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Daniel Cormier VS Anderson Silva (4 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 01:14 CDT, 10 July 2016 - iMsg
Anderson lost to Chris Weidman twice (which ended his 7 years of total domination of the UFC) and more recently to Michael Bisping (which was quite a controvercial loss to be honest). Anderson is still seen by many as the greatest UFC fighter of all time. Do you think that his losses were due to unluck/bad preparation/too old now/not as much motivation to win as before ?

I like both Daniel and Anderson (but for some reasons I never really liked Jon Jones even before he was caught using drugs enhancers and pulled out of the UFC), they are 2 of my favorite fighters along with Fedor Emelianenko and Mirko Cro Cop.

Some people call Daniel as the "black Fedor", do you agree with that ?
To be honest, if Daniel would have fought Jon Jones a second time, I'm pretty sure that he could have won it, considering his current shape.

The thing I like the most with Daniel is that even if he's smaller than almost all his opponents (he's "only" 5"11' - 180cm tall) he still manages to beat them and his grabbing/take down technics are god-like. He also got some serious punching power and accuracy (remember his fight against Antonio "Bigfoot" Silva ? That K.O. was like "WOW!").

If you already watched the fight between Daniel and Anderson, do you have some good links to share to watch it ? :D I tried to find it on youtube but there are only shitty quality videos or highlights.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 01:20 CDT, 10 July 2016 - 2023 Hits
Can anyone be kind enough... (4 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 00:07 CDT, 10 July 2016 - iMsg
To stream quakelive with my config ? I can't do it myself because I only have 1.1mb up and 16mb down. My pc could handle it ez but my shitty connection...

Yes it might sound a bit stupid, but i just wanna see how my config look on stream, so anyone streaming with 1080p monitor could do it for me :)

maybe zhu ? :)

i'm not asking for 24/7 streaming with my config, just like 10-15min, and you tell me the time in the day/night when you gonna do it

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 00:14 CDT, 10 July 2016 - 1661 Hits
Jigglypuff is the new king and... legit (121 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 22:33 CDT, 1 July 2016 - iMsg
ItalyJigglypuff won a 2v2 CA cup organized by one of the coolest guy on earth, UkraineURAZ. That was a couple of month ago.
He played with italian superstar ItalyHal, and they won the final against some top german CA players (including for example GermanyTodesknecht, who was in the top5 world in CA when qlranks was still alive). That was some months ago, and now, ItalyJiggly is stronger than ever. Let me explain to you guys why he's the new king.

First of all, I know him for a long time now, and I've seen him improve again and again over the years. He's playing Quake Live only. He's a very dedicated player, and a true Quake player, just as I like them. 100% Quake, 0% other game(s). I just love this kind of mentality. He didn't even jump in the OW bandwagon, he doesn't even care about the OW hype. Like I said, a true Quaker.

Some years ago, he was far from the best, he was still more than decent, but not the hardest player to play against, that's for sure. He could lose to quite a lot of players, he was still good, but didn't have that special stuff that makes a player above everyone.

But that's not the case anymore.
Quite recently, he bought a mechanical keyboard and he's playing with the logitech g300s. For sure, these gears improved both his aim and his dodges. But ofc the gears don't make the player, so if he's now better than ever, that's mainly because of dedication and practicing against and with the best CA players.

Recently I played him serveral times, it was pretty even, if he were onfire he would beat me, if I were focused I would beat him.
But tonight I played him again, and I felt his true potential, power and effectiveness.
We played 2v2's, I was always against him, we played almost LG only, because he is, just like me, a LG-heavy player. We both have LG as our favorite weapon. And we both have the goal to become the best LG players in EU.
And guess what ? He won 6-7 maps to 2 or something, he had best dmgs and accuracy against me.
It didn't feel like when I used to play against Serbiaserious, it didn't feel like he was unbeatable, but he still had this extra something that was enough to beat me. Both his dodges and aim were spot on.

After our games, I asked him if he already played ItalyHal in 1v1 recently. He basically said "yes, and I won 10:9 in 1v1 and then we played 2v2, I was mainly against him and had better net/score/dmgs[...]".

When you play against him, you can really feel that something is special, because, unlike some aim-whores, his dodges are also very good. The way he's playing is very ballzy and effective. He doesn't play like a bitch by switching to rockets etc... When he loses a shaft battle, he keeps trying until he wins. I like this kind of mentality.

Talking about mentality, ItalyJigglypuff is a very humble and friendly dude, he never trash-talk, never troll, and almost never rage. He has the mentality of a true champion really, he has his feet on the ground, and he even never pretented to be #1, unlike many of us, including me :D.

For all these reasons I declare him to be the new king of 2v2 CA. If you meet him on a server, remember, he's the king :). He deserves to be respected for both his mentality and combat-skills.

People need to know more about him, because he's a very interesting player.

Thank you if you read it all :)
32853 Hits
Wise words from a wise russian dude :) (58 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:24 CDT, 28 June 2016 - iMsg
So basically I played 10 games or something against one of my russian friend nzx (aka exet aka faze, top russian CA player). As you know, now that I'm on 144hz 250fps + same settings and razer abyssus for years he didn't win a single map, but still did good actually.
During our games I asked him if he ever played latrommi, cooller or cypher at CA. He said "yes)".
Asked him if they any good at CA, there again, he said "they're good".
Later on, when our little practice session was over, after the usual "gg's good night cya hf! :)" he said this to me in steam chat :

But the question is and remains : Why can't I get off thunderstruck ? :( Playing 2v2/1v1 on thunder with music is one of the best feeling I experienced during my whole life :D. I must be kind of autistic or something, but you all already know, I'm mentally ill and I take meds so that could explain it xD.


23267 Hits
What happend to strenx and av3k ? (25 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 23:51 CDT, 24 June 2016 - iMsg
Wheren't they supposed to be overwatch super-stars ?

