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All Posts (6 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 05:28 CDT, 30 September 2015 - iMsg
Search DUEL opponents by ELO in Quake Live

Can we built it in QuakeLive ?

Can we built it in Qlranks ?

Whats happen after next QuakeLive update?

Will this service still work?
7438 Hits
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 13:11 CDT, 26 September 2015 - iMsg
So cool! so unpredictable!
2099 Hits
Quake Live Training Center (18 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 02:55 CDT, 24 September 2015 - iMsg
What duel players need really
Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 02:56 CDT, 24 September 2015 - 8816 Hits
i'm so angry >:[ (53 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 00:27 CDT, 22 September 2015 - iMsg
Why still we can't see duel ELO against every nick word in game?

Why still ID not make ELO calculations after every duel?

Any versions?
Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 00:43 CDT, 22 September 2015 - 15881 Hits
Examination Quake players (172 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 09:06 CDT, 11 March 2015 - iMsg

How big Quaker you are?


Write why gameplay Quake Live best on the planet compared with Call of Duty, Crysis, Halo, Counter Strike, Unreal, Battlefield...etc

Each next post should not repeat previous comments. One post - one feature of gameplay.

You can not write about the technical side of the game, such as configuration and option to add friend.

One nick - one feature - one post - one ip

Larger post number - larger size of penis ofc. Flood=ban
Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 01:08 CDT, 27 March 2015 - 34339 Hits
New Idea for Quake Live Movie Makers (21 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 05:22 CST, 7 March 2015 - iMsg
Message to MovieMakers from Petr Kukushkin.

I know that Quake movies is your first work in this field. To learn software, learn how to play the demo and exec your config. No hope, but ...

But still, I will give a little idea about the movie. That will make you popular. Take the 10 most popular modern graphically advanced shooters.

Further, the meaning is this: take a cool Quake movie , like
Cut it and the new modern shooters and mount like that

"Look how many possibilities in Quake and
there are none in the Call Of duty Ghosts \ Counter strike \ Bioshock \ Unreal Tournament \ Battlefield . And if so what the f*k do you play them?".

Or "put under video Like if you can't do it in your shooter."

All this you must upload to YouTube in the title tags and titles to your videos more names of modern shooters for best search results for moder shooter players.
6065 Hits
Quake dead? - Thats why! (31 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 23:43 CST, 22 January 2015 - iMsg
All pins are made of books on psychology

1. People are social. We need the fellowship and fun. Fun are friends.

But no friends in the game 1x1. Only you and your enemy. No communication with the enemy.
No sociality. Only you and the enemies around you on the servers.

2. People do not like to strain and learn.

Quake difficult game. Need a lot of strain. Player Level has a wide margin. ELO 700-2700.
The difference of 400 ELO is a 100% victory.

Simple calculations:
700 + 400 + 400 + 400 + 400 + 400.

Have you ever tried to come to the gym and immediately lift 170 pounds post?

- Why are new to the game is to get on the strong opponents?
- Why is the game allows it?
- Why are next to each nickname in the game do not have his ELO?
- Why all the players have to download scripts from the internet to see the ELO?
- Why do I need You can simply tie ELO next to each nickname.

3. Referring to the experience of other online games. What is needed Quake. Screenshots examples.. plz download and put in thread

Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 03:31 CST, 23 January 2015 - 8762 Hits
Lets vote ! =) (18 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 05:59 CDT, 25 July 2014 - iMsg
Lets vote !

How many years you play Quake 3 + Quake Live

How many games ELO 1250 will win from 100 games against ELO 1500 ?

Your ping is 50. You and your opponent has the same ELO. What game you prefer: 10 ping vs 50 ping Duel Match. Or 50 ping vs 50 ping Duel match?
4976 Hits
proximity mines good for 1x1 (32 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 10:10 CDT, 24 August 2013 - iMsg
I played Space Camp 1x1 and i think Mines good for 1x1. =)
5 mines was good in all current duel maps.

What do you think guys?
5367 Hits
Quake Live 1x1 Ideas (48 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 09:30 CDT, 28 May 2013 - iMsg

For a shot it is necessary to look at a parallel plane and to establish ice orientation in 3D. Shot and while the bullet flies press once again a key.

