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ESR jamalz version (3 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 19:49 CST, 22 January 2014 - iMsg
3049 Hits
What's the best Q4 movie? (13 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 07:12 CDT, 4 May 2013 - iMsg
I'm looking for the best q4 movies for inspiration. (Mostly because I'm thinking about adding a Q4 segment to the Av3k movie I'll be working on).
10510 Hits
Stuff you got plusses for in the past! (36 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 14:59 CST, 2 March 2013 - iMsg
As the topic says, post stuff (preferably pictures) you've posted in the past that was met with appriciation in the form of excessive plusses. I'll start.
Edited by Hell5pawn at 15:19 CST, 2 March 2013 - 5910 Hits
Fragged by Av3k - help needed (142 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 10:52 CST, 25 November 2012 - iMsg
Here's the deal. I'll make a fragged by Av3k movie. I want to use the best content possible, make the viewers' jaws drop and I'm pretty confident it's possible!

Some thoughts about the movie so far:
- I don't want to make a "tribute" video with a lot of pictures of Maciej, real life footage and all that bullshit... I think those are silly

- I just want to show quakelive frags, I'm pretty sure Av3k had some awesome frags in q3 and q4 but personally I think that mixing frags from different games isn't the best idea.

- I want to include frags from other gametypes, not only duels.

- I'm thinking whether I should use only frags from official games (online cups too) or just anything really (I think I'm gonna go for the latter.. more demos -> better content ..but much more work too)

I'll need a lot of help with finding the best frags. Obviously there's a lot of demos to go through.. Even gathering all the demos could take a couple of days. So yeah any kind of help is really welcome. If anyone's interested, you can either PM me or just leave a comment here. Oh, and it would be cool if I could contact Av3k.. does he have an account here or maybe there's some channel on irc where he idles?

Edit 14.08.2013
As donka proposed I made a public spreadsheet with some of the demos. Now everyone can participate in the creation process of the Av3k movie! Check the second row in the document to have a general idea what to do. Describe times with notes and use comments if in doubt. If by chance a demo doesn't work, colour it's cell in red. All vandalism is in vain, as I'll be making private backups.

Those demos are the ones from the pack by Spyyder. All taken in the period between 2009 and 2011. So here's a job for anyone willing to help but not really wanting to watch demos. Search and download demos from 2011 till now. Then either make a pack, or add them one by one to the list we already have.

Concerning Quake3 and Quake4, we also need people to look for demos. And as for Quake4 goes, I have no experience with movie making there, or even demo viewing. So it would be best if someone could lend a hand on that part (p0rt, shadowmaster? rofl) Otherwise, I'll have to drop the Q4 idea or take a lot longer to finish the movie. Sorry for my hectic english.
Edited by Hell5pawn at 05:40 CDT, 14 August 2013 - 49448 Hits
The afterspray 2 - DreamHack (107 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 18:18 CDT, 17 July 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.6 (109 votes)
A month after DH Summer 2012 LAN Quake Live tourney took place, I would like to present my newest movie, a sequel to the well received The afterspray. As the original, it's also a frag highlight movie from a duel LAN tournament.

The video itself is short, simple and sort of unique. I did my best to pick and show only the best frags. Enjoy=) Due to low quality on YouTube, downloading is highly recommended! P.S.: I want to finish another movie project before fall. If you want to be up to date, follow my blog =)

Previous movies: Zero, Seventeen, Afterspray, PixelBeat
Links: My blog
Edited by Badb0y at 07:46 CDT, 19 July 2012 - 33146 Hits
PixelBeat - quakelive community movie (81 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 06:41 CDT, 13 May 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.8 (120 votes)
Finally, after almost 2 years since the demo call post, I am proud to present my fourth quakelive movie - PixelBeat. While working on this movie, I kept in mind all the consructive criticism I recieved from my previous works, I have also focused on a couple of things, especially speed and flow.

From 986 demos I recieved, I gave an OKAY to 170 demos. From these, only a handful of 43 demos ended up in the movie. That's 4% of the initial amount. That being said, I expected much more from the community. Still, I did my best to showcase these best frags.

My special thanks go to phl (juvenile delinquency), whom I kept contact with throughout the whole editing period. Without his input and ideas the movie wouldn't be the same.

Previous movies: Zero, Seventeen, Afterspray
Links: My blog
Edited by xou at 08:42 CDT, 13 May 2012 - 88472 Hits
3533 Hits
TEK9 Movie Contest - voting period (90 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 17:19 CDT, 20 September 2010 - iMsg
Today the last set of movie entried for the TEK9 Movie Contest was announced. Now it's time for the community to vote for their favourite movies. When the community voting period is over, a panel of judges will pick the winners from 25 top rated movies. Although most of the videos are from COD/CS there is a handfull of movies that might interest our community. Surprisingly there were no quakelive entries.