Strenx was supposed to nerd ow 24/7 and stream his games but no news from him for months now...

av3k was supposed to play with cypher and cooller but did he leave the team or something ?
10516 Hits
Top5 of the reasons you love Quake™ (16 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:07 CDT, 24 June 2016 - iMsg
I start :

#1 The weapons:
What can i say ? I LOVE the simplicity and the way the quake weapons work. You have top tier weapons, and the rest. It just work wonderfully. Long range: rail; med range: lg; close range: rl, as simple as that but yet insanely hard to master. Once you understand how the weapons work it's pure joy to play quake really. The weapons are so well designed and fun to play, as well as very balanced which makes it a very unique experience.
Also, no gimmicks, the weapons are simple and no alternate fire or some other gimmicks bullshit.
And players are building their playstyles around the weapons, which is the true beauty of quake.
And ofc when you use a weapon it feels very satisfying, i mean, the feeling of the weapons is unmatched.

#2 The movements:
Quake without strafe-jumping or bunny-hopping or both, isn't quake. Defrag runs and trickjumps movies are VERY impressive to watch and doing them as well as moving through the maps is very enjoyable. Pretty simple movements mechanics, but still VERY hard to master, which makes players like w3sp, dex, v3rb or walter look very unique. I have a lot of respect for these movements masters.

#3 The content:
Duel, TDM, CTF, instagib, freezetag, CA, defrag and some less popular gametypes but still fun like Domination, and the ammount of different maps to play, everyone can find something he loves. Yes, the community is probably a little bit too much splitted, but let's be honest, if you play quakeworld or quake 2 or warsow or reflex or quakelive, whatever, you're still considered a quaker in my eyes :). Whatever gametype you play, whatever quake you play, you're still a quaker :). Unlike games like CS:GO where there's basically only 1 gametype and like 5-7 maps played.
Quake is huge in that regard comparing to most others fps.

#4 The community:
Guys, you can't imagine how much i love you all. Esreality is the best gaming website i know, I load it up everyday each time i start my computer. It's full or trolls, attention whores, retards, everyday normal guys, very honest and serious guys, some geniuses, good contributors to the community, hardcore quake players, funny guys, and so on. It has everything you need to entertain you really. And i didn't even mention the charisma of most of the pros quake players.

#5 The deepness of the gameplay:
Out of all the multiplayer games I played my whole life, Quake is probably the deepest, gameplay-wise. Like i said above, it's simple to understand, but so so hard to master. You can spend your whole life playing bloodrun or thunderstruck only and you will still always have rooms to improve. It's endless.
It's so amazing to see players like evil or k1llsen play bloodrun in 2016, and compare it to the early days of this map. The overall skill of the pros has so much improved throughout all these years, it's beautiful, just beautiful.
The only game i can think of, that can somewhat compare to quake concerning its skill-celling, is starcraft. Really it's the only game. Quake is unique :).

3101 Hits
If anyone from id Software read this... (53 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:27 CDT, 20 June 2016 - iMsg
PLEASE, oh, PLEASE, do A LOT of optimizations to the engine that will be used for QUAKE Champions.

What I mean by optimizations is like making it so that it can run on decent hardware at 150fps stable at low settings.
What I mean by decent hardware is like Intel Core i3 processor + decent graphic card (like a GTX 960, or in the future, probably GTX 1060).

The game has to run smoother than DOOM, I hope that you won't need GTX 1080 and Core i7 to run at 150-200fps.

The game must run on almost any kind of hardwares at decent conditions. People with low-end PC (intel pentium/celeron/amd FX/A10 etc... and mid-end graphic cards like Radeon R7 or GTX 940/950) should be able to run the game at ~100fps at lowest settings.

If the only way to get 150+fps is to have an i7 + GTX 1070/1080, the game will not be a success, you can be sure of that. We don't want QUAKE to end up like Crysis.

And considering the fact that id Software wants to push the game as an e-sport, if you want that to succeed, it's primordial that the game can run on a broad range of hardwares.

Take a look at the most successful e-sport games:
#1 League of Legends, can run smoothly even on low-end PC
#2 Dota 2, pretty much the same as LoL
#3 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, runs at 300 fps on recent hardwares, not even high-end. Can run at 100-150fps on 5-6 years old hardwares
#4 Starcraft 2, pretty much the same as LoL and Dota 2
#5 Call of Duty (mainly played competitively on consoles, and you need like what ? 400$ to get a PS4/XboxOne + the game and you're ready to go)
#6 Team Fortress 2 (Cartoon GFX, and just like CS:GO can run smoothly at 300fps on decent hardware.)
#7 Overwatch, runs at 150-200+fps on decent hardware (not high-end) on lowest settings

Not (yet) successful but worth mentionning:
Reflex. In my humble opinion this game is the perfect example of what I would call "perfectly optimized". The engine is quite recent, the game looks great and it still runs at 350+fps on decent hardware, which is just amazing.

Not everyone has the money to upgrade his PC, and even less people have enough money to get a 1500+$ PC, you have to take that into consideration.

I truly hope that it will be possible to tweak the GFX of QUAKE Champions to something like QL, maybe not as much tweaking as QL, but you got it, give us the possibility to run the game at 150fps on lowest settings :)

And last but not least, keep in mind that most of the hardcore quake players already have a 144hz 1080p monitor, which means that if you can't get at least 144/150fps, the game won't be smooth/fluid enough, and will basically make them play worst :), especially when you're used to 250fps (Quake Live) or 150fps (Overwatch).

That's all I had to say. Thank you if you read it all :-)
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 11:42 CDT, 28 June 2016 - 15839 Hits
QUAKE Champions changed my plansa little (62 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:46 CDT, 18 June 2016 - iMsg
I was planning on becoming an 100% overwatch player but now that Quake 5 has been confirmed I guess that I'll be playing less overwatch and more quake.

