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Steelseries Sensei driver (1 comment)
Posted by revocelot @ 20:56 CDT, 17 May 2013 - iMsg
So I picked up a Steelseries Sensei Raw. I download the latest drivers from the website and install. I notice the driver only loads in the administrator account in Windows 7. What about all of the other standard accounts on the computer? Why doesn't it install for all users?
3274 Hits
Who is the current best qw dueller in th (6 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 11:50 CDT, 13 May 2012 - iMsg
e world? Last time I was plugged into the scene it was that Finnish guy Milton. Who is it now?
5827 Hits
What's the issue with this site? (9 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 09:30 CST, 10 November 2010 - iMsg
Why is it that when I type in the address bar in Firefox it takes me directly to this site, but when I do the same thing in IE 8 or Chrome it takes me to a Google page?
2739 Hits
Most modern mice are crap (156 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 18:15 CST, 8 November 2010 - iMsg
It's pretty sad, isn't it? We are now approaching the end of the year 2010. Ten years after the introduction of optical mouses and the best ones are still the ones produced during those first few years.

When I look at the mousing landscape, I see the same old, same old. It's always the MS IE3.0, IMO, WMO, Logitech MX518, and arguably the Razer DA 3G at the top.

Medium tier - Logitech G5, G3

Bottom tier- most "gaming mice" produced during the last 2-3 years. G9X and Xai have that same shit sensor. Practically every Razer mice produced after the DA 3G (although arguably, some people might place mice like the Diamondback 3G and Salmosa in the medium tier).

So when are we going to see mouses that replace the tried and true classics?
32166 Hits
Any QW North America FFA servers? (13 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 21:05 CDT, 4 November 2010 - iMsg
I remember the place to go was Nobody's alternative for a while. After that was Darin's server. Are there any QW NA FFA servers left?
6690 Hits
Going through the Crash Course again (9 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 10:34 CDT, 1 August 2010 - iMsg
In QL when you create an account you go through a crash course so that QL can place you on proper skill level servers. If I go through and complete this course again will QL re-rank me?
3547 Hits
Intellimouse Explorer 3 Legends Edition (117 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 13:41 CDT, 20 July 2010 - iMsg
Found this at Best Buy today for $39.99.
40737 Hits
David Icke is a reptilian (17 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 20:25 CDT, 30 June 2010 - iMsg

I knew there was something "off" about him. All this time he's been warning us about reptilians and he was probably the master reptilian all along intent on misleading us. Brilliant.

Other confirmed reptilians:

George H. Bush
Kris Kristofferson
Boxcar Willie
Queen Elizabeth II

And these are just a few of the public ones. There are a lot more that I am not allowed to tell. Most of them live underground in caves and tunnels which is the base from which they manipulate events and control humankind. For example, reptilians assassinated JFK because he broke ranks and wouldn't act as their puppet.
4853 Hits
Server recorded demos (18 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 13:02 CDT, 22 June 2010 - iMsg
Quake Live needs server side demos like in QW and CPMA so we can download one demo and watch it from the POV of everyone on the server.
3628 Hits
How Steelseries can make a lot of $$$$$ (52 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 21:03 CST, 9 March 2010 - iMsg
All they have to do is make a cloth mat that works with sensors like the Avago 9500. Apparently this sensor is too sensitive for current generation of cloth mats.

IMHO, cloth mats are superior to hard mats. They're quieter, more comfortable, easier on mouse feet, and provide the right amount of traction (i.e. your mouse isn't slipping and sliding all over the place).

What is it about the sensitivity of the 9500 that makes it not work as well on cloth mats? Is it the FPS? Too many FPS means it captures the stray fibers on cloth mats thereby confusing the sensor? It can't be the dpi because I can get it to malfunction by swiping it real quick across my QCK at 400 dpi.

