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Subscription Ended! (23 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 16:32 CDT, 10 August 2011 - iMsg
And already had problems with this advert making me not get into games properly..

so instead of making me want to renew and get rid of adverts i just cba (who knows id.. if i knew what features were upcoming i might be more interested!.. just saying)

1 less warper
5799 Hits
subscription failure doom? (34 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 06:07 CDT, 12 July 2011 - iMsg
everyones calling the death of QL. i dont know myself but..

could the subscription renewal anniversary be the make or break?

how many of those initial subscribers (premium or pro) will renew? and if it isnt enough to make QL viable what do they do then?

im sure there will be enough but surely there will be a drop?!
7289 Hits
Posted by spEEdbird @ 10:20 CDT, 7 June 2011 - iMsg
where are they?
Edited by spEEdbird at 10:21 CDT, 7 June 2011 - 3234 Hits
Laptop OS (15 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 07:53 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
my laptop is playing up a bit and i was thinking about wiping it and starting again..

my question.

i use vista at the moment and generally use my laptop for browsing the internet, the odd game and downloading stuff.. itunes too sometimes...

so is it worth trying something like ubuntu?

or shall i forever stay a windows whore?
2965 Hits
Gillz scoreboard thing (60 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 07:49 CDT, 7 September 2010 - iMsg
whatever happened with it?

did i miss an update about it ?
17624 Hits
PORN! (12 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 04:10 CDT, 26 September 2008 - iMsg
thats safe for work?!!?!? :D
3939 Hits
Song / Tune (2 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:18 CDT, 11 April 2008 - iMsg
Anyone know what this song is and who its by?

click game info on the left
then click gameplay at the bottom right
then gameplay video 3

please help :D
2027 Hits
THE MARS VOLTA (15 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 06:45 CST, 8 February 2008 - iMsg
are just so damn good

im addicted to TBIG
its heavier which i love but still amazing how the albums compliment each other and move along

so to summarise

The Mars Volta > you
4957 Hits
NEW PC UK (17 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 09:50 CDT, 4 October 2007 - iMsg

im looking to buy a new gaming pc!

budget around £1000

and i just wanna buy it prebuilt etc..

wanting to play the new games coming out directx 10 etc

best place? (would like smmt such as 8800gtx)

dell? dell outlet?

any ideas? anyone bought recently and can recommend?
3713 Hits
Posted by spEEdbird @ 06:28 CST, 9 March 2007 - iMsg
Quarter-final draw
AC Milan v Bayern Munich
CHELSEA v Valencia

(First legs to be played on 3/4 April and second legs on 10/11 April)

Semi-final draw
CHELSEA or Valencia v PSV Eindhoven or LIVERPOOL
Roma or MANCHESTER UNITED v AC Milan or Bayern Munich

(First legs to be played on 24/25 April and second legs on 1/2 May)

Edited by ksp at 06:33 CST, 9 March 2007 - 4914 Hits
goooooal goal goal goal (19 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 08:51 CST, 6 March 2007 - iMsg
i finally managed to aquire fifa07 and PES6 and have concluded that i prefer

PES6 :)

just feels a better game.. the licensing thing isnt really an issue for me.. i dont mind play as london fc :D

Chelsea to go through in a boring game

liverpool to go through even though they concede in the first 5

man u and arsenal to go out :D

man u go into freefall

chelsea to win all 4 \o/
5107 Hits
\o/ YAY \o/ GIGS! (7 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 03:41 CST, 2 February 2007 - iMsg
just secured my last 2 sets of tickets \o/


Bromheads Jacket - March 14th

The Rakes - March 31st

Fall Out Boy - April 1st

The View - April 21st

Maximo Park - May 12th

Should be good ;)
2136 Hits
this month (12 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:42 CST, 29 January 2007 - iMsg
4750 Hits
GO GO (4 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 09:16 CST, 25 January 2007 - iMsg
2060 Hits
Oh dear :\ (25 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 03:44 CST, 19 January 2007 - iMsg
4437 Hits
THE game THE player (121 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 11:31 CST, 2 January 2007 - iMsg
which 1 player name would u use to sum up each game?
(obviously gonna be relfective of opinion and time following gaming)


Painkiller - VoO
AvP2 - Fatality ;)
Doom3 - Rocketboy?
Starcraft - BoXeR
CS - ....Heaton?
Unreal 99 - GitzZzZZzZzzzZZzzZzzZZZzzzzzZZZZZZZz
Quake 4 - Toxic
Quake 3 - ......
Quake 2 - ....
QW - .....
RTCW - ...
etc etc :)
22884 Hits
Quoto Promo Visario (1 comment)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 08:03 CST, 6 December 2006 - iMsg
was looking for a david brent quote to send to someone and i found all these others and thought id spam em here

“Life is just a series of peaks and troughs. And you don’t know whether you’re in a trough until you’re climbing out, or on a peak until you’re coming down. And that’s it you know, you never know what’s round the corner. But it’s all good. ‘If you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain.’ Do you know which philosopher said that? Dolly Parton. And people say she’s just a big pair of tits.”