Overwatch soldier76 only with music = fun.
Quake = fun too, probably even more fun than ow.
I'm a true quake player in my heart even tho I'm heartless ;D

Now that quake has a future my hopes went up again.
9019 Hits
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:23 CDT, 13 June 2016 - iMsg
Quake 5 will be called QUAKE Champions.

What about you ? What do you think ? Are you happy/sad ? Do you think that id will fail once more like they did with q4 ? New DOOM's success has given you hope ? AWESOME, CAN'T WAIT ?! SHIT, QUAKE3/LIVE FOR EVER ?! Quake reborn ? Quake is dead ?
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 21:26 CDT, 13 June 2016 - 6928 Hits
Good to know for aby 2k14 owners (2 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:14 CDT, 7 June 2016 - iMsg
So, Some months ago I bought a Razer Kraken Pro for 72€ , and in order for it to work with 7.1 surround I had to install synapse and get "razer surround pro" (I had a product key for free in the headset's box).
Basically was using synapse only for my headset, and it's working as it should.

The only issue I had is that it asked me for update each time I started my computer. And it also recommended me to install synapse for my Razer Abyssus 2014.

Only recently (tonight to be more exact :)) I finally decided to update my razer synapse and install it for my abyssus 2014.

And guess what ? They fixed the 1000hz polling rate tracking issues. \o/ Now that I have the latest synapse version and set my abyssus 2014 to 1000hz, I can finally do very fast 360° turns in-game without ending up at 210° 2 out of 5 times. Basically now every flick 360° turns are perfectly accurate, just like when I used my abyssus at 1800dpi 500hz plug&play without synapse.
And the mouse tracking at 1000hz is now just as good as at 500hz, it feels very consistent just like with the old abyssus :)

So, starting from now on, I will keep using synapse and 1800dpi 1000hz (instead of 500hz previously). Ofc it doesn't make a significant difference but it's more placebo/psychological than anything. And it's good to play with the exact same settings than with the old abyssus :).

1800dpi 1000hz for life! :)
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 21:22 CDT, 7 June 2016 - 4875 Hits
Sparks animation since new ql update (18 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:58 CDT, 7 June 2016 - iMsg
So, I have both /cg_gibs and /com_blood set to 0, but whenever I make a dead body explode I still get the sparks animation. I didn't have this issue before the gibs update.

anyone knows ?
6889 Hits
What's worst, CA or OW ? (40 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:29 CDT, 30 May 2016 - iMsg
According to you, what is worst, clan arena or overwatch ? And pls don't hesitate to elaborate when you got an opinion on the subject.


11189 Hits
29793 Hits
Hide the weapon in overwatch ? (76 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:08 CDT, 23 May 2016 - iMsg
Anyone knows if it will be possible to hide the gun in future OW patches ? Or at least having the possibility to make it at the center or left of the screen ?

I'm asking that because it's possible to hide the gun in games like the new Unreal Tournament, Team Fortress 2, the new DOOM etc...

And considering that they plan to make the sensitivity slider more "precise" and that you can already change your FOV and crosshair, why not more weapons configurations in future patches ?
24697 Hits
Current 125FPS evil vs old Zotac strenx (47 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:59 CDT, 23 May 2016 - iMsg
Who would win ?

Back in the days strenx won like 38-42 zotac cups afair, how many 125FPS evil has won ?

Who would have the strongest combat skills ?
9972 Hits
Vote for heartlesss @ discord : (5 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:51 CDT, 22 May 2016 - iMsg
vote for heartlesss put into "pros/top tier competitive" @ overwatch discord channel

2619 Hits
How to remove the .cfg files... (2 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:58 CDT, 18 May 2016 - iMsg
... in steam quakelive's folder, once and for all ?

I mean I have 2 files that I want to get rid off : weapons.cfg and test.cfg. If I remove them manually, each time I relaunch ql they will be back in the folder.

Is it something saved in steam cloud ?

How to remove them definitely ? How to clean steam saved files in the cloud ?
1678 Hits
So i went over to the dark side.... (25 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:22 CDT, 11 May 2016 - iMsg
Like you already probably know, i bought overwatch yesterday, and i plan on playing it a lot when the game is finally released (24th of may).

I will be playing "soldier: 76" only because i went from lvl 1 to 22 in 3-4 days while playing this character only.

My best kill/death ratio with him was like 28 kills 4 deaths or something. I also did better than a lvl 60 player in 3 games. Then he left :>

Since my PC can handle overwatch ez (210+fps average depending on the maps), and since I'm not forced to play with a retarded circle crosshair, and I have the choice of using a large cyan cross and on top of that FOV 90 > all, everything is fine basically.

For all the haters saying thunderstruck is useless and not quake, I can tell you that all these years playing it made me a more than decent overwatch player after only 3-4 days of playing it.

I hope that I won't get bored by playing overwatch 24/7, if so I'll go play reflex and thunderstruck anyway, so it's ok

I won't play starcraft 2 multiplayer (even tho i finished all the 3 campaigns with the 3 races (terran, zerg, protoss), and it was a VERY enjoyable experience actually), because there is no way i can reach top player lvl even if i play it 24/7, i won't have the patience and dedication to do it, and all these years i've been playing much more FPS games than RTS games like starcraft or warcraft.
I'm 27 years old, I think it's pretty realistic to say that at that age you can't beat a nerdy 16 years old korean dude that plays the game from 8 to 12 hours/day for 3-4 years in professional conditions.

So yeah, I think the best option for me is to play overwatch from 1 to 4 hours almost everyday with my beloved hardstyle music radio ( and then play with friends that have the game and are good at it too (preferably french players, because it's much easier to communicate in french in a game like ow imho), make a team and play hard go pro :D.