BTW, it doesn't have to be Steelseries that does this. I will buy from any company that can produce a cloth mat that can do this. Just make sure it's black, minimal design, and at least QCK size. ;)
10607 Hits
Thresh interview (32 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 20:00 CST, 14 February 2010 - iMsg

I thought it was interesting. He talks about his new social networking company. I had never heard him talk or seen him move before.
20793 Hits
Euros (40 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 21:51 CST, 22 January 2010 - iMsg
All of the best and brightest left Europe for America. Now all they have left are the dredges.
5473 Hits
What do Swedes think of Elin Nordegren? (25 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 18:52 CST, 2 December 2009 - iMsg
How do u feel about a rich American athlete going out with one of your women??? Does it flatter you?
6296 Hits
How to force models? (25 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 13:51 CDT, 16 July 2009 - iMsg
How do you force models in this game? I'm tired of everybody using the skeleton model.
7363 Hits
Intellipoint/Razer drivers for MX 518? (3 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 12:44 CST, 8 November 2008 - iMsg
Has anybody ever figured out a way to get MS's Intellipoint drivers or Razer's DA or DB drivers to work with this mouse? SetPoint only allows 400 dpi as the lowest and I'd like to get it lower than that to play a certain game. IntelliPoint's 'precision booster' or Razer's 'on-the-fly sensitivity' would come in handy here.

Anybody who's had to work with SetPoint knows how shitty it is. Not only is it bulky but I hate how there is a lag when you try to drag a window by its title bar.
2020 Hits
Logitech making a comeback (12 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 11:47 CDT, 22 October 2008 - iMsg
This is really of interest only to the people who are into this kind of stuff. I noticed the top three finishers of ESWC Athens were all Logitech users:

Rapha - MX 518
spart1e - MX 518
Av3k - MX 310
5437 Hits
q3configs - why so worthless (12 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 08:11 CDT, 6 October 2008 - iMsg
Hi there, why are the config files produced by q3 so worthless? They're impossible to follow and read. Quake 1 was released in 1996 and it produces far cleaner config files than q3. And why has cnq3 produced equally worthless config files despite being released in 2008 a.d.?
3566 Hits
ESWC - what .exe? (2 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 09:34 CDT, 24 August 2008 - iMsg
What .exe are they using in these tournaments? I understand they're playing vq, but are they using the plain jane quake3.exe or CPMA vq3?
1551 Hits
Couple 'o Challenge Q3 questions (2 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 08:15 CDT, 18 August 2008 - iMsg
Hey, I'm running cnq3.exe and was wondering about a couple of things...

What's the command to save your config after you make changes, and how do you enable/play in instagib mode? I just want to get in a game by myself with some bots and play instagib...
1311 Hits
I have seen the light... (5 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 19:16 CDT, 24 July 2008 - iMsg
Picked up an Intellimouse Explorer. All I have to say is... Wow... This is definitely the best mouse/sensor combo I've ever used in a game. Everything just feels right.

The magic behind it is the sensor. It tracks great and it's the only mouse I've ever used where you can pick it up and put it down without disturbing the on screen cursor. That makes it the perfect gaming sensor. I wonder if that's just a happy side effect of it being only a 400 dpi sensor? And the 400 dpi doesn't really bother me. Actually it's probably a good thing because it keeps me from getting lazy.

The only issue I have with it is +mwheelup gets used without me ever touching it sometimes...

Other than that I think I've finally found my mouse.
1971 Hits
1.1, 3.0 users - how do u handle 400 dpi (97 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 15:12 CDT, 12 July 2008 - iMsg
I mean, these mice only have 400 dpi, correct? So how do you handle everyday desktop tasks without going insane? The cursor must be unbearably slow since you can't increase windows pointer speed past 6/11 and I know everybody here cares about accuracy. Do you just run your desktop at ultra low resolutions? I'm running 1680x1050 and 800 is as slow as I can handle. Would love to try them out though...
17604 Hits
cnq3.exe crosshair color keeps changing (7 comments)
Posted by revocelot @ 09:56 CDT, 11 July 2008 - iMsg
Hey, just getting into Q3 to follow some of the events that are going on. Quick problem here and was wondering if anybody knows a fix for it.

I run Q3 using Challenge Q3 (cnq3.exe). In game options, I have my crosshair selected and I choose red for the color. Problem is when I'm in game, the crosshaircolor is white. Not only that but throughout the match, it changes color from white to red to yellow etc.

Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for it?

Also, is there a rail arena type mod that works with cnq3.exe? I like the corkscrew mod but it only works with quake3.exe. thanks...
4319 Hits
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