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DOOM Beta has been announced (12 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 19:37 CDT, 16 April 2014 - iMsg
From Wolfenstein new order announcement on Steam:


Pre-Purchase Wolfenstein: The New Order and get Exclusive Wolfenstein TF2 items and access to the upcoming DOOM Beta on Steam!

So it's alive after all?
Edited by Mitritch at 19:37 CDT, 16 April 2014 - 3786 Hits
QL is down? (10 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 02:38 CDT, 22 August 2013 - iMsg
Can somebody get access to the game right now?
2466 Hits
28 days after (30 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 19:32 CDT, 20 August 2012 - iMsg
7739 Hits
Warsow movement questions (39 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 09:14 CDT, 31 July 2012 - iMsg
After playing yesterday some WSW games I suddenly realized that I can't move for shit in this game. Yeah, I can strafe, I can bunnyhop, I even can dash and wall jump (sometimes) but the whole movement done by me is still jerky, stuttering and not very efficient. And on the same time I watched how players like dkw of boqu moving - they are literally flying through the map. After that I realized that a lot of new things should be learned.

So first things first, and I want to ask experienced warsowians here about if I should use new or old movement (cg_oldmovement cvar) and if I should use continious jumping with jump key pressed (cg_autohop cvar)?

Also I understand that only practice makes perfect, buy maybe someone has some advises on moving effectively in Warsow without loosing speed during turning the corners, while executing ramp and wall jumps, etc?
Edited by sk4ut at 11:13 CDT, 31 July 2012 - 15595 Hits
Very smart move from id software! (38 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 17:54 CDT, 3 May 2012 - iMsg
Start a Match Update SITE NEWS | May 3, 2012 | sponge

In an effort to streamline the Start a Match process, and make organizing matches on Pro-spawned servers easier, we have lifted the restriction that the match owner must be in the match in order for additional people to join. Matches will still close after being empty for 15 minutes, however the owner no longer must be present.
5752 Hits
QLRanks is taking donations now! (168 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 15:21 CDT, 12 April 2012 - iMsg
Edited by sk4ut at 15:22 CDT, 12 April 2012 - 25523 Hits
id is hard at work, finally - \o/ (388 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 09:52 CDT, 21 March 2012 - iMsg
Found in subscriber section of QL forum, posted by SyncError:

Seeking Testers for Premium Pak 12
Since the release of QLPP11, the Quake Live development team has been hard at work at preparing your next content update. Due to the substantial number of changes made in the update, we are seeking volunteers to test the release candidate of the upcoming Quake Live Premium Pak 12.

Next week we will begin adding new testers to our Focus team. If you are interested in volunteering, please read the below requirements and expectations before replying.

Requirements for Applying:
Premium or Pro Subscriber
Account created before November 30, 2010
No account suspensions on record

What you should expect:
Early access to new code and content.
Daily play tests Monday - Friday (on TX, NY, UK, and NLD servers)
Developer play tests from 4pm - 5pm central time on TX or NY servers.
Tester initiated play tests organized on IRC, at various times and locations.
Communication and feedback given through IRC and Focus Forums

What we expect!
Complete confidentiality
A good attitude and civility with testers and developers.
Regular participation in our scheduled play tests.
Initiative to play matches on focus, outside of the scheduled play test times.
Ability to take simple notes to document issues or oddities as they are found.
Weekly, if not daily, feedback to communicate issues found during play tests.
Ability to separate bug reports from suggestions, and provide both types of feedback in the appropriate locations.

To sign up, reply with the below information:

Operating System:
Web Browser:
Favorite Gametype:
Estimated Skill Level:
Closest Region:


Sign me up!
OS: Windows XP
Web Browser: FireFox 10
Gametype: CTF or Any Team Games
Skill: Tier 4
Region: TX

Edit: QLPP 12 partial changelog
Edited by sk4ut at 15:08 CDT, 22 March 2012 - 186060 Hits
What really kills QuakeLive duel (65 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 18:36 CST, 21 December 2011 - iMsg
Is the most idiotic matchmaking system I ever seen in any competitive game so far.