Q3 Quake III Arena
Coloris 2 by United States of America Domino (YouTube stream)
OMG2 by Russia DisSidenT (YouTube stream)
Sensual Memories by Slovakia Bl2Xxr (YouTube stream)
The Gate Keepers by Serbia ZeroQL (YouTube stream)

warsow war§ow
Megatech Body ID 501
by Germany cho-media (YouTube stream)

Voting on the movies can be done by visiting the moviepage of a particular movie and making use of the TEK9 Voting system (1-5 stars).

Update: TEK9 added Coloris 2.

Visit to see the last video set and all other entries
Edited by xou at 21:11 CDT, 21 September 2010 - 25107 Hits
Playable Duke Nukem Forever at PAX (13 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 13:06 CDT, 3 September 2010 - iMsg
2KGames is streaming live coverage from PAX where Gearbox shows a teaser of the game that was supposed to be dead - Duke Nukem Forever. The presentation is about to begin right now.

Live stream:
3120 Hits
Looking for demos - next movie project (27 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 08:39 CDT, 1 September 2010 - iMsg
My next movie will be different than my recently released vid called afterspray.

This time it will be a community based movie, that's why I'm asking you guys (the top tier of the quake community) to browse through your demo folders / start recording matches and submit the best ones to me.

I'm looking for sick frags, awesome flag runs, quad runs, etc. Generally, I'm looking for entertaining and dynamic stuff. Any gametype except for instagib/freeze rail will do. (competitive duel/tdm/ctf preferably tho) Also, the frags must be fresh and not featured in any movie.

I think I don't have to explain that the demos should have timing attached. I won't accept demos like "there's tons of stuff in it, no need to time it".

The video will be different than everything else around. Expect weird music that one can either love or hate. Also, the video will be probably released around xmas or early 2011. There's still a lot of time for submiting demos, I'll most probably start going through them next month, when I'll go back to uni. That doesn't mean you should hestitate though.

If you have any questions / advices / opinions feel free to post. I always listen carefully to all feedback and criticism and I improve with every movie I make.

Edit. Due to personal reasons and lack of decent demo submissions I'm extending the 'material gathering period' until further notice. I'll rather wait than release a movie with half-assed content :o

Edit2. I've made a post in my blog about demos and movie frags, before sending me anything make sure to read it -> link

Send the demos to hell5pawn [at]
Edited by Hell5pawn at 15:55 CST, 10 February 2011 - 13260 Hits
The Afterspray - a quakelive movie (215 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 08:46 CDT, 25 August 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.2 (183 votes)
This movie is a result of almost 6 months of on and off work, with "on most of the time" when vacations began. About 80% of that time was spent on going through over 550mb's of demos, yet - it was worth it. I couldn't just sit and look as some of these frags go to waste. I tried to keep it as serious as possible, but yeah how serious can it be if it's called 'afterspray' :), anyway I have to say I'm quite happy about the result, I hope you'll enjoy it as much. =)

Visit my blog at for additional content.
Edited by xou at 05:46 CDT, 8 September 2010 - 87996 Hits
Would a ESR user reg on tek9 to vote? (45 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 12:26 CDT, 2 August 2010 - iMsg
I'm working on a IEM4 QuakeLive fraghighlight video, featuring the best frags from european and world finals.

The TEK9 movie contest that is currently running ends in a month.

I wanted to know if ESR users will be nice enough to register on tek9 site and support my movie when it will be released. (if you like the movie, of course).

I'm not afraid of entering the contest and losing. I'm worried about the gay release rules of the contest.

So yeah as you see for about a month the video will be only available on stream.

will you register on tek9 to vote for my video or should I screw the contest and release it normally.
8186 Hits
LMAO@ESWC (4 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 09:35 CDT, 1 June 2010 - iMsg
They got some of the flags wrong
2300 Hits
Tek9: AMD movie contest entries overview (37 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 18:59 CST, 5 February 2010 - iMsg
Finally, all video from the Tek9 AMD movie contest have been released. Among over 9000 CS and COD movies there are four quake movies.

Q3 Quake III Arena:
OMG by Russia DisSidenT

ql QuakeLive:
seventeen by Poland Hell5pawn
Aftershock by Poland Kripp
Crash & Doom 2 by Sweden warchild

Visit for a full movie list and support the Quake videos by rating them.
Edited by Hell5pawn at 19:51 CST, 5 February 2010 - 10387 Hits
Interview with GUard (31 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 09:25 CST, 14 January 2010 - iMsg
You live in a lithuanian city Šiauliai . Do you like it there? Is it an interesting place?

Yes, I live in Lithuania, a 3rd word country :)
My city isn't big, the population is approximately 200.000. We have like 5 nice, big clubs, where I usually spend weekends, there's also a couple of decent pubs. I was born here, that's why I like this city, but I'd really like to live in Vilnius, or even better in some european city!