TL;DR OW will probably be my main game because I already ordered it and plan on playing it at release (24th of may) with the character "soldier: 76" only and also because I did very good in the open beta with this character annnnnd..... I can play with music which is awesome TL;DR
10240 Hits
OVERWATCH BETA OVER ? (3 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:18 CDT, 10 May 2016 - iMsg
So, I preordered OW standard edition (40€) and it says that it will be available at the 24th of may. And it also says in my account that I have bought this product.

Played 2-3 games starting at around 20:45CEST and then the game stopped the auto-search for games. Then tried to relaunch the game and couldn't connect to the server.

So I guess it's over now ? Will have to wait until 24th of may to play it again ? :/
2772 Hits
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:07 CDT, 5 May 2016 - iMsg
So I'm trying out OW since it's in open beta from 5th to 9th of may.

Everything is fine, I mean i get 215+ FPS average at lowest GFX settings. The game runs just fine. And I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that you can change your crosshair and FOV (I play with the cyan cross and FOV 90).

But one problem remains : the mouse's sensitivity. Default is 15, I tried 3 and 4 but it's still not EXACTLY the same sens than in quakelive.
I have 1800dpi 500hz plug & play (driverless), default windows sens (6/11, in the middle), FOV 90, 1920x1080 24" monitor 16:9 and sensitivity 1 in quakelive (and 3.8 in reflex) which gives me ~23.1, ~23.3cm/360° (QL & RFLX).

Since this website needs paid subscription in order for overwatch to work (and I guess DOOM etc aswell), I can't convert the sens from QL to OW.
That's why I'm asking you guys, with my settings, what sensitivity value should I use to get exactly the same sens than in quakelive (sensitivity 1 : ~23.1cm/360°).

Edited by wn at 12:17 CDT, 28 May 2016 - 41051 Hits
Agent VS Rapha (41 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:37 CDT, 26 April 2016 - iMsg
Will never happen ? Don't you think that those 2 top players got a kind of similar playstyle ?
Agent on LAN is nothing ?
What's your opinion ?

Btw agent is using 5cm/360° and DA 2k13, and very high FOV.
18925 Hits
DOOM SnapMap (18 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:33 CDT, 26 April 2016 - iMsg

I'm especially interested by the possible 2x walking speed, basically means that walking speed would be similar to the 1st doom.
6454 Hits
finished all the starcraft 2 campaigns (2 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:24 CDT, 5 April 2016 - iMsg
Wings of Liberty : 1st campaign, with terran. Good experience, I liked the story aswell.

Heart of the Swarm : 2nd campaign, with zerg. Better than WoL (but also maybe because I'm a fan of zergs and Kerrigan). Very good experience overall.

Legacy of the Void : 3rd and last campaign, with protoss. Was less good than HotS, also because the missions were a bit repetitive, but still a good experience, BUT... The last 3 missions are EPIC AS FUCK, I even had tears of joy after finishing the latest one. The end of the story is $$$$$$$$, Kerrigan is such an interesting character, it's amazing. FUCKING EPIC ENDING. PERIOD.

If I had the rate the singleplayer of this game I would give it a 18/20.
Do I recommend it ? Yes, ofc, at least for the story and characters design and personality. But if you don't like RTS games, then just watch the cinematics compilations on youtube, they are worth it :).

Also, with my new pc setup (i5-6500, GTX 970, 8GB of RAM, SSD, 144hz 24" 1080p monitor), I played with maxed out GFX, and despite the fact that the engine is like 6+ years old, it still look amazingly good (except some textures look shit when you're too close to it). And I didn't experience any lag, I'm not sure if I was at 150+fps even in huge maps with huge ammount of units and buildings, but it was still very smooth in any situations.

5695 Hits
26 hours of reflex already... (59 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:45 CST, 2 March 2016 - iMsg
And I keep playing it.

So far I played :

- aTDM (arena TDM, Clan Arena) on some big maps and on campgrounds remakes. My movements getting better. I like a lot the feeling of the weapons, my RL is actually less shitty than in QL, also mainly because you can RJ then bunny-strafes and rush the opponent. Also the feeling is different, I actually prefer reflex's rockets over quakelive's. I end up 1st in scoreboard 90% of the time. I hate campgrounds in vQL/Q3 CA, but with CPM physics it's so smooth, and at least it's not "all go bridge then spam rocket and pray to not fall down and getting air-shaft rapped". You have much more freedom cause of the movements and fast weapons switching. The LG is also very strong, which is nice. The railgun has quite a slow reload time, which is nice cause if you miss you're more punished than in CPM.
I like a lot the big maps, because there again, it's not "all go top and spam rl, then fall down and rail only". And if you're with good team m8s you can bunny-strafes together, basically you move as fast as your team m8s and you rush the opponents. Reminds me a bit of warsow CA when I played it a lot with my team, except that in reflex you can't run as much because no dash nor walljumps (and the weapons are stronger than in warsow), I like it better I guess. Movements are strong but you can't abuse it endlessly (unlike in warsow sometimes).
I think I like 4v4+ CA much better in reflex than in quakelive because it's, like I said, less about hidding behind walls and rocket spam all the time, and you have much more freedom cause of the movements. It's less repetitive than in quakelive. And the maps are BIG, really fuck asylum and its 2m² to dodge @ 4v4.

- a1v1 (arena 1v1, Duel Arena) on some duel maps and amphi. I miss thunderstruck but I heard there is a remake of it in reflex so when I'll have the occasion to play it I'll do it for sure :). So far I beat all the people I played against, but I guess that if I played players like memphis, gaiia, hal_9000, Vo0, kyto or rama, I could get schooled :). Will see if I'll ever have the occasion to play one of them at least :).
Overall it's fun. Not perfect, mainly cause duel maps are a bit +b without items, but at least with the movements it's easier to rush the opponent than with strafe-jump only :).

