digits get blurred:


Quake 3 graphics is similarly damaged, as it turns out. Various other games are ok.
Edited by ToyTiger at 23:10 CDT, 11 September 2011 - 13487 Hits
Sensitivity depends on...? (40 comments)
Posted by ToyTiger @ 09:54 CDT, 14 March 2011 - iMsg
My mx300 broke down and after I bought another mouse, the first thing I saw is that it's uber fast on default windows sensitivity, literally one small movement of the mouse sent it to the other side of the screen, making it impossible to do anything sensible. So I set default sensitivity to the lowest possible value, which turned the new mouse into an almost ok thing.

However in a while I stumbled upon a couple of games that I couldn't play, because they managed to completely ignore windows sensitivity setting somehow, and my new mouse behaved like mad making it hard to even click stuff in the menu, let alone do anything more precise like aiming. Yet if I plug mx300 back in, it works like a charm, the pointer moves at a completely normal speed.

What is at fault? I want to buy a normal mouse, but they don't let you test them in stores, I'd love to know what parameters cause some mice to sport abnormally high sensitivity in comparison to other mice.
7347 Hits
Cypher's iview at ESWC 2010 (translated) (18 comments)
Posted by ToyTiger @ 23:47 CDT, 2 July 2010 - iMsg

Tell me about the first group stage.

Everything was normal, I won games with each of my opponents 2:0. Maybe the matches were not featuring a big gap in scores, but it’s ok, I’m just warming up, tomorrow things will get better.

How were you preparing for the tournament?

After Dreamhack I went to Holland with av3k and practiced for a week using good European Internet there, so the practice was normal.

You were driving to Holland in a car, right?

Yes, at first I drove to Poland, that we drove to Sweden, then we drove from Sweden to Holland. We’ve driven about 2,000 kilometers.

You said that av3k was doing something weird at the road?

No, it’s not that av3k was doing anything, it’s just that Poland has such roads that if you want to drive a bit faster, then you’re taking a risk. And he took risks quite often.

Do you have anything negative to say about the PCs here?

Not really, only monitors don’t fit quake well. There were some lags, too, and some problems with Internet, but they’re trying to solve them quickly enough, so everything is ok.

The majority of CIS players have visa problems. You’re almost an exception, hopefully that won’t change, you never fail to make a visa. You live in Belarus, a country that isn’t the most comfortable one for making visas to other countries. How do you do it, what helps you?

I don’t know, I just come to the embassy, give them my documents, and when they hear that I’m going to visit an esports championship they don’t mind letting me go there. Only visiting the US is difficult, I have to go to Moscow for that and to hang around there for a week, getting the visa. But I just come and give them my documents and get a visa. I’ve already got a new passport, and soon I’ll probably get a new one again.

Is esports your hobby or is it your job that you think of as a job and not a hobby?

I don’t work, I study. I have no job, so I could call quake a job. Maybe I don’t play each day like a professional player, but I get money for it. So yes, we could kind of call it a job.

Did it ever happen that your met your fans, not at the tournament, but out of the tournament. "Hello, Cypher", etc.?

Yes, it happened once. Well not once, maybe a couple of times. There’s one guy living nearby my house, he’s really into quake, and for a long time he couldn’t believe that I live right next to him, and that I live in Minsk. He asked me at vkontakte (a popular site) to come out so that he’d take a pic with me. So we met and he took a pic.

Quake community is small, right? You don’t have 200 milliards and 120 or so people, especially not at events, and I think that the atmosphere is rather friendly. Is that true? Whom do you most often hang out with and why? About av3k it’s obvious, but who else?

Well rapha is a good guy, he has a good attitude to life, he’s kind and nice, religious and doesn’t let himself go out of limits. Sometimes it’s difficult to talk to cooller, but he’s a good guy, too. But I like everybody, I’m never angry at anybody if anything is wrong.

Wait, why is it difficult to talk to cooller? Give me some details?

Well I think it’s because although we speak one language in CIS, we speak differently. In Moscow they talk one way, think one way, but in Minsk they think another way and talk another way. So sometimes there is a misunderstanding. I don’t say that it’s something really troublesome, I don’t even know why I mentioned it in the first place... Everything'ok, sometimes there’s misunderstanding because Moscow is there, and here is Minsk, and Kiev, Estonia, Latvia… All that is a little different, but united by one language, it’s cool.

Imagine that you have kids, they ask “Daddy, what did you do at 20?” Describe in 1-2 sentences.

I would say that I played PC games.

So you wouldn’t say that you defended the honour of your country in virtual battles?

No, I would just show my prizes and pix, and the performance itself, there are videos and such. I’d show all that, and he’d understand everything on his own, I wouldn’t really have to explain anything.

When you get acquainted with chicks in the club or somewhere else, when do you say that you play PC games professionally and earn money this way?


Ok, then what do you do, how do you describe it?

I don’t do anything. I study, that’s what I do. If it was really something big, like sports, and if everybody would acknowledge it, then I could say that I’m a pro player. But if I say that I play PC games, it’s not a very good way to flirt up somebody.

Quake Live or Quake 4?

Quake Live.

If toxjq came back, would it change anything? Or if ZeRo4 came back?