Today I had a highlight of it. Imagine two players, one (me) having ELO rating around 1140 or so and another one having ELO rating around 1600.

According to ELO ranking system the probability of the second player to win is very big. But for some reason stupid dumb QL matchmaking system thinks that player 1 (me) is actually much stronger - the server with person 2 is colored by gray and has down arrow icon.

Curious as hell, I joined the game and of course the player crushed me with 30:0 or something like that, although he had ping 90, and I had around 50. Needless to say that according to ELO rating such outcome was totally predictable - and I was both outaimed and outsmarted during that game.

So after this pity account I am finally convinced that QL matchmaking system means jack shit, and those who created it are either heavy drugs abusers or alcoholics who were hired by id CEO who needed to have drinking partners.

But the most hilarious moment awaited me when I returned from the game to my QL home screen. Based on results of this duel (i lost 0 to 30, let me remind you) I was promoted from tier 3 in duel to tier 4. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, ID SOFTWARE???

tl;dr When you choose an opponent to play, use rating exclusively, built-in QL matchmaking doesn't mean jack shit.
17825 Hits
Sweden servers (13 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 21:21 CST, 19 December 2011 - iMsg
Still suck big time
Edited by sk4ut at 21:22 CST, 19 December 2011 - 10888 Hits
FU id software (and maybe Apple too) (38 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 17:02 CDT, 9 August 2011 - iMsg
"Failing at everything" - should be the motto of this company:

Update: fortunately, QL works in Safari as good as under Chrome. Phew... Thanks go to Apple for choosing right technology to build their browser!

Update 2: For some reason my QL settings (sensitivity and overbright bits, possibly others) become messed up each time I start QL in safari. So now I use Palemoon and it is just as good as original chrome.
Edited by sk4ut at 20:10 CDT, 11 August 2011 - 10234 Hits
Folding (at Home) 2.0 (29 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 10:01 CST, 15 December 2010 - iMsg
So folding turns out to be addictive, and after a year of dedicating my hardware resources to it, team esreality is on position #1353 now:;t=176244

Next goal is to reach #1000 and beyond among teams.
11266 Hits
cl_timeNudge - is it worth to be used? (102 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 00:11 CDT, 1 September 2010 - iMsg
Looks like cl_timeNudge is working in QL now, even in bot matches.

So, the question is, is it a good thing to use, or it is better just stick to default behavior with cl_timeNudge set to 0.

Never played Q3 with it, so want to hear opinion of experienced players.
36171 Hits
QL-Like Mouse Acceleration Script (133 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 17:59 CDT, 19 August 2010 - iMsg
Hi fellow ESR readers, here I want to introduce you to my Mouse Acceleration Script.

The basic purpose of this script is to add mouse acceleration similar to one used in QuakeLive to games, which do not support acceleration at all, or which have different mouse acceleration implementation.

In order to start using this script you need to do the following:

1) Download GlovePIE application from here:
Please note that I can guarantee this script working only with GlovePIE 0.41. Also, you need Administrator rights on a PC where you suppose to run it.

2) Remove any accel from your QL config and measure distance in cm needed to take 180 degree turn.

3) In the game you want to use with mouse accel script, setup sensitivity which yields identical number of centimeters for 180 degree turn.

4) Run GlovePIE.exe and open mouse-quakelive-acceleration.PIE from it. At the top, there are three variables which you should edit (by default they are set to current settings of mine):


Edit them to values you are using in QuakeLive.

5) Press big green Run button, run the game and enjoy QL-like mouse acceleration in the game you play. :)

During the course of development, I tested this script with: ET:QW, COD4, CSS, BFBC2, Quake3, Quake4 and of course, QuakeLive. So at least for this games/engines it should run just fine. Where possible, I always tried to aim for 125 FPS, although in BFBC2 I usually have 200.

Questions, proposals, remarks - all are welcome!

