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Sennheiser HD 800 (42 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 04:10 CST, 9 January 2009 - iMsg
Now, is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? The HD 800 is incredibly well-engineered, uses the best components available, tuned with years of research. Biggest drivers used in a headphone, Teflon-insulated, luxurious fabric-coated earpads, etc. But how much is all that tricked-out engineering worth? According to Sennheiser, it's worth about $1399.95, suggested retail. If you want realistic sound, at that price, you might as well fly to wherever to hear your favorite band perform it live.
14661 Hits
Q3 Ported to S60 3rd ed Phones (3 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 01:46 CST, 28 November 2008 - iMsg

Remember when playing Quake III at a decent resolution required a $5,000 Alienware? Man, those were the days. Now, we can't help but be thankful for a few special Nokia handsets (the N95 8GB, E90 and N82 in particular) that can all handle the game by their lonesome. In fact, the latest version of the software adds a few remarkably awesome extras. For starters, users can now take advantage of on-phone server support, meaning that your handset can actually host a Quake III multiplayer battle (and may we recommend the server name "trashaccident?").
2776 Hits
Edited by Nicky at 03:27 CDT, 11 October 2008 - 6608 Hits
R.I.P. Severity (6 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 22:11 CDT, 13 September 2008 - iMsg
"About two years back we (and others) carried word of the FPS-in-development Severity, announced by Wolfenstein 3D co-creator John Romero. The videos and the discussion of the game made it sound like it was full of FPS win, but alas, work on it stopped earlier this year, and the title won't see the light of day. That Gaming Site contacted Romero to ask whazzup, and was told this:
Yeah........ the game was canceled a while ago. I'm never going to announce a game that i'm not actually working on again. :) Sorry!

However, a story quoted on the game's wiki page going back to March says that while the Cyberathlete Professional League, which backed the game, has folded, development still continues at Escalation Studios , whose page still lists Severity as 'Coming Soon!' with no other details."

Edited by Space Cowboy at 22:12 CDT, 13 September 2008 - 4019 Hits
WCG Director Admits Drugs In E-Sports (29 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 09:47 CDT, 28 August 2008 - iMsg
In the lead up to the World Cyber Games finals in Germany, Gameplayer has an incredible interview with Tournament Director Alex Walker in which he freely admits knowledge of participants taking illegal drugs to enhance their performance. The interview came in response to a previous article by the site in which they examined whether there was a need to bring drug testing into professional gaming events to ensure a level playing field. Walker said, 'I've seen a number of players at national tournaments who came in "baked" (that's stoned for the uninformed) purely so they could play better. In most cases they did, although obviously they couldn't just pull out another joint midway through. In one WCG, a player I knew took amphetamines an hour before his match to boost his reflexes.'
6264 Hits
Microsoft Blue Track Mouse (13 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 01:02 CDT, 28 August 2008 - iMsg
After that little "Say Goodbye to Laser" teaser turned our pointing device world upside down, a reader spotted this MS Explorer Mini Mouse with "Blue Track" technology over on Coincidence? We're guessing no. We followed a bit more of the PI work done by our fine commenters and discovered Blue Track to be based on a blue LED combined with a wide-angle lens that's supposed to work on more surfaces than laser and optical. Microsoft only really seems to be aiming this at the portable spectrum, hence the wireless adapter and miniature size, so perhaps Blue Track isn't the end of laser after all.
Edited by Space Cowboy at 01:04 CDT, 28 August 2008 - 7626 Hits
Dead Fantasy II (17 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 03:00 CDT, 25 March 2008 - iMsg

If you thought the first episode of Dead Fantasy was spectacular, you simply aren’t prepared for the fan service orgasm of part two. The story so far: Tifa, Rikku and Yuna from various Final Fantasy releases are inexplicably trading blows with Hitomi, Ayane and Kasumi of Dead Or Alive fame. In the new episode of Mounty Oum’s epic kick-fest—he also did Haloid—the girls go at while sprinting down the side of a massive tower, dramatic fireballs are thrown and franchise guest appearances abound. There’s even a bit where someone runs on lava. It’s that terribly good.
Edited by Nicky at 03:43 CDT, 27 March 2008 - 5161 Hits
CPL Announcement - Kotaku Comments (24 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 05:16 CDT, 16 March 2008 - iMsg

Interesting discussion in the comments about what the general public seems to think about e-sports (spoiler: apparently very few like them, or see very little reason for them to exist).
3636 Hits
Windows games on Linux with PlayOnLinux (19 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 02:12 CDT, 14 March 2008 - iMsg

At the core of PlayOnLinux is Wine, a compatibility layer that lets you run many Windows programs over Linux. But Wine isn't always easy to use. It's a command-line program, and using it for tasks like tweaking the Windows environment or individual programs remains a complex task that you can accomplish only via command-line options. This is where PlayOnLinux comes into play. PlayOnLinux provides a front end for most Wine options to help you install, manage, and uninstall Windows-based games and applications.

Using PlayOnLinux you can install full games, expansion packs, and patches. Since PlayOnLinux uses Wine, it'll run everything that runs with Wine, which includes several productivity, office, and graphics apps as well. PlayOnLinux installs each program within its own individual environment, called a wineprefix, similar to CrossOver's bottles implementation. To uninstall a program, just select it from the list of installed applications, and from under the File menu choose the Remove option.

But PlayOnLinux is much more than a front end. The program also includes bash scripts that will create the correct environment for a particular game and guide you through its installation. In addition to the 10 official scripts, you can enable a community repository from within PlayOnLinux, which will add another 50+ scripts. From the two repositories you can install games such as Call of Duty 2, Max Payne 2, Soldier of Fortune, and World of Warcraft.