Well, ZeRo4 comes back sometimes, for a couple of online events. Toxjq, I don’t know… We played a couple of times, well, he doesn’t really know anything about this game at the moment. Anyway, he wasn’t really good in Quake 3, and in Quake 4 he was first to practice a lot, more than others, and he knew all secrets and what he needed to do, and of course he had high speed thanx to crouch-sliding. Maybe that helped him be quicker. But he isn’t really a quick player, there are quicker ones, like strenx, he could be the second toxjq, but no matter how rude it sounds, I think he doesn’t have enough brain for that. He says things like: "I lost that game because I couldn’t shaft 40%". How can you say such things? And he always says them, and he says that if he stopped rushing to shaft-kill his opponent each time after he (strenx) was killed, it means that he started to play smart. But that’s untrue. He lacks logic for his game, and I think he’ll be the second toxjq if he gets it.

Thanx for the interview, good luck for tomorrow.

Thanx for the interview, too. Thanx everybody.
8976 Hits
Cooller's iview at ESWC 2010 (11 comments)
Posted by ToyTiger @ 22:55 CDT, 2 July 2010 - iMsg
Thanx go to for taking this iview =)

The last match versus strenx turned out to be unexpectedly tense, tell us about it.

Firstly, I should stress that it was expectedly tense, strenx is getting better and shows very good results. Besides, our matches are quite specific. But still, before the game I morally pressed him down, he was very scared of me and played sloppily, although it would've been better to be more aggressive.
About the first map, during the first minute I lost control, giving him the second RA, but soon caught him and killed him and took control back. So, the first half of the map I was in the lead, then he caught me at mega, killed me, and we had a very tense game, but despite that I bent the control to my side and started to play purely from it.
The second game was by far more tensed, because there was such a moment when I killed him at mega and I was barely alive. At that time RA was spawning, and he had a very lucky respawn. If we talk percentages, then there’s about 20% that he could respawn there in that situation. Because of that I started to curse strongly. That was really unpleasant. He took control, caught up with me fragwise, and we had overtimes, I think there were 3 of them.

Yes, there were three of them. Strenx’ hands were shaking sometimes, tell me how did you keep your calm, out of experience only or did you know that you were going to win?

I had a won map behind my back, it was his map, so I already felt more comfortable. Secondly, ztn was his weak map, I don’t know why he dropped his stronger map t9. At the moment it’s my best map, but he dropped it, although he plays it much better than ztn. And I should stress that at the moment he’s a bit weak at ztn, he knows basic handling of this map, but fine moments kind of pass him by. And besides, I have more experience concerning things like where you should fight, positioning, etc.

Do you make up any demoralizing tactics? For example, you told the French guy an unflattering thing after the overtimes, do you think it can influence him or not?

I said an unflattering thing not meaning it personally, but because of game moments. There were lots of game moments when he dealt me a lot of damage, although he was barely alive. And besides, there were 3 overtimes, there were like scales, sifting from one side to another. But then I caught him and punished him. But as a player I treat him normally, except rare cases, sometimes he behaves incorrectly due to his age, but there's nothing more to it.

Now people play 10 minutes instead of 15, how does it influence the game? Well, your game in particular?

Each moment can be the last. That was a reason I cursed when he respawned in a very good place, he could actually win the game because of that moment. Time limit of 10 punishes you a lot for making a single mistake.

Do you like it more than 15 or not?

Earlier I’d say less, but now after so many tournaments and matches I say that 10 minutes is more comfortable for me, I already developed habits and adapted to it, created specific tactics for the situations, so 10 minutes time limit is better now.

Your thoughts of Rapha?

Totally good thoughts! He’s very polite, respecting, always friendly and kind, he is always understanding. I have only good words for him.

Before ESWC you were preparing in Germany, you want to win the third ESWC title, tell me how you were practing in Germany and with whom.

In Moscow it’s difficult to practice, Internet connection is at fault, and Moscow is Moscow, it’s my native city and I can’t totally focus on quake in Moscow. So I made a decision to go to Germany a week before the event, and to practice there with all my might. I played about 40-50 games per day. One match is 10 minutes, so it’s about 9-10 hours per day. I didn’t expect to meet Rapha in Germany, but to my surprise when I arrive he was already there. But in spite of that, I don’t say that we practiced a lot with him, we played sometimes, but in between I played other strong players: strenx, av3k, cypher, noctis, fazz. I think it’s the best way to practice for me, because I was focused only on quake, and I really hope that I’ll be able to win one more ESWC, I really want that to happen a lot.

Does it happen that sometimes you’re too nervous during the matches? Does it influence your matches?

I think that of course it influences my game in a bad way rather than in a good way. But it’s necessary, I think it’s necessary to let out your emotions sometimes. I’ve been playing for a long time and learnt to control such situations well enough. What I mean is that even if I’m nervous and cursing, I still know how to be calm in the game and how to proceed to play the same way.

Thanx, good luck to you.
Edited by ToyTiger at 00:59 CDT, 3 July 2010 - 7361 Hits
A one-hour long int. with Cooller (101 comments)
Posted by ToyTiger @ 10:42 CST, 28 January 2010 - iMsg
Subtitles are up. Hopefully everybody who wanted to watch the video will be happy now.

This interview was taken by GG.Miker at Dreamhack, November 2009. RussiaCooller answered a few questions from Miker, then the questions proposed by people in the chat. This is as faithful rendition of the whole process as possible.

Source: the Russian version


To watch the subtitled video you need to download it first, from here or here . Then download the file with the subtitles and put it in the same folder with the video file. Most video players will now automatically play the video file with the subtitles shown. The file containing the subtitles should be called the very same way that the video file is called (just in case if you had an idea to rename it). Btw if you notice that English translation sometimes seems shorter than the speech, most of the time that's because Russian words tend to be longer than their English counterparts, it takes more time to say one and the same thing.

Edited by ToyTiger at 11:30 CST, 31 January 2010 - 41840 Hits
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