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Cancer Research (40 comments)
Posted by Seann @ 21:29 CDT, 12 March 2008 - iMsg
Hey guys,

Probably not allowed - but worth a shot.

I'm running a half marathon for Cancer Research, if there are any rich + generous people please donate:

just a few dollars/pounds/euros will make a big difference if enough do it

Many thanks
8675 Hits
Trip of a lifetime. (88 comments)
Posted by Seann @ 19:32 CST, 6 November 2007 - iMsg

So, me and my fiancée finish our studies next year and we've decided on blowing any savings / future earnings on a year travelling together. We're probably looking at having 15-20,000 pounds to play with and we'd love to cram as much as we could in the space of a year - 18 months. Has anyone else ever done something similar? Where do you start to plan such a massive trip?

Any advice?

Thanks :-)
25473 Hits
A new guitar (49 comments)
Posted by Seann @ 12:19 CDT, 18 April 2007 - iMsg
Ok probably not the place to ask, but there's usually quite a lot of music discussion going on. I'm looking to buy an electric guitar for under £500. I've never owned one, but I have a fairly hefty collection of acoustics, electro-acoustics, classicals and electro-classicals :-D Any suggestions? I play a wide range of music, anything except metal really, so I don't want some grungy axe guitar :D

Thanks :-)
33898 Hits
Somewhere to vent my rage... (25 comments)
Posted by Seann @ 18:26 CST, 13 December 2006 - iMsg
I've never posted a journal entry nor do I use this site often. However, I'm a man who gets annoyed by the smallest most insignificant things. I've decided I need somewhere to vent my rage. To express my utter hatred for the petty things in life, in a vein attempt to reduce my anger.
The thing that has aggrovated me most today: mobile phones that are low on battery. Why oh fucking why do they insist on using up as much power as possible when they are low on battery. The situation: speaking on my phone, then suddenly, "BBZZZ BZZZ FLASH FLASH DISCO LIGHTS DISCO LIGHTS BZZ, VIBRATE VIBRATE", this apparently means my phone is low on battery. It drives me crazy.

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