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What's the strategy behind a long closed beta? (16 comments)
Posted by Warchild_BiG @ 04:31 CDT, 30 April 2017 - iMsg
Bethesda have yet to provide any form of Quake Champions release date - not even a year - despite the fact that the game’s soon to enter beta testing. The reason for this is that the beta period will be very, very lengthy. id Software creative director Tim Willits told Gamespot, “It's going to come out after a really, really long closed beta. I'm telling people now, it's going to be a long beta."

Someone redpill me on the strategy behind a super long closed beta.

The closed beta group today includes everyone who's interested in the game, and more. The beta group is too big for being a serious beta test. It's basically an open demo now. If you would've been in the beta forums, you could imagine it's mostly a nightmare of unreasonable suggestions and feedback.

Upon release, the player base of former beta testers after months (years) of beta testing will become the pros of the game, making it even more difficult for newcomers who didn't care about the game at the time of the beta period. It doesn't fit with the "include everyone"-approach that today's devs are striving for.

People will get the time to get bored of the game by playing this uncomplete state of game long before the release. Am I wrong imagining that the first weeks after releasing a relatively unknown game is usually when the game companies makes the big buck, and if so - why risk scaring away such large potential of customers if it's all about the money anyway?
8515 Hits
Weird color effect in explosions (11 comments)
Posted by Warchild_BiG @ 14:45 CDT, 25 October 2015 - iMsg

Experiencing some kind of box around my explosion animations with some weird color effect.

I've tried adjusting every vid cmd's in my autoexec and even tried to crank every vid setting ingame to max so it gets all nice and shiny, but I still get those boxes of color weirdness around my explosions.

I also tried to delete all cfgs and reset settings ingame, but when restarting game steam brings back the cfgs from the dead and nothing has been reset. (Thanks Steam....)

AMD Radeon HD7970 with latest drivers.

Edited by Whorechild at 14:47 CDT, 25 October 2015 - 4440 Hits
#Quake4All - The Movie (145 comments)
Posted by Warchild_BiG @ 15:47 CST, 2 February 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (131 votes)
GameReady Productions presents a tribute movie for #Quake4All @ QNet, showing you 6:34 min of some nice fragging made by the players of Q4All.

Edited by Whorechild and 3D animations by Hydde, we hope we would make a different fragmovie, by combining our skills. Since Q4 still need some more love, we also thought this movie could help you all change your mind about Q4 a little bit :)
But, the main reason why we made this movie, was because of our love for the game! :)

Please enjoy!

Technical Information:
File size: 197mb
Codec: XviD
Resolution: 800x500
Length: 6:34min
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 02:48 CST, 3 February 2007 - 82356 Hits
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