P.S. You can automate running of the GlovePIE with the script, by putting a shortcut to it to Startup folder with following command line (edit paths to your equivalent):

C:\Games\Software\Joystick\GlovePIE041\GlovePIE.exe -C:\Games\Software\Joystick\GlovePIE041\mouse-quakelive-acceleration.PIE

Edit 1: uploaded file with essential corrections from injx. :)
Edited by sk4ut at 19:21 CDT, 29 August 2011 - 49560 Hits is down? (32 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 03:53 CDT, 3 June 2010 - iMsg
or the whole UA segment is filtered out from it?

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
14087 Hits
Folding (at Home) (82 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 22:38 CST, 10 December 2009 - iMsg
Is anybody doing it here?

Edit: team ESReality having its first WUs done! Details are here:

Edit2: here is summary of all active projects, with short descriptions:
Edited by sk4ut at 09:59 CST, 14 December 2009 - 15597 Hits
Cooller's ownage (26 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 19:57 CST, 8 December 2009 - iMsg
In dm6 demo from Zotac #10 final:

RAZER Ahktfuy almost dodged mouz Cooller's rocket
RAZER Ahktfuy was railed by mouz Cooller
RAZER Ahktfuy was electrocuted by mouz Cooller
RAZER Ahktfuy ate mouz Cooller's rocket
RAZER Ahktfuy was electrocuted by mouz Cooller
RAZER Ahktfuy was gunned down by mouz Cooller
RAZER Ahktfuy: pochemy tak (why it is so)
RAZER Ahktfuy: ....
RAZER Ahktfuy was electrocuted by mouz Cooller
RAZER Ahktfuy: begaesh i pohuy (just running around the map and don't give a fuck)
RAZER Ahktfuy: na vse (about everything)
RAZER Ahktfuy: gg
RAZER Ahktfuy was railed by mouz Cooller
RAZER Ahktfuy ate mouz Cooller's rocket
RAZER Ahktfuy: vot vidish (you see)
mouz Cooller: bla (fuck)
mouz Cooller: ti zawebal NIT (stop WHINING for fuck's sake)
mouz Cooller: u teba momentov TAKIH GE (you have THE SAME moments)
mouz Cooller: MILLION
RAZER Ahktfuy: trillion
agentJkezooR: =)
mouz Cooller: no ti ne obrashaesh vnimanie (but you just don't pay attention)
RAZER Ahktfuy: =(
Game has been forfeited.
mouz Cooller killed himself.

Edit: translation added :)
Edited by sk4ut at 09:58 CST, 9 December 2009 - 9036 Hits
Man in coma was awake for 23 years (50 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 12:29 CST, 25 November 2009 - iMsg
A man presumed to have been in a deep coma for 23 years has hailed his “second birth” after doctors realised that he had been fully conscious all along but unable to communicate.

Rom Houben, 46, was paralysed in a car accident and declared to be in a persistent vegetative state, while in fact he remained aware of his surroundings and could hear his doctors gradually give up hope on him.

Researchers using new diagnostic techniques discovered that his brain was still active and trained him to use his right forefinger to express himself on an adapted keyboard.

Mr Houben’s case is being highlighted in his native Belgium by doctors who are pioneering new ways of understanding coma patients, hundreds of whom around the world could actually be conscious but locked in paralysis — and able to feel pain, unlike a true coma patient.

“I shall never forget the day when they discovered what was truly wrong with me — it was my second birth,”
9842 Hits
The war on the Lord Jonesy (25 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 22:40 CST, 21 November 2009 - iMsg
Interesting, am I the only one left who still did not add him to ignore list?
3463 Hits
QL is updating ATM (39 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 07:19 CST, 10 November 2009 - iMsg
In before rage and whine...
5901 Hits
CNQ 1.45 (38 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 11:04 CST, 9 November 2009 - iMsg
Just found it today on site:
17358 Hits
ESR sucks (11 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 20:51 CDT, 31 October 2009 - iMsg
Looks like this days it is kind of a trend, so I follow it with my little journal.
3988 Hits
Dubai 2009 Demos Torrent (14 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 19:46 CDT, 19 October 2009 - iMsg
here, all available demos and configs.
6186 Hits
Petition to id Software - 461 now! (100 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 13:11 CDT, 23 August 2009 - iMsg
Edited by sk4ut at 08:09 CDT, 22 September 2009 - 19893 Hits
Jane Burgermeister vs United States (128 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 11:35 CDT, 1 July 2009 - iMsg
So far, no news on mainstream media.