- 1v1 (duel) on ruin, a small map and easy to learn/understand, on simplicity, bigger map than ruin but probably more interesting to play in the long term. I played some relatively weak players and also with items timers :D, it was fun. Lost once against a bit more experienced player, but didn't get my revenge :p.
I still have trouble with the movements, mainly because no autohop so I have to get back the feeling of the double-jumps on stairs etc. Will come with practice.
Overall I had fun playing it.

- FFA, on campgrounds with items timer :D. Easy as fuck but a lot of fun, ended up 1st most of the time. Also played another map that I don't remember the name, which has powerup, and I lost badly :p, hard to learn a relatively complex and big map :).
I'll play more of FFA cause it was a fun experience and you can shaft rape fresh spawned players :ppppp.

What I really like about this game:

- the GFX, it looks smooth and pretty, even in lowest settings
- the engine, it plays smooth, 250fps stable np even with 10 people on the maps
- the crosshair's settings, more complete than in quakelive
- the fact that it's very easy to set up your config and get a clean one
- the weapons, they feel strong, and the balance is good
- the movements, at least you don't feel like jamerio (a fat bastard) when you move or fall down, more freedom and creativity than strafe-jump only
- the netcode

What I miss from QL in this game:

- no autohop (so means you have to spam the jump button on stairs etc, quite annoying at times)
- no zoom (I mean I heard you can still have a zoom but it's like very difficult to set it up, the game really need a zoom that is as easy to set up as @ quakelive, I mean like in the menu, bind a key to zoom and bam you're done)
- would be could if we could remove the damages indicator for the LG at least, damage plum would be more enjoyable if it was customizable like in QL for each weapon.
- no high quality simpleitems
- no stats, accuracy etc
- less people playing the game (I mean the game isn't very popular sadly)


Going to play starcraft 2 campaign now, really need to finish it :) (started with WoL campaign, so with the Terrans, and I plan to play zerg and protoss campaign when I'm done with WoL's campaign. Starcraft > overwatch.
23289 Hits
So I bought Reflex today... (18 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:28 CST, 19 February 2016 - iMsg
... And the game runs amazingly smooth. I mean the menu is so clean and simple, the feeling of the engine is very good, i like the sounds even if it's still work in progress, and i have like 300+fps stable or something like that in lowest settings (i5 6500 + GTX 970), didn't try high GFX settings but even on lowest the game is still pretty.

I have one question tho, regarding my mouse sensitivity. I have in_mouse 2 in quakelive and windows sens at default and sensitivity set to 1 (at 1800dpi 500hz plug&play (no drivers)).
When i set sensitivity to 1 in reflex is soooooo slooowwww :D. I then tried 5 and it felt much better, but it's still not EXACTLY the same sens than in quakelive.

So what sensitivity value i have to put to get the exact same sens than in quakelive ?
12806 Hits
OVERWATCH (57 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:49 CST, 9 February 2016 - iMsg
Tell us from the multiple streams what you think about this game, and also if you played it already.

+ it's new and fresh
+ new engine
+ made by blizzard, so means lot of money and potential
+ some nice ideas, gameplay-wise

- have fun trying to get stable 250fps, even fazz with his high-end gaming pc can't get more than ~140fps stable, when you're used to the fluidity and smoothness of 144hz 250fps I think it's hard to get back to anything lower than that :(
- moba, which means more teamplay than individual skills
- mainstream shooter, which means FUCKING NOOOOOOOOOOOOB
- movements (I mean when you're used to any version of quake or even reflex, OW's movements are fat like Jamerio)
- too much of everything, I mean, too much different abilities, too much heroes (and tbh some heroes seem rather useless or too similar to others heroes when it comes to aiming etc), too much distracting effects, too much players (maps are big but still 12 players is a lot and the fights are often messy and random)
- starcraft not same genre but still seems much more skillful than OW


TBH overall I don't get all this hype for this game, it just seems like TF2 2.0 , and I'm 200% sure that if there were still LAN tournaments for quake (DreamHack, ESWC, UGC, MLG etc), and online tournaments with good cash prizes (10 000$ for 1st), 99% of the quake players wouldn't have even tried OW and would still only play and stream quake everyday.
Quake's gameplay is so perfect tbh, why need something else ?


I keep dreaming :(

gonna take my meds, cya guys
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 16:50 CST, 9 February 2016 - 18910 Hits
SS(s) of your config(s) 2017 (101 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:44 CST, 23 January 2016 - iMsg
1920x1080 screenshot:

FOV: 90
RES: 1920x1080 @ 144Hz

Every single distracting visual effects have been removed, and I mean, ALL of them :).
Also, the config can run on 8+ years old PCs at 125+FPS stable on any map.
VERY clean config (thanks to Lorfa) and well organized.

If you still have performance issues because your PC is very old then try:
- /r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" (for disabling anisotropic-filtering)
- /r_lodbias "2" (to have less details/polygons on the players models and weapons)

(or you can dl it directly at my ESR profile "Config: Available")

You might want to check this out aswell: Why does my QL config make sense?

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 14:59 CST, 6 December 2017 - 45312 Hits
Hal won k1llsen 3 maps to 1 at ETE (34 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 11:42 CST, 22 January 2016 - iMsg
So basically yesterday hal played some eyetoeye duels and streamed it. He had random opponents and then he started to play k1llsen right after it. He won 3 maps in a row (but all the games were close), and then a bit after it, played 1 last game still against k1llsen, which he lost.

So final score was 3 maps to 1 in favor of hal (he had to go to sleep after his last game against k1llsen, he said he felt tired etc, so that's why he lost this one, at least according to him (afaik)).

Like I said, all the games were close and k1llsen was definitely a though opponent.

Do you think that if k1llsen starts practicing more eyetoeye duel he can finally manage to beat hal more consistently or do you think that even with hard practice on this map, hal will still be the best at it ?