Edited by ksp at 08:03 CST, 6 December 2006 - 1767 Hits
BYE (4 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 10:59 CST, 21 November 2006 - iMsg
bye1  /baɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[bahy] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun Also, by. 1. Sports. in a tournament, the preferential status of a player or team not paired with a competitor in an early round and thus automatically advanced to play in the next round: The top three seeded players received byes in the first round.
2. Golf. the holes of a stipulated course still unplayed after the match is finished.
3. Cricket. a run made on a ball not struck by the batsman.
4. something subsidiary, secondary, or out of the way.
–adjective 5. by1.
—Idiom6. by the bye, by the way; incidentally: By the bye, how do you spell your name? Also, by the by.

Main Entry: goodbye
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: farewell
Synonyms: Godspeed, adieu, bye-bye, cheerio, ciao, eighty-eights, farewell, leave-taking, parting, so long*, swan song*, toodle-oo*
Antonyms: hello
2036 Hits
BFTP (7 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 04:34 CST, 17 November 2006 - iMsg
remember seeing this a while back

just remembered it and thought id share for anyone who aint seen it ;)

crazy japs
3368 Hits
plus me (439 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 14:03 CDT, 7 October 2006 - iMsg
488131 Hits
ninja head flips (3 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 09:09 CDT, 29 September 2006 - iMsg
4948 Hits
recovery position (13 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:57 CDT, 31 August 2006 - iMsg
got back from reading on monday

pretty much slept since then :D

to name but a few amazing bands i saw

maximo park
less than jake
arctic monkeys
dizzee rascal
dirty pretty things
giant drag
eagles of death metal
goldie lookin chain
primal scream

but none of them came close to MUSE

most amazing live music experience ever \o/

cant wait till next year :D

best thing ever!
Edited by ksp at 05:57 CDT, 31 August 2006 - 2643 Hits
not long now :D (15 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:00 CDT, 18 August 2006 - iMsg
2220 Hits
going with tradition #1337 (11 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 07:14 CDT, 29 June 2006 - iMsg
this is my 1337 post

shall i stop now? or do you even care :(
2745 Hits
4285 Hits
Posted by spEEdbird @ 06:15 CDT, 22 June 2006 - iMsg

search for Jools Holland -

some amazing performances on there

esp Muse
1350 Hits
IN-GER-LAND (36 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 08:00 CDT, 9 June 2006 - iMsg

11132 Hits
after much fuss :: UPDATED lineup :: (74 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 03:54 CDT, 5 April 2006 - iMsg
i got my ticket

Reading Festival 2006
Edited by ksp at 09:42 GMT, 28th Apr 2006 - 20109 Hits
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:45 CST, 13 March 2006 - iMsg
2260 Hits
BBC Whales (22 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 08:46 CST, 24 January 2006 - iMsg
5619 Hits
Forum View (6 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 03:50 CST, 24 January 2006 - iMsg
why does my forums looks like this O_o

ignore the colours (thats the jpeg convert) its the layout thats screwed :(
2237 Hits
BB CLUEDO UPD (25 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 04:38 CST, 13 January 2006 - iMsg
Apparently .... Big brother has told Barrymore to use the ashtrays in the house and to stop getting rid of his fags in the swimming pool.....
3592 Hits
BB CLUEDO (13 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:09 CST, 11 January 2006 - iMsg

i laughed
4117 Hits
v_v (17 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 09:03 CST, 31 October 2005 - iMsg
5432 Hits
<3 Gameplay (4 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 06:08 CDT, 20 October 2005 - iMsg
Quake 4 came today \o/

<3 Gameplay!!!
2771 Hits
Curiousity killed the bank balance (14 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 06:00 CDT, 17 October 2005 - iMsg
So i pre-ordered Q4 and when it comes ill have the nice wait to see whether or not it runs like powerpoint on my pc (im thinking it will right now)

so i remembered i saw a DELL advert the other day.. saying nothing to pay for a year... WEWT?!!??!?!?!!

so now i scoot on over to and they even got an area for gaming setups...

btw is hyper-threading worth getting or such? coz it bumps the price up no end..

anyway the gaming setup they got there im thinking i can just as well get one of there demension machines.. cheaper and will do the job...


hardcore gaming pro

dunne know what to do ;\
5277 Hits
Define - GOD (26 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 20:29 CDT, 7 October 2005 - iMsg
A passage that grabbed me when i read M.J. Hyland's - How the light gets in