Detailed documents here:

Amazing work, the most thrilled read I had recently.

Edit: here is the blog of Jane:
Edited by sk4ut at 18:45 CDT, 1 July 2009 - 24674 Hits
We are the champions!!! (4 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 09:32 CDT, 21 May 2009 - iMsg
UEFA cup final, Shakhtar Donetsk vs Werder Bremen - 2:1
2527 Hits
To ESR admins (9 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 11:39 CDT, 10 July 2008 - iMsg
Dear ESR admins, it looks like I was plussed by mistake.

If you will look at following URL

you will see that the most recent judgement was assigned for me, altnough I'm not an author of the thread under judgement.

So please remove this plus from me and give it to the person who really deserves it - mr. (

Thank you.
3563 Hits
Anonymity (16 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 09:09 CDT, 12 June 2008 - iMsg
4499 Hits
To ESR admin team (4 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 13:34 CDT, 10 June 2008 - iMsg
What is going on? Why it takes so long to fix this damn problem with comments?

Is it purely technical problem? Or maybe some financial considerations are influencing stability of the site?

Anyway, if you need any help - do not hesitate to call community for it. Just tell what we can do!
2535 Hits
quake3.exe with raw mouse input support (166 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 19:55 CDT, 9 June 2008 - iMsg
Disclaimer: this project is not active anymore. If you want to use modern q3 client with raw input support, please use this one:

Hi all, I'm glad to present you another experimental build of quake3.exe, this time with raw mouse input support added.

To enable raw mouse input, just specify in_mouse 3 in your config.

You can find basic information about raw mouse input following this link . Here I briefly summarize most important differences between raw mouse input, standard windows input and DirectInput:

1) Raw mouse input has no negative acceleration which is present in standard windows mouse input (in_mouse -1) due to low resolution, high mouse speed or high DPI of the mouse.

2) Raw mouse input has no positive acceleration in comparison to standart windows input because there is no pointer ballistics applied to it. This means that there is no CPL mouse fix needed to be applied if you use this type of input.

3) Raw mouse input uses unbuffered, immediate mouse data. This means that in comparison to DirectInput it has less input lag.

I tested this build with following mice:

- A4Tech X-710FS
- MS WMO 1.1a
- MS IE 3.0
- Razer Diamondback 1600 DPI
- Razer DeathAdder 3G

So far, no problems were detected.

To tell you the truth, most of code was written not by me, but by ez-Quake (and, probably, FuhQuake) developers. Apart from merge of original code from ez-Quake 1.9, all I had to do is to perform minor changes to match Quake 3 engine inner details (event handling and memory management). Thanks to their effort, it took me only several hours to do the task.

My next assignment will be to add raw mouse input into Warsow. However, I hope that warsow developers will tell me to not waste my time because they already did it for upcoming 0.5 release :)

Edit 1: there were some problems found with running Quake 3 in windowed mode with this client, so I removed old file and placed new with the fix. Also, following items were changed:

- com_sleepFrames was renamed to com_yieldCpu

- in_mouse 3 has now even less lag due to delayed mouse movement registration (with this type of input mouse move registered right before frame is rendered)

- new cvar was added, in_debugmousemove (0,1) which shows mouse movement for x and y axis. This variable is helpful for testing mouse for input clipping problems.

Patching of CNQ3 is on the way, as well as deploying both clients (1.32b and 1.42 CNQ3) at

By the way, with in_mouse 3 you can try to play again with high DPI enabled for your mouse. It may happen that you will like how it feels now. :)

Edit 2: CNQ3 binary was added.