He Resp 5 times during game (1 bullet).
He disappear in 4 seconds and has 200 hp


Like in Teewars but in 3d.
Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 10:20 CDT, 28 May 2013 - 9494 Hits
Manual for SyncError! (75 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 08:58 CDT, 8 May 2013 - iMsg
How to do correctly duel maps
Here some councils (recommendations) for Syncerror

I will specify some principles for duel maps

1. The size of a map.
2. The map scheme.
3. Things on a map.
4. Positions of things on a map.

At first, I will specify an example correct duel maps: bloodrun, furiousheights, lostworld.


All examples are based on long-term experience of game. I will not go into detail. All will sound as a rule.

1. The size of a map.

- Any duel a map should be on the size as as bloodrun, furiousheights, lostworld. The size is a cube in which map.
- Any room on a map should be on the size, as the sizes of rooms on maps bloodrun, furiousheights, lostworld.

Examples of the wrong size duel maps: aerowalk, hektik.

2. The map scheme.

- The most correct schemes on maps boodrun, furiousheights.

Bloodrun: All on this map shares on fighting locations. Fighting locations are rooms on a map.
The list of rooms: a room with RA (the big centre of a map), 2 rooms with YA, cross MH. It is already very logical.
All these rooms are connected by corridors.

Furiousheights: Here we as see division into rooms.
The list of rooms: a room with RA, a room with YA, the Room with MH. These rooms it is more than on bloodrun But a map still playable =).

Other variant - lostworld.

Lostworld: the Big centre of a map - the bridge + RA balcony. All locations YA, MH, RA are located round the centre. Here it is impossible to name locations rooms because it is faster small boxes, between which narrow corridors as on bloodrun, but longer.

- On all duel maps there are teleports, and they have 2-3 floors.
- Division into rooms should be obligatory.
- If division conditional as on lostworld there should be narrow corridors connecting locations.

3. Things on a map.

I will begin with the weapon.

Possible variants of presence guns on maps
- vertical vengeance
- lostworld
- bloodrun
- aerowalk

- Rg it is good on the big and average distances (furiousheights, bloodrun, campground)
- Pg it is good in narrow corridors (bloodrun, lostworld)
-Sg it is good in boxes (lostworld)
-Gl it is good to shower in narrow corridors and boxes (bloodrun, lostworld)

Now about Ra, YA, MH
- On all duel maps should be 2 YA 1 RA 1 MH.

4. Positions of things on a map.

Whether how to understand things on a map are correctly located?

Very simply!

We take maps lostworld, bloodrun, furiousheights.

Bloodrun: 1 YA over MH 2 seconds between them. From RA to MH 2 seconds. From RA to YA 4 seconds.
Furiousheights: 1 YA nearby MH 1-3 seconds. From RA to 2nd YA 2 seconds.
Lostworld: the Same time frameworks.

Probably some routes on a map from 1 thing to another.

Good example-bloodrun.
-room+armor+gun - as rule


Time frameworks do not mean that 2 YA RA and MH it is possible to arrange on jump distance from each other. It is better to run about on bloodrun lostworld furiousheights and to check up time :)

I have listed some very important principles. Which all is necessary to uniform to observe. I have resulted good examples duel maps. But it not all principles. There are still some subtleties which it is very difficult to explain to the person not playing duel seriously enough ;)

It is possible to use these principles, examining a map:

Examination example:


1. The size - small - an error. The narrowish centre. Round the centre there is not enough space.
2. The scheme - the Good centre, a good room with YA. It is thought well up with MH. That's good.

Badly that that GA Is near to RA, MH. It would be better to close GA in a room. And in this room from the centre conducts 1 narrow corridor. In a room of 3 doors. Everyone conducts on a corridor in the site of a map.

As that is no place to hide, all map clearly is bad. I can rise in the centre with RA and the opponent will have nothing to do. It is impossible on bloodrun or furiousheights. Here it is necessary to think as to think up 1 more room. And as it is better to connect locations corridors.

2-3 floors - very good.

"Open" corridors leaders to GA - it is very bad. It is possible to compare corridors with lostworld and bloodrun.

3. Things on a map - 1 YA 1 RA 1 MH 1 GA - an error. Should be 2 YA 1RA 1 MH. (Or 2 GA nearby with each other)

4. Positions of things on a map - it is good (room+armor+gun). But, look point 2. Seconds between things good but conflicting with point 2.

