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Regarding Brumu (1 comment)
Posted by brumu @ 16:50 CDT, 22 May 2012 - iMsg
1610 Hits
alt enter or vid_restart under ubuntubug (9 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 15:29 CDT, 31 August 2011 - iMsg

I'm running Linux Ubuntu 11.04. Does anyone know how to fix the bug that happens when I quit a quakelive game or alt enter or vid_restart in quakelive. Whenever I quit a game the resolution just stays 800 x 600 whereas the desktop is still much bigger than the screen. ANd the quakelive plugin stops working. Also vid_restart or alt enter causes the plugin to crash. Thanks.
8528 Hits
Duel enemy demo POV ? (6 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 16:42 CDT, 28 August 2011 - iMsg
Hello all,

Can someone please link me to that demo viewer extension that allowed for enemy pov viewin in duel demo's? I would like to see myself in action from the enemies perspective.. Thanks in advance

: )
4091 Hits
Best Duels on Dreamhack? (7 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 08:34 CST, 30 November 2010 - iMsg
Hello fellow gamers,

Dreamhack is over, and there is tons of demo's to chose from. I would like to ask you to write your favourite games you saw so far and why, so that people can read this forum thread and get inspired as to which demo's to watch. I really enjoyed cooller vs cypher on ztn altough i am not sure to what extenet both players gave it everything they had, it was a friendly game as far as i know.
2433 Hits
avek sucks shit (24 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 09:27 CDT, 5 August 2010 - iMsg
how do you fly like shit bangalore? i mean how do you do a perfect rocketjump? you press fire and jump a the exact same time or is there a small timefraction you need to wait before pressing jump?? thx :)
4779 Hits
no lMAO @ Spain journal? (67 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 10:56 CDT, 16 June 2010 - iMsg
i am dissappointed
6644 Hits
Calories burnedd playing Quake. (21 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 10:56 CDT, 24 April 2010 - iMsg
I was just wondering: how many calories are burnedd when playing Quake Live? I am planning on loosing weight.
7046 Hits
*CEBIT Update* What Av3k thinks bout ESR (301 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 13:53 CST, 2 March 2010 - iMsg

From left to right: Av3k, tox1c, lysy. In the Czech Republic at LANCraft.

CEBIT Interview

"Czy wasz kolezenski stosunek z Coollerem po europejskich finalach IEM ulegl zmianie?...

...madry na nasz styl gry i nie moze przewidziec co chcemy zrobic :/"


Did your friendly relationship with Cooller change after the European IEM? You must admit, that Cooller's sportsmanship didn't really do him good.

It changed. Cooller complains about everything that's possible. Cypher is lucky, this one is lucky, that one is lucky. I am the best, but you're lucky, lala lala, so for now I enjoy the lack of conversation with him, because I got tired of it. Yes, he's the best, Russia owns, let him live in his dreamworld, but at least behave normally then. I didn't want any rematch. He persuaded me, and then cried that he could have not given the rematch. Then a wave of complaints onto everyone that beat him, those with who he managed to win are the future champions, because they played so genius, that he beat them because he was smarter, and me and Cypher play so stupid, that he is too smart for our style of play and can't predict what we want to do :/

"Po twoim wczorajszym wystepie w finale G Data QL Cup #14 posypaly sie na twoja glowe gromy widzów tego spektaklu...

... i z komórka nie wypuscili :D, a tacy sa zaradni i madrzy zyciowo :( ojejcia :ASdasd."


After your performance yesterday in the finals of the G Data QL cup #14 the viewers went mad against you. Why did you give away 100 euro to the American, basically without a fight?

The final was moved 1,5 h because Rapha went to eat, i just made an appointment with tox1c, that we will set up our computers and train the last 2 days before the tournament. I had time for 3 maps so I lost the game anyway after the first map, besides my thoughts were somewhere else and that's how I got raped ;D


Seriously. [a short pause] I was playing more or less normal. but I couldn't concentrate, and I didn't want to fly from one place to another, so I fought normally and lost practically 100% of my fights.

Why do you feel aversion towards the people from ESReality?

I don't visit that site since a few years. Already in Q4 times there were mainly a bunch of idiots, that besides their computer don't have much to do and are losers in normal life. They speak about different players in a provocative way. And there they sit, a band of trolls typing shit with their keyboards the whole day and feeling happy because of it. Since a long time already I try to get on their nerves however I can. They also flame polish people. Too bad they're not aware of the fact, that if they would come to where I live in Poland, the kids from primary school nr. 4 wouldn't let them leave the street with their shoes and cellphones :D, yet they are so resourceful and life experienced :( ohlawd :ASdasd.

hf :D
Edited by brumu at 13:10 CST, 5 March 2010 - 172582 Hits
Repconfig Rexconfig? (28 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 13:11 CST, 20 February 2010 - iMsg

I have been looking around the net and forums to find out what exactly qzconfig and repconfig do.

I want to understand the quakelive config system. Some even think that quakelive stores config information on their own servers and that this can cause interference when you change game configs. Also sometimes when I exec stermy config for example I notice that there are other r_ commands from the past interfering because they arent even found in stermies config. So there is no use execing stermies config if you want to play exactly like him?