Edit 3: obsolete, see edit 4

Edit 4: RawQuake has been finally released at Now featuring support of CNQ 1.43 Also, small patch needed to fix wired skybox was added (thank you Anonymous poster from the USA :)

Here is the link to download binaries for both Q3 1.32b and CNQ3 1.43:

Here is the link to project CVS:

Edit 5: Source code archives were added. To get them, use the same link as for downloading project binaries:

Edited by Mitritch at 04:02 CST, 1 December 2013 - 91043 Hits
Experimental Quake3.exe binary (21 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 00:27 CDT, 5 June 2008 - iMsg
Last few days I played with Quake3.exe sources, trying to add some new features, which will improve overall feel of the client.

The very first one I would like to share with you is introduction of sleep between frames.

To activate this, you have to set com_sleepFrames to 1. To deactivate, set com_sleepFrames to 0. No restarts are needed.

In general, on my Intel T5600 CPU usage reduced from 50% to 20%.

If you tried this build, please share here your experience.

P.S. Btw, during work on this feature I found out that setting affinity to single core through imagecfg.exe really fucks up mouse movement. So don't do it, if you want your mouse movements to be precise.
Edited by -sk(4)ut- at 09:43 CDT, 5 June 2008 - 6686 Hits
My boss (11 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 13:52 CDT, 30 May 2008 - iMsg
Edited by -sk(4)ut- at 13:53 CDT, 30 May 2008 - 4636 Hits
How much (video) drivers do you need? (4 comments)
Posted by Mitritch @ 19:10 CDT, 23 May 2008 - iMsg
Before telling full story I would like to note that although it is related to ATI video hardware, general idea may be applicable to any hardware vendor.

I'm a performance junky so I always tried to squeeze as much as possible from my modest rig (laptop with C2D 1.8 GHz, ATI X1700, 17" CRT for gaming at 120Hz, 500 Hz USB mouse). To achieve this, I always installed newest ATI drivers as they came out (from Catalyst 7.2 to Catalyst 8.5). I experimented a lot with modded drivers (NGO, DNA-Drivers, OmegaDrivers to name a few). And I never was satisfied with end result. This dissatisfaction came not from low/unstable frame rates - no, frame rates was ok every time. What I wanted was responsive and fast mouse interface in any game I played, without any delay, lag or non-linearity added. And I had minor but noticeable problems with responsiveness every time, almost in every game.

Especially, I was dissatisfied with Quake 3. For some reason, it ran very bad, with very noticeable stuttering. I tried everything to remove it - from experimenting with Quake 3 configuration files to changing ATI display drivers to different versions. Nothing was helpful. After lots of attempts to improve situation I almost gave up, but did not stop to think how it may be resolved. I was sure that something prevents my rig from running it at its full potential. And it seems that I found the answer today.

The basic idea is simple - today's ATI drivers are overloaded with features. They support every card from Radeon X300 to Radeon HD 3870. Also, they have to support both Windows XP and Vista operating systems. The important part is that the same binary files are used to serve quite plain X300 as well as flagship product HD 3870. And this may be the source of performance problems.

I cannot tell what really happen inside ATI drivers. In my opinion, latest ATI drivers are optimized for most recent video cards on the market, compromising performance of earlier models (unintentionally, due to technical restrictions). But I cannot state this for sure, this is only assumption.

The fact is that after ATI Catalyst 6.11 drivers installation Quake 3 stuttering problems were gone. Quake 4 and Warsow feel now more responsive. Heck, even S.T.A.L.K.E.R has slightly higher frame rates!

Why this happened? Again, only in my opinion, Catalyst 6.11 supports X1950 as highest model, so I assume that these drivers are perfectly optimized for X1000 series, unlike most recent Catalyst 8.5 drivers.

So now, I have a system which almost as responsive as I need, using drivers more than one year old. Arrgh, I lost too much time to find out that everything I needed was available starting from end of 2006!

Of course, it may be only me. Nobody guarantees that this is not a cg_placebo effect. So I ask you, ESR readers (especially X1K video card users) the question, which is the title of this thread - How much of (video) drivers do you really need?

P.S. Forgot to mention that I use ATI tray tools to fine tune driver performance and that usualy I turn off any SMP features in games I play.
2843 Hits
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