Examination example 2:


1. The size small - an error.
2. The good centre, a good room with RA. On this map the same problem in the scheme as hektik - the room with YA is easily visible and is exposed to fire as GA on hektik. It is necessary to think of a room with YA about the "closed" corridors.

2-3 floors-good

3. 1RA 1Mh 1YA 2GA - an error! - should be RA MH 2 YA.
4. Seconds between things good but conflicting with point 2.

Ok. Probably in both cases I have badly transferred point 2. Then I will simply result drawing with which at me type maps aerowalk and hektik associate
Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 09:21 CDT, 8 May 2013 - 19528 Hits
Russian BattleNet for QuakeLive (84 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 00:42 CDT, 11 July 2012 - iMsg

In Russia there was a system for Russian players 1х1 which allows to play tournament on equal on a network.

Tournament on equal it:

1 Equal pings.
2 Equal ELO a rating. The maximum difference of 100 points among participants.

For equal pings players choose server, then the remained difference players del with special program QuakeLag.

Equal rating forame chances to win tournament. After tournament the rating of the player varies, approximately just as on qlranks. But the system conducts a rating independently irrespective of qlranks. In system ping does not influence a rating, and in qlranks influences.

Thus it is fair system for competitions. In sustem does not win player who more close to a server. In system can win absolutely everybody.

The system reflected for this purpose that 95 % of all players in quakelive could participate in tournament where they has chances to win. Where opponents steal up automatically.

From 2000 year 95 % of players did not participate in tournaments. Fore some reasons.

- Too strong players on tournament.
- Different pings.
- Play too little to participate.

Now in system there are no all 3 reasons.

- Equal ELo
- Equal pings
- It is not necessary to play much, because all opponents are equal to you on ELO.

Maximum ping for participation in system 70. The Maximum quantity of players in tournament 6-8. All play bo1 on circular system. These are 5-7 games for tournament duration 1.5-2 hours in sunday.

Circular system, for this purpose that the player did not take off after 1-2 defeats from a grid.


Many players do not understand what for this system is necessary. According to 9 from 10 :)

Having understood a problem it has been found out why:

1 Small age.
2 Low ELO rating.
3 High ELO rating.
4 Latent cheater.

1. There are players which recently install QuakeLive do not know anything about this game and do not understand what for are necessary equal pings, that such ELO and so on.

2. Low ELO 900-1350 It is those beginners at forums. Do not understand in general anything. They play only FFA or CA. they do not concern 1x1 players. System not for them :)

3. 1700-2100. There are those who is registered in system at once, but generally half from them pingcheaters and they think out the different ridiculous reasons not to be registered in system. If they play on equal pings their rating has fallen to 1400.

4. Simply pingcheaters :) They differ magnificent dullness. They try to convince that ping does not influence shooting. They say that player has got used to play with high ping etc.

I suspect that at this forum too such is :)

Therefore I will write an example which proves that you cant habit to ping.

Let's admit play 2 persons with ping 70. One all time wins.
The player which lost has replaced ping on 5 and began to win against whom 70.

Why the player with 70 began to lose? You say he habit to 70?



I wish to tell once again that system only for Russian players 1х1.

I wrote there to share experience and to inform that 90 % of players at forums are noobs.

And for reason that this system - more better than because of equal ELO and pings =). And much more that QuakeLive system.

&#1054;&#1082; if someone wishes to argue with me at once write the ELO. If it < 1400, fuck off.
18395 Hits
How different pings influence on game (23 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 04:57 CST, 5 February 2012 - iMsg
Small video demonstrate to you what happens. Really important what happens in Server Screen. During video i change pings and you can see what happens on server. First time players just move and second time they shoot.

YouTube video

Download example

I think it helps to understand how important to have same ping during game as your enemy.

I wrote proxy for setup your ping, you can find it here and download.
Proxy 1.1
Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 04:58 CST, 5 February 2012 - 4045 Hits
ZOTAC can be more interesting (36 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 03:04 CST, 1 February 2012 - iMsg
Download 1.2

Now everybody know who not pingcheater. Message about lag change go to public chat.

extract in home/baseq3/

Nice update, now you need only press HOME key during connects to server. Server IP and POrt detects automatically .
When you hear sound you can press HOME key immediately.

Delete previous files settings.txt and exe.

Download 1.1


It's thread for real Quake Live Pro Gamers and people who play ONLINE events.