It's a weird system, and nobody really seems to understand it fully. It always has to be so fucking complex? You couldnt even write to all the quake live users how your complex fucked up shit works so they can use it without problems? Everyone keeps having config problems because of this idiot. Fuck u.
Edited by brumu at 13:11 CST, 20 February 2010 - 11390 Hits
Thanks ID (74 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 05:51 CST, 10 December 2009 - iMsg
For fucking up the graphics for everyone just because your butbuddies noctis and fox like it this way. Not everyone prefers retarded ugly you know? Some like it clear and sharp like quake live had untill you fucked the shit up. And by some I mean 99 procent of all the Quake Live players, who are now trying to figure out why their shit looks fucked up. Great job. Merry christmas. RIP Quake Live.
10862 Hits
Config Organizing (need programmers advi (23 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 15:14 CST, 5 December 2009 - iMsg
Hi to you,

I am currently busy with trying to organize three different configs the same way. Cypher's config stermy's config and mine. I want the variables to be organized the same way, so I can quickly compare its values. Stermies config is organized and I want to organize the other configs the same way.

However this takes so much time I am looking for a fast way to do it. Does anyone know a program that can read one config, use it as a (template?) read all the variables and how they are organized and organize the same variables the same way in the other configs? I hope some programmers out there read this, and know a method to do this quickly.



Status: solved

Click here to go to the application

made by spaceboy (see comments below) =)
Edited by brumu at 16:00 CST, 6 December 2009 - 8603 Hits
Quake Live Cheaters (39 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 09:47 CST, 2 December 2009 - iMsg
So far the only busted cheater I know of in Quake Live is Yuka. However there are a number of suspicious players still out there. Here is the list of players I know are suspected of cheating by some (including me).


If you have any reliable information that an alias of some pro is on the list then I will remove it. Also feel free to make your own list of suspected players.
9167 Hits
Looking for a clan. (29 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 16:17 CST, 1 December 2009 - iMsg

Does anybody know how to find a clan? I would like to join one and play some team-mods in Quake Live like CTF. My skill is med+ in duel and i'm willing to learn and play a lot. I haven't got experience in Quake Live teamplay (with a clan), but I really wanna learn. I want to join any med or high skilled team with 18+ aged people. I'm 22.

Thx =)
4628 Hits
brumu -vs- jum8o (54 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 08:17 CST, 24 November 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 1.3 (19 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: brumu
How to play back QL demos

Game between me and jum8o, one of the top Finnish duelers.
14724 Hits
Who wants Cooller vs Av3k QL demo's? (37 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 10:46 CST, 12 November 2009 - iMsg
If I get 100 comments here, I will post the Quake Live demo's of Cooller vs Av3k on dm6 and dm13.
Edited by brumu at 10:46 CST, 12 November 2009 - 10292 Hits
YOU FUC (20 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 10:00 CST, 8 November 2009 - iMsg
4829 Hits
Why isn't Av3k going to Dubai? (34 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 05:03 CDT, 3 October 2009 - iMsg
Yes, as I wrote in the heading: Why isn't Av3k going to Dubai? I heard he has been training a lot for it and that he was willing to go. Does anybody know what happened? He isn't on the invited players list:
4111 Hits
prox_pl -vs- k1llsen (3 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 15:24 CDT, 25 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: prox_pl
How to play back QL demos

Two recent friendly games of prox_pl vs k1llsen on qzdm6.
2231 Hits
Banned at the Quake Live channel? (87 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 08:51 CDT, 14 September 2009 - iMsg
HI hi guys,

So i am baned at the quakelive channel? I had a huge fight there with everyone.. they were all insluting me.. but whats important. They were racist. They kept making fun of poland and me being polish. And now im sure most people think racism.. ah thats when someone says nigger!.. no its also when you discriminate someone ethnically.
People also saying this like.. the polish race LOL.. people like noctis for example... they were all laughing coz i was saying the polish peopl are a race..
just google: race definition and use reading skills.

Funny thing was meeb a quakenet admin came.. and he also didnt think that what they were doing (making fun of poland and me) is racism.. and, he added "I'm doing this for 11 years, you want to educate me?" How can someone as incompetent as him be able to ban people.. He told me to calm down when he joined, i did. But when i started to teach him about what racism is.. and told him 1 second i will show you the linnk.. he banned me! How weak!..

So where can i complain that he banned me and tolerated racism towards me? I want to see this admin meeb banned! Plz halp
17639 Hits
OMG I can't play QL (47 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 02:49 CDT, 14 September 2009 - iMsg
I wanna play Quake Live! Guess what, I can't?! Whenever i press on a server to connect i get directed to an empty tdm server with qzdm12 on! What is this shit? I'm getting pissed now..