'What's the serenity prayer?'
'Do you really want to know?'
i'm only talking to her because i feel like talking and it passes the time and it's reassuring to hear my voice,
especially when it sounds confident.
'Sure i do.'
'it goes: god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference.'
'Do you believe in God?' she asks.
'Not Particularly'.
'Then how can you pray?'
'I pray to myself'.
She Suddenly props her head up with her fist, ready to argue, 'What's the point of that?'
'It's hard to explain.'
'Explain it anyway,' she says.
'Well, to me God is just a word for what i do when i talk to the best possible version of things: perfection.
Or maybe God is the best possible version of myself. Maybe when i say this prayer, i'm appealing to a future, possible and perfect chair.'
I throw the word chair in there to check her listening skills. But she hasn't heard the last bit of my sentance.
She clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth. 'It's not God if it's just all about you.'
'It's not God if it isn't me. It can't be God without me thinking of God,' I say.
'You're not God!'
'im not saying that. I'm saying that God is the thought of God. The very thought of God is what God is. There are no words for that thought and the thought is different for every person and by necessity, beyond language.'
I sit up and start using my hands. i'm starting to feel as though i understand what I'm saying. I don't care for her, but i want to say this.
'The whole point of God,' I continue, 'is that God can't be explained. God is the very thing that causes the thought of God and the thought itself. I have God thoughts and that's what God is: the fact that my brains has the thought is...'
I have no real idea what i'm saying after all.
Mandy rolls over noisily to face the wall. 'That doesn't make sense! How can God be just the thought of God? You're just going around in circles! I'm going to sleep.'
Mandy Falls asleep quickly (as i thought she would) and she snores; a kind of vacant rattle.
I lie on my back for hours and think of life and whether I believe in anything at all. I open my mouth and exhale my final answer into the silence. God is like all those bits of wood in Mr Bell's shed waiting to be made into a chair and God is what happens when Mr Bell talks himself into making the chair even when his hands are cold and his stomach is full of bright green soup.
'G'night,' I say to myself. 'Sleep well.'
Edited by ksp at 01:43 GMT, 8th Oct 2005 - 6281 Hits
fat kid dancing (6 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 10:03 CDT, 28 September 2005 - iMsg
anyone got a bigger version of this one? also the one with DDR on it

Edited by ksp at 16:56 GMT, 28th Sep 2005 - 6383 Hits
MUSIC (2 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 07:27 CDT, 14 September 2005 - iMsg
Edited by ksp at 12:28 GMT, 14th Sep 2005 - 1846 Hits
Legend or Loser? (9 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 10:56 CDT, 1 September 2005 - iMsg
3705 Hits
This Week Im Loving (7 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 08:04 CDT, 10 August 2005 - iMsg
2456 Hits
to work (4 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 04:02 CDT, 8 July 2005 - iMsg
quiet trains this morning..

i can understand why some people might have decided not to come in today but its almost surprising to see how empty the trains were and how empty my office is.. (and i only work at london bridge, a fair bit away from the attacks)

still im going to belgium today for a drinking weekend!! lets hope the bloody eurostar gonna be running ;)


LCD monitor (40 comments, 41 unread: Threaded, Flat)
Posted by M4nimal, Last Comment @ 14:09 GMT, 8 Jul 2005 - iMsg*

how does that work?
Edited by ksp at 14:49 GMT, 8th Jul 2005 - 2319 Hits
he-man (22 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 04:56 CDT, 28 April 2005 - iMsg
3851 Hits
IM LIKING IT!!! (6 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 03:42 CST, 23 March 2005 - iMsg

yes they own
2283 Hits
pardon ? (3 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 13:20 CST, 27 February 2005 - iMsg

ahhh pwnt
Edited by ksp at 19:21 GMT, 27th Feb 2005 - 1582 Hits
NOTHINK (2 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 10:47 CST, 23 February 2005 - iMsg
stegs awp on the lan
Edited by tom at 17:04 GMT, 23rd Feb 2005 - 1434 Hits
im gonna (16 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 11:17 CST, 22 February 2005 - iMsg
buy a D500

i want to

i have the money

fuck it!
3724 Hits
Bloc Party Album (4 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:03 CST, 17 February 2005 - iMsg
= pwnij
1630 Hits
oneone was a race horse (3 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 08:27 CST, 4 February 2005 - iMsg
twotwo was one to
oneone won one race
and twotwo won one to

im so fucking bored

and boredom makes u think

and thinking depresses me coz i think about stuff to much and i go on esr and steg flames me like the right wing engine he is

Edited by ksp at 14:28 GMT, 4th Feb 2005 - 1792 Hits
OMFG STEG IS A TROLL (14 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 05:19 CST, 21 January 2005 - iMsg
and i remembered my password


plus i quit smoking
2585 Hits
i (43 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 16:02 CST, 28 December 2003 - iMsg
want to get over her but i cant...even though i was never with her..shes too good a thing in my life to ignore but im not sure what to do in case i ruin whats there

Edited by ksp at 22:04 GMT, 28th Dec 2003 - 4582 Hits
cold (3 comments)
Posted by spEEdbird @ 15:30 CDT, 19 October 2003 - iMsg
went to theme park

forced to front seat in ride

got soaked in front seat

got cold

yay \o/

lots of stupid photos though ;\
1824 Hits
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