I made QL proxy for change your latency during On-Line events( ZOTAC etc...).All we know what is ping difference in duel game. Game quality very low now.

This proxy has built-in web server, but there are no Java Script to give my proxy Ql server addres and port.I hope somebody write script. I think it's easy, but i'm not specialize in Java...

You must give to proxy QL Server IP , port. Proxy connects you and you can change Latency.


1. Extract archive to Software\quakelive\home\baseq3\

2. Launch program and choose your local net-card(ip). This IP for proxy. You need to choose valid Net-card for working proxy. After launch proxy again. If you behind NAT (Router) you need to setup port-forwarding(port mapping).

3. Now proxy ask you to choose Ql server. But there are no Ql Servers in list, so you must press A-key and inter new QL Server IP and location. Location - just text, you can inter GB,POL,USA etc...For delete Server press D and inter number. After you inter IP and location you must choose QL Server. Inter number.
After that you must see "thread started", Proxy IP, QL Server, QL server port, Current Latency. It means proxy waiting for connections.

4. Go to your Software\quakelive\home\baseq3\ and open your config.cfg add line "exec connect_proxy" . After add "bind HOME "vstr connect_proxy" ". If IP your proxy always changes you need to exec your config because in file connect_proxy.cfg IP changes too.

5. Now go to your browser and choose QL server (Server IP must be as in proxy) and connect, while you connect you must remember server port 27XXX. When you connect, exec your config, open proxy and press P, inter server port(You always need to change port when you connect another game in browser server list). Now proxy show you QL Server IP and port. Go to browser and press HOME(bind HOME "vstr connect_proxy"). You must start to connect your proxy IP and port 1090. Proxy connects you to Ql Server.

If you can't connect:

- You choose invalid net card , try choose another(press S for change)
- Invalid Ql Server port or IP, they must be the same in proxy and QL Server you choose in browser.
-Sometimes i get message "Invalid PK3 files". Simple try connect one more.
-Restart proxy and check settings

If you want to change QL Server press V key in proxy.

6. Now if you connect to QL Server through proxy you can change your Latency. Go to proxy and press L key, inter value between 0-100 and see in Ql your Latency.

7. Now your install finish and later you just need always remember Ql Server port and change it in proxy and reconnect by pressing HOME key.

If anybody writes script, you just need to launch proxy and you can change your Latency in Ql console /set_Lag 30

I hope to see good ZOTAC games :D

Write here about errors.
Edited by wwwAnyBoy at 08:59 CST, 16 February 2012 - 23330 Hits
Advancement Promod through Q developers (22 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 08:37 CST, 3 January 2012 - iMsg
In the begining promod was a separate mod for q3.
After that promoders include vq3 in CPMA.
After that promoders forced community to play CPMA through CPL
After that they try to include promod in q4, but developers include only crouch-slide and some maps.
Now we have PQL, they do not recede and ask developers to include promode. Developers say that PQL not promode, but we understand that it's small lie from them.

When was OSP, promoders ask to add their map for VQ3 players, it was hub3. Small and stupid aim-only orientated gameplay.

In Q4 it was phrantic and other small maps.

In Ql they ask to add other promode maps like toxicity and hektik.

Vq3 players now have
instead of hub3 only

And developers don't stop, they delete ztn from map-pool

Why all vq3 players must play this maps? they crush VQ3 gameplay. Why developers still add promode maps to vq3?

I love to play Vq3 and hate promode and their stupid maps and gameplay.

When all it's over and promoders stop to spoil life of vq3 players? When developers stop hearing promoders and del all promode maps from vq3?
5569 Hits
LAG compensation (95 comments)
Posted by wwwAnyBoy @ 08:30 CST, 2 December 2011 - iMsg
Hi all!

This is old idea about, how to make latency(ping) equal during play between 2 players on server. Of course we have compensation lag netcode, but it's not all that we can do for lag compensation.

The idea is to make lag artificial.

Example: 2 players playing duel with ping 20 and 50. One of them call vote

/callvote netbalance

If another player accept it, server look at pings and compare them. Then he send command to player with 20 ping client to make artificial latency of 30. After that pings was 50 and 50 on both sides.

How it works and how it may be realized in QL code you can see on this video animation.

We must ask ID Software for this strong feature. All wins in ZOTAC for example becomes more legitimate.
19066 Hits
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