OK I WAS BANNED, NOW UNBANNED for holding up a server thank you
Edited by brumu at 08:52 CDT, 14 September 2009 - 6072 Hits
Really weird bug! Empty server connect! (24 comments, locked)
Posted by brumu @ 02:29 CDT, 14 September 2009 - iMsg
Each time I try to connect to a duel server or any other, I get connected to an empty tdm server with qzdm12 on. Anyone else had this bug? It's annoying I wanna play! :<
Locked by Nukm at 07:36 CDT, 14 September 2009 - 2118 Hits
2774 Hits
k1llsen is the best fuck you fuck you (46 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 09:56 CDT, 11 September 2009 - iMsg
k1llsen is the best fuck you fuck you, he beat noctis easy.. noctis is a noob,, strenx beat noctis fuck noctis noob.. so who is the new king? strenx? lolololol..
9052 Hits
strenx -vs- spartie (57 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 12:54 CDT, 6 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 3.3 (6 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: strenx
How to play back QL demos

Because strenx had played all day against several players, including guard and spartie (of which he won most maps), he was reluctant to play when spartie once again joined the server. After some time, we managed to convince strenx to play a final game versus this great dueler. It was to be the most exciting game ever seen in ProDuel history.
11909 Hits
strenx -vs- k1llsen (5 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 11:45 CDT, 6 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5 (5 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: ztntourney1 - Blood Run
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: strenx
How to play back QL demos

The 2nd and last map of the finals of the recent QL xlo cup. Strenx vs k1llsen. Thanks to strenx to be so kind to upload his demo. Have fun! ;)
3356 Hits
Qauke Live is Down? (42 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 15:22 CDT, 1 September 2009 - iMsg
WTF i'll fucking kill you! 3 FUCKING HOURS? ARE YOU SERIOUS? ARE THEY RLY SUCH CUNTS THAT THEY WILL FUCK Us we cant even play for 3 hours coz? cant they do it during the day ??/? or when your a fuckig cuint.. HOW THE FUCK R YOU GONNA TAKE IT DOWN FOR 3 HOURS??? FOR A FUCKING UPDATE? where can i complain.. omg i am going crazy.. 3 hours jesus christ.. in 3 hours i have to be sleeping you stupid bitches.. put back QUAKELIVE AND DO YOUR STUPId fucking update TOMORRWO!!
8359 Hits
toxjq best in Quake Live? (49 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 04:40 CDT, 31 August 2009 - iMsg
Hi everyone,

Because I have speced a huge amount of pro duels since April when I started to play this game, I think I have fairly good judgment of relative skill levels between the best duelers. And quite frankly the gamer who has impressed me the most is not someone who has participated in any cup or lan in Quake Live.. It's toxjq. To have some kind of preview of his capabillities, here is a nice demo of him playing one of the top duelers Spartie.

This game was played at a time when many good duelers haven't yet or have just started to play QL and its good to keep in mind that Spartie was indeed one of them. Nevertheless you can still see the truly exceptional aim and unique gameplay toxjq has. A noteworthy comment is: "total domination by toxjq, watch out for the nice combo kill at 5:03 and some super +back at around 7:00"

I have seen him play duels recently too and let me tell you, it looked like he was playing almost flawless Quake Live, something which I haven't seen in any other players. He barely misses any shots and his lg is quite perfect. It makes me wonder why this great player hasn't yet tried his luck on any lan or cup. Considering how he plays now as an inactive player, I rly wouldn't be surprised to see him take over the QL scene once he decides to compete with the other duelers.
Edited by brumu at 06:07 CDT, 31 August 2009 - 10107 Hits
ESReality is very slow! (35 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 15:58 CDT, 29 August 2009 - iMsg
The website keeps running very slow for me for a few days now.. I had this before with this website during the quakecon days. Does anyone else have this? Does somebody know why this is?.. its kind of annoying :I

EDIT: Installed the adblock plugin for Mozilla Firefox. This solved it. Thanks to erok for the solution ;).
Edited by brumu at 03:49 CDT, 30 August 2009 - 6532 Hits
Something very very nice. (12 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 09:57 CDT, 29 August 2009 - iMsg
Hi guys,

Just wanted to share with you these beautiful songs played to some amazing scenes from the movie baraka and a movie by Rene Laloux.

3560 Hits
Me and Quake Live (189 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 11:12 CDT, 27 August 2009 - iMsg
So today i noticed that players like yyt Calip and Solar are no longer listed as very difficult in quake live for me. Also i started to use the railgun more often and efficiently. I started Quake in april. It makes me happy to make progress. I only have a problem with my sens because its high and i am used to using low in the game i come from, ET. but I find lowsens iN QL feels to heavy and slow especially since i have a medium qpad. But with high sens its sometimes such a shivery aim.

Anyway its my first journal and i wanted to see how the people think of this. BTW i am looking for quake live buddies so plz msg me or something if you like me.. bbbbbbyeeeeee
30167 Hits
Stermy -vs- Av3k (214 comments)
Posted by brumu @ 20:07 CDT, 17 July 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.3 (12 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Stermy
How to play back QL demos

This is the ESL Showmatch between Av3k and Stermy. I thought someone should upload it here so why not me :).
Edited by Aaron at 23:06 CDT, 17 July 2009 - 45019 Hits
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