Hal played a lot of eyetoeye duels, especially against his older brother stermy, and he's better than stermy aim wise.
About k1llsen, I have no idea, but if i'm correct, I don't think that he played a lot of this map, but i might be wrong. k1llsen plays mainly a lot of duel and 4v4 CA.

Oh and btw, k1llsen is using logitech g303 mouse, finally! :) But he still plays with mouse accel, do you think that it's what improves his flick rails and overall rail consistency, and also his defensive rockets, but makes his lg aim a bit less 'stable' and 'solid' (at least compared to heavy shaft players like hal) ?

VOD : (starts at 47min59secs)
12671 Hits
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 13:39 CST, 20 December 2015 - 15963 Hits
I know it has probably already been... (2 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:07 CST, 15 December 2015 - iMsg
... answered, but are there some people using benq xl2411z with windows 10 ? i heard you need latest nvidia drivers (or at least recent ones) to get it working at 144hz, is that true ?

on the box it's written "certified for windows 8" so i'm a bit worried by the fact that it might not work properly on windows 10.

so if you are using this monitor with windows 10 and it's working at 144hz etc, leave a reply there pls ;D

(i'm asking cause gonna use it in 9 days with my new setup with windows 10 included (and GTX 970)
2055 Hits
My new setup for Christmas : (56 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:57 CST, 16 November 2015 - iMsg
CPU: Intel Core i5 6500 (Skylake architecture, quad-core, 3.30GHz up to 3.60GHz with turboboost), close performances to the good old Core i5 4690K, if not better, at least for future games, because of DDR4.

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 with 4GB of RAM

RAM: 2 x 4GB of Crucial DDR4 PC17000 (so 8GB in total)

MOTHERBOARD: Gigabyte GA-B150M-D3H Socket 1151 Chipset Intel B150

HDD: Seagate Barracuda SATA III 6GB/s 7200 RPM - 2000 Go

SSD: Crucial BX100 - 250 Go

CASE: Fractal Design Define R5 with 2 fans included

PSU: Fortron Raider S 550 Watts 80+ Silver

Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64bits

Pre-made PC with Windows 10 installed and configured, working PC out of the box:

MONITOR: BenQ XL2411Z 1ms GTG 144hz 24" 1920x1080


What I will keep from my current config:

MOUSE: Razer Abyssus 2014 1800dpi 500hz

MOUSEPAD: Razer Goliathus Speed Extended

KEYBOARD: Ozone Strike Mechanical Black Switches

HEADPHONES: Some Random in-ears headphones from Sennheiser

Same QuakeLive config (same sensitivity, same visuals, same everything), except with 1920x1080 screen's res instead of my 1024x768 res from my good old 17" Samsung SyncMaster 797MB CRT. And ofc 144hz instead of 100hz(with my current CRT).


My old setup:

HP laptop

CPU: Intel Core i5 3210M double-core at 2.5ghz up to 3.1ghz with turboboost, and HT

GPU: AMD/ATi Radeon 7670M 1GB of RAM


HDD: 500 Go 5400 RPM

SCREEN: 15.6" 40-60hz with massive input-lag :D

Windows 8


Currently I have my FPS set to 200 in QuakeLive and 100Hz CRT. For some reason on quite a lot of maps I can't get stable 200FPS even in 2v2. When playing 4v4 I play at 144FPS because my laptop can't handle stable 200fps, it's more like from 135 to 166fps. I have everything set at the lowest in my QL config.
1v1 is fine, I can get 200+FPS stable on 90% of the maps.

I hope that with my new config I can finally try games like Overwatch or Reflex in (very) good conditions. I guess that I'll finally get 250FPS stable in QL in ANY situations. That + 144Hz and larger monitor will finally make it much more comfortable to play for me :).
Expect me to hit 60% LG and 90% rail !!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
10953 Hits
prophecy's 2v2 CA servers... (44 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:07 CST, 16 November 2015 - iMsg
are amazing!

I have 45ms ping, it's located in DEU and... so many oldschool ra3 2v2 maps! Ofc some of them are bad but I can remember like 3-4 very good maps I used to play in 2004-2006. It's 2v2 only servers, which is nice, people can't callvote teamsize :D, it's locked to 2. And like I said the maps are great. Not like shit asylum or hellsgate, or even worst, campgrounds :D.
Reminds me the good old days and finally what I missed the most from ra3 (the maps) is kind of back.
Steam's workshop is good! I guess the servers admins (from team prophepy) had to pay some bucks to get the maps, but whenever you join the servers all you have to do is dl them :), it's free :).

So, people, just play Clan Arena the way it's meant to be played. Play it on maps that are designed for it. Forget your shit campgrounds (campgrounds is one of the best map for 2v2 TDM but for anything else it just sucks (decent for FFA tho)), hellsgate (this map is not a CA map, it's just some random map from the Q3A's single player when you had to face the bot klesk in 1v1 duel... lol.). Forget asylum (the 1st map that got implemented in QL back in 2008-2009 or something), this map is cancer really. I like trinity for 4v4 but asylum is just shit... period.
Why do I think camp/asy/hells are shit for CA ? Let me explain :

- campgrounds : the most campy rail only map. Also people tend to regroup at the bridge above the red armor location, which is just stupid, especially for 4v4, because 8 people on the bridge is just fucking retarded really, so random, rl spam only and pray to not fall down (but even if you do everything right to not falling down you still end up doing it, because like I said when you are 8 people on bridge it's almost like 16 players FFA on thunderstruck... doesn't make any sense). And why rail only ? Because without the items and because of the way the map is designed, in CA, in order to win, you have to play almost +back rail only. At least with the items you have to move around the map to get them, and sometimes you need to be offensive with lg or rockets to keep the control or just deal a lot of damage. But without the items, you don't have any goal, so you end up railing at long range and expecting people to get mad and ragequit :D.