Along with the game scripts, PlayOnLinux packs another subset of scripts called WorkOnLinux that will create an installation environment for freely available Windows applications including Blender, Google SketchUp, Safari, and Winrar.

Even with all its nice options, PlayOnLinux has some drawbacks as well. The biggest is language; most of the developers are from non-English-speaking regions. While there is an option to switch the interface to English, some error messages and other bits of information haven't yet been translated. Also, many of the WorkonLinux scripts (such as the Safari script) take you to the non-English download page of the application.

Also, most of the scripts keep looping endlessly. For example, if you've just installed a game using one of the PlayOnLinux scripts, it should end when you've decided to create a desktop shortcut for the game you just installed. But, irritatingly, the script loops the icon creation section and exits only when you ask it not to create an icon. In some scripts, like the WineGit script, the Cancel button doesn't exit the process, but merely skips to the next step.

Yet PlayOnLinux, despite its minor peculiarities, is a good mechanism to manage and play Windows-based games on Linux.

Edited by Space Cowboy at 02:23 CDT, 14 March 2008 - 4896 Hits
For the GGPOers: 1998 Japan SFA3 Tourney (1 comment)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 05:14 CST, 1 March 2008 - iMsg

Part 1 of 6, watch the rest here.
Edited by Space Cowboy at 05:14 CST, 1 March 2008 - 1297 Hits
Team Fortress - Soldier Boy (8 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 22:29 CST, 31 January 2008 - iMsg
Edited by Nicky at 00:30 CST, 1 February 2008 - 4631 Hits
The Road to Professional Competition (9 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 14:59 CST, 19 November 2006 - iMsg
Where to start? I'm one of the last remaining Quake players in the Philippines, a country who's only semblance of a "professional" e-sport left is DotA (Defense of the Ancients). It's frustrating. There's little to no place left to turn to for practice, much less for fun pickups, and despite my best efforts to make competition and a community (I own/manage a gaming café), people just aren't interested in Quake anymore; even if they do play, it's limited to baseq3 on q3dm17 and FFA q4base. The only Quake I get is regular duels with my best friend, and even then that's not enough.

I may just be the only Filipino on this site, which just compounds how jealous I am of the opportunities the rest of the community enjoys - easy access to events in the States and in Europe, said events actually pushing through, and being able to play online if the showing up at a venue thing doesn't work. So far, the former is barely feasible for the average Filipino gamer, and the latter is just LOL thanks to our dismal connection.

So I've decided to take things into my own hands. Seeing as I have friends and family at just about every possible qualifying venue for big tournaments such as WSVG and the CPL, I'm going to take my chances and send myself to competition if competition won't come to me. This is where I'm going to need some help.

It's going to be my first time joining an international tournament, and I have no idea what to expect or am expected of. So I register what needs registering, book my flights to and from, and find a place to stay as well as cheap sources of food. I'm going to be traveling mostly alone (sadly the only option for me right now is dueling), so answers to the following questions will help me tremendously:

1. Other than clothes, my gear, money, and an impending sense of loneliness and doom, what else should I bring?

2. How do I deal with the fact that other (sponsored) players will be able to practice in their hotel rooms and whatnot, and all my practice will be in the actual competition itself? Should I bring along a gaming laptop and just warm up on bots?

3. Flying and paying for all my expenses out of my own pocket is going to cost me, isn't it?

4. What's the atmosphere like? Will I be able to make any friends?

5. Anything else I should expect (other than to lose)?

6. How long does a qualifier usually last? 2-3 days?

My only wish at the end of it all is that I play well enough to garner a sponsor (for traveling expenses at least) just so I can keep at it and keep playing. I believe SteelSeries sponsors the Philippine WCG contingent, so I guess that's my first stop - hopefully I get good placements enough to merit their attention and support.

Help me out ESR - you got me hooked onto this whole mess, now I need you to help see me through to the end. Thanks in advance for any answers and insights anybody can give (especially if you've been/are in in the scene).

Edit: Added question #6.
Edited by Space Cowboy at 15:17 CST, 19 November 2006 - 4908 Hits
A Warsow Review from a First-Time Player (11 comments)
Posted by Space Cowboy @ 04:41 CDT, 12 September 2006 - iMsg
Originally posted on my blog at, this article basically chronicles my first venture into Warsow (yesterday - I know, where have I been, right?), and the (great) experience I had while playing it for the first time, coming from the perspective of a more-or-less long time CPMA player. My hope is that it'll give a good introduction to people finding Warsow for the first time. So without further ado:


Dear Diary,

Yesterday I met a game named Warsow. Warsow is a shooter, one of a bazillion currently being played on and offline, but there's something about it that really caught my eye. For starters, Warsow is free, tiny, and is based on the now open source Quake II engine, the beauty of which I'll get to later. But it's what Warsow is and is trying to do that sets it apart from the rest of the shooters out there, and after playing it for a few hours, I must say that it's really quite a remarkable game.

Yes, I think I'm really falling for Warsow.

The bottom line is, if you're an FPS junkie, it's a hell of a lot of fun. If you're a trickjumper, the possibilities are endless. If you're a moviemaker, then you already know what you can do with the Quake II engine. Finally, if you're just curious, how much can a 65MB, self-contained program in a folder that requires no installation whatsoever hurt? Grab it, put it on a USB drive, share it with your friends and go nuts. At the end of the day, Warsow's beauty is in the fact that it's unbelievably easy to pick up, yet has potential for complex mastery on a professional and competitive level. And that, in my book, makes it one of the best FPS's I've ever played - and it's not even v1.0 yet.

I give it a resounding score of 4.5 out of 5.

Source: Warsow
Edited by Space Cowboy at 17:15 CST, 9 November 2006 - 8611 Hits
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