You were nominated to the Player of the year award by Do you think that you could win if QuakeLive would be more popular on Lithuania? (the award was given to dARKIe, a CS player)

Yeah, I was nominated, but Lithuania, like most of european countires, is focused on Counter-Strike. They don't write about me too often, we all know what they're interesed in :) Yet, I have a lot of fans! They never forget about me, they watch live streams etc. I'm really happy about it. I don't really care about awards.

How do you feel few days before the european Intel Extreme Masters finals?

I study at the university from the 4th to the 21st of January, for 12 hours 6 days a week. Apart from that, I have small problems at work so I don't have much time for training. When I find the time, I'm trying to play a few games against Spart1e and it seems that I'm in shape. I don't feel any pression before the tourney because I do not aim for top positions. I'm worried about the LCD monitors we'll be playing on there, I have to admit, I don't know how to play on low refresh rates. Getting there might also be troublesome, I don't like to travel on my own.

How do you prepare for the finals? Do you have a special training program?

I don't take the training too serious, it's even hard to call it a training in my case. The best I can do is to play against the top players, recently, as I already mentioned, I'm playing mostly with Spart1e, but the more I play, the worse my aim is and I stop to try, and start to base my aim on reflex, which results in missing a lot :D I could train harder, I know what should I do to make it more efficient, but for the time being, I can't practise like that.

Do you think you could reach the podium?

No, I don't think so. If playing on the PC's there won't be a problem and I won't be tired because of the trip, I might pass the group stage. Of course, I can steal a map from the best player of the tourney, but since it'll be BO3 I don't think I could win more than that. At the moment my skill is too low and I haven't put enough work into QuakeLive.

Latelly, you had almost over 9000 2nd places in online one day tournaments such as Zotac or G-Data. Was there always this one player that was better than you? Maybe it's some kind of a curse, or maybe the pression of playing in the final is still too big and you can't play "your game"?

Too be more precise, I've finished second about 10 times in the last 3-4 months :D My biggest problem is the fact that playing non-stop makes me tired fast. I don't like to sit in front of the PC for 3-4 hours without a break. I don't feel any pression when playing versus top players, well, maybe except the times when the frag difference is really slim or when the match goes into overtime, my hand shakes slightly and my heart beats faster only in those kind of situations :) Then the problem are my abilities, I'm not a top world-class player after all.

You represent your country in the QuakeLive TDM Nations Cup 2010. Lithuania was placed in a group C along with France, Austria, Germany, Serbia and Norway. Do you think you have a chance to advance? Which country seems to be the favourite, and against which countries do you have a chance to win?

We're attending this tourney only for the QL TDM community and for fun. We don't have any chance to advance, we're awfully weak and I as I said, we're playing just for the competition. The favourites of our group are the French and Germans. The best we can do is to win a single map, that's all we can do.

You're playing in Betsson Voodoo Gaming for almost 5 months. The QuakeLive division was shrank to merely two players: you and tox1c. Do you like each other with Robert? Do you think the team should have more players? If so, do you have any players on mind that could aid the squad?

It's better to have a team with 2 players than with 22 :) tox1c is a great person, additionally he's from Poland, and I like poles. We don't talk to much, but our relations are OK :) At the moment there aren't many good, free players. The only one that comes to my mind is Reaper from Ukraine.

Thanks for the short talk. Good luck in IEM Finals!

No problem, I'd also like to thank you. I wish good luck to all other participants!

Translated from polish. Original interview can be found here;id=89#
Edited by Nukm at 19:45 CST, 14 January 2010 - 13066 Hits goes offline (150 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 10:07 CDT, 26 September 2009 - iMsg
Two days ago Sean "own-age" Kuehnel has written a news item on his site saying that he's no longer willing to keep his site running.
It saddens me to write this post. But after almost 9 years of keeping this website up I am finally not going to support it anymore. The site is scheduled to go offline on 08-Oct-09. The past couple years I've been keeping the site up but being an extremely passive supporter of the site just making sure it is up and the server bills get paid for.

To all the people who helped and supported over the years, I can't thank you enough. I will miss you guys and the community that supported the site.

You can catch me on Facebook at:

See you guys around, Sean "own-age" Kuehnel. was a place that gathered thousands of movies from various games and it's forums contained helpful movie-making information. Apart from that, Sean "own-age" Kuehnel is well known for his quake3 movie "AnnihilatioN".

Edited by Badb0y at 08:42 CDT, 27 September 2009 - 48382 Hits
Zero by Hell5pawn (25 comments)
Posted by Hell5pawn @ 06:17 CDT, 10 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.8 (19 votes)
My entry for the Tek9 Cinema Contest that was also announced on this site a while ago. Don't expect too much from it ;)
It's a frag movie with imo acceptable content, simple editing and quite original music.


Additional info, stream, and download
Original post @ QL forums
Official announcement and other contest movies

Maverick servers
Edited by Hell5pawn at 15:40 CDT, 11 September 2009 - 11656 Hits
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