- asylum : this map did not get much inspiration when it has been made. It's a very basic map, just a big boxe with way to much verticality. There are too much stairs, pillars, huge fucking retarded walls geometries at the "regroup zone", which make it rl spam only. In 4v4, just like campgrounds, people tend to regroup at a location where you have like 5cm² to fight, which becomes, there again, rl spam spam spam and pray to not fall down. And near the end of the round, when only 2-3 people are still alive because of luck, it becomes, just like campgrounds, a fucking +back endless rail fest.
And i'm pretty sure that if people wanted to play this map rail only it would be more effective than always regrouping at "upper".
In 2v2 it's not so retarded, because at least you have more space to move around, but like I said, there's no way to play it "normally" I mean if people were more clever, they would just +back rail at the beginning of each rounds. And also, the 2v2 positions at the regroup zone are still bad, too much lame stairs and pillars :). And the bridge is so fucking tight, impossible to deal against rockets.

- hellsgate : the "redux" version of hellsgate (called hellsgateredux) was so much better because it didn't have these retarded slopes and this fucking random void. Hellsgateredux was asymetrical, which made it more interesting to play than the normal hellsgate which is also very basic in its conception. And like I said, it's not a map meant to be played in CA, it's just a random Q3A single player map. You play it for fun vs the bot klesk when you play quake for the 1st time, that's all. It's not a real CA map, but people got used to it because of the lack of REAL CA maps (from RA3). And I didn't even mention those fucking pillars, there again, welcome rl spam and hide behind the pillars).

There is a lot of RA3 maps that are either LG heavy, RL heavy or Rail heavy, but at least they are well designed for it and make sense. I'm sick of playing non-CA maps in CA. I play quake 3 since 2002, so please, trust me when I say that :).

Okay, sry for this huge wall of text, but it had to be said :). And thanks a lot to the team prophecy (old school RA3 clan) for providing us such good servers.
Cya on them with my multiple fakenicks, maybe ;).

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 17:12 CST, 16 November 2015 - 19894 Hits
LightningGun Poll (7dmg vs 6dmg etc) (88 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:10 CST, 12 November 2015 - iMsg
So it's been quite some time now that the LG has been nerfed from 7 to 6dmg and from 200 to 150 max ammos.

I think that we now experienced enough of it to get a pretty solid opinion about what could be (or what are) the ideal LG settings.

I think that overall most people are satisfied by the LG nerf, altho I'm not 100% sure, that's why I wanted to make a Poll about it to clarify the situation.

So, people, take <1min of your time to participate to the poll from the link below:

---> <---
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 12:02 CST, 18 November 2015 - 26057 Hits
Some hardware questions : (74 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:39 CST, 1 November 2015 - iMsg
So if things goes right, I should be able to get a new config (including monitor) at ~christmas. But I still have some questions I wanted to ask you guys :

1°) BenQ XL2411Z as new monitor, is pretty damn good right ? 144hz 1ms 1920x1080 24" for ~285€

2°) Is the GeForce GTX 960 enough to get stable 250fps @ QL at lowest possible GFX settings (except ofc r_lodbias -2 and r_subdivisions 4), in any situations (I mean including big/huge maps with ~16 players) ?

3°) Would you recommend to get a GTX 970 instead of the 960 for games like Reflex, Overwatch or StarWars Battlefront ?
Considering the fact that I will ALWAYS play at lowest possible GFX settings. But I want to get at least 125fps stable for these games, so maybe the GTX 960 is a bit too weak for it ? Or is it more than enough ?

4°) How does the Intel Core i5-4460 compare to the i5-4590 or even i5-6500 ? (I don't plan on overclocking my CPU, so getting any "K" version is pretty much useless I guess). Is the i5-4460 enough for quakelive with a GTX 960/970 to get stable 250fps in any situations (and like I said, at lowest possible GFX settings).
What about for games like OW, Reflex or SW:BF ?

5°) What do you think of the i5-4460 + GTX 960 combination ? Good enough for recent games like OW, Reflex and SW:BF (and still at lowest possible GFX settings), I mean something like 144+fps stable ?
What about i5-4460 + GTX 970 ?

6°) What matters most if you play with ugly GFX, the CPU or the GPU (I guess the CPU right ?) ? I mean, for example, in QL/Reflex, If I play at 1920x1080 and lowest GFX possible, is it really worth it to get a GTX 970 instead of a GTX 960 ? Will I really get a considerable fps boost with GTX 970 compared to GTX 960 ?

7°) Is getting a SSD really worth it ? I can get like 120+Go SSD, but considering the fact that it's relatively expensive (or at least my budget is quite limited), I will think twice before going for it :).
Does it really change the way you play your games/load windows etc etc ? Is it really much faster and comfortable than normal HDD ?

Like I said, I will play only a few games (maybe SCII, OW, SW:BF, Reflex) with my new config. I don't plan on playing any others games. And considering the fact that I still didn't try any of those games, but watched plently of streams of them, it's fair to assume that I can probably get disappointed while finally playing/trying them and go back to QL only again, like I already do these days :). But if I try any of these games listed above, I want to try them in best conditions (~144+fps stable at lowest graphics settings). I guess that I'll also play at 1920x1080 instead of my current 1024x768, so that's why I'm a bit worried by the fact that the GTX 960 might not be enough at that kind of resolution, but maybe I'm completely wrong ?

I won't get any Intel Core-i7 or any "K" version of i5/i7 cause my budget is quite limited and I don't plan on overclocking my CPU. I won't get a GTX 950 cause a bit too weak, or any GTX 980-like GFX card, still cause of my limited budget. I only care about i5-4460, i5-4590 or i5-6500 for the CPUs, and GTX 960/970 for the GPUs, so stay on topic and don't recommend me anything that isn't listed above please ;). Just simply answer my 7 questions if you know/can. Thanks ;)
18721 Hits
Should duel be 15min again ? (63 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:59 CDT, 27 October 2015 - iMsg
What's your opinion ? 10min > 15 min or 15 min > 10 min ? And please explain why ;)
12749 Hits
What you like and dislike about new ql (246 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:51 CDT, 27 October 2015 - iMsg
What I like :

[+] The new interface is sexy
[+] HUDs are better
[+] I like the ability to see others players fovs and zooms
[+] Overall a bit better ping to most servers
[+] Custom servers yeahaaaaa
[+] I'm not against steam and tbh I even find it quite good (played some csgo already some months ago and I have no complaints, so ql steam exclusive doesn't bother me)
[+][-] No more elos whores / useless stats
[+] Hopefully ql will get a little popularity boost with this steam exclusive update
[+] Changing nick whenever you want <3
[+] Finally a real anti-cheat (VAC), which might not be perfect but still much better than previously :)

What I dislike :

[-] r_subdivisions readonly (well when i'll get my new pc at christmas i won't care anymore cause GTX 960/970 and strong core i5) cause atm on my laptop my fps are even less stable than before :(
[-] I lost all of my 450+ friends
[-] I miss the ability to spawn my own server, I mean, it was so simple and easy to do with old ql, now ofc custom servers are more open etc but it's much harder to set them. I liked a lot when I was op on my server and I could kick / move to spec etc whenever I needed it
[-][+] No more elos / stats

Overall I like the new update and I think it's a good step in the right direction even tho it might probably be too late now with games like Overwatch etc coming. But I enjoy it nevertheless and it's still fucking QUAKE BABY !!!
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 12:45 CDT, 28 October 2015 - 69094 Hits
New haircut + beard (70 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 11:23 CDT, 15 September 2015 - iMsg
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 11:23 CDT, 15 September 2015 - 25429 Hits
am drunk <O~~~~~~ (29 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:44 CDT, 31 August 2015 - iMsg
ami drrunkk srryy leol hopee yjou ekjoy my psaint skils loel =]

polandg nobodyy likze why ? =[

9037 Hits
Should I change mouse again ? (83 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:33 CDT, 21 August 2015 - iMsg
So yeah, as you already know I'm currently playing with the razer abyssus 2014 at 1800dpi 500hz plug&play sensitivity 1 ingame (23.09cm/360°). Actually it's a great mouse, I like pretty much everything about it, the shape is good for my grip style, it's light, it's small, build quality is ok, sensor works well (been playing with abyssus sensor for 4+ years now I guess), and finally I quite like the overall look of the mouse.
It's a very "basic" mouse that works very well in my case.

Basically now when I play (lol)CA only a few people can outshaft me (maybe 1, 2 or 3 player(s) out of the rest of the CA playerbase), so yeah, I'm actually very satisfied by the results I got from playing with the abyssus 2k14 and the same config (that I altered only slightly during these last months) for months/year(s). I think I'm in a good dynamic when it comes to global combat skills. Yes, ofc, I'm not rapha nor toxjq nor cooller nor cypher, but yet, my goal was to get the best LG in europe @ CA. I'm actually now very close to it, still need some practice again but I think that I'll be done with CA thunderstruck probably the next couple of months, and move on to something else like duel (I started playing a bit of duel lately with some friends that are not so skilled at it, just like me in fact, so that we can have even matches and ofc... fun playing it :)).
Basically I'm starting to get really comfortable with my current settings/setup and I'm quite happy about my overall combat skills, only thing I don't like are my rockets, I get destroyed in RL vs RL fights against any good/decent RL player. But it's not that big of a deal since many times I can rely on my +back shaft :D and my goal wasn't to have the best rockets anyways.

So yeah, I'm asking you, is it really worth it to buy and try the zowie ZA13 at 1600dpi sens 1.125 ingame (which gives exactly 23.09cm just like with 1800dpi sens 1 @abyssus), considering that I'm currently in a pretty good momentum when it comes to my maximum "reach" (I think now that with my current setup/config I'm at 95+% of my potential). I mean now if I continue playing with the abyssus and all I will reach my maximum potential and then not really improve anymore (just only very slightly if I keep playing everyday for months and months).
I'm asking you that because in theory/on paper, the ZA13 got a better sensor (3310) than the one in the aby 2k14 (s3888), I mean some people said it's a bit more accurate in some situations. Also build quality is zowie so should feel a bit more solid than my current razer (but like I said there's actually nothing wrong with the aby2k14 build quality, it's ok really). So yeah, if I ever buy the ZA13 it would be for its sensor mainly, and also the shape in which I'm pretty curious to see how it works with fingertip grip (my grip style).
I'm also at the same time a bit worried of the sides buttons on the ZA13, will it make it uncomfortable to hold with my fingertip grip ?

But the biggest question remains this one : If I ever try the ZA13 and it suits me well, If I start to practice again with it for some months, will my LG be even better ? Will I get slightly better aim than with the aby 2k14 ? Or 3310 is just marketing bullshit and s3888 is already good enough as it is ?
Basically, will I play better in the long term compared to with my abyssus ?

Edited by Teen Queen at 17:36 CDT, 21 August 2015 - 26590 Hits
So I cleaned up my config... (20 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:29 CDT, 14 August 2015 - iMsg
... Thanks to Lorfa and other people I can't remember their nicks :D.

Now my config weight about ~4.6ko instead of the previous ~8ko. I removed all the default cvars and some outdated/not working anymore/useless cvars.

I didn't change anything besides removing a lot of useless cvars, so my cfg looks the same and feels the same as the latest "not cleaned up" config I had when I made the thread about it and explained why I had such a cfg :

So yeah, it's exactly the same config except that it's much more clean now :).

If you want to (re)download it, go to my ESR profile (Config: Available) and you also have a screenshot in my profile bio.

In order to make it work properly you have to reset to default your quakelive settings by going to "account settings". /!\ If you don't do that and simply load my config over your own config or any other player's config, my config will be messed up pretty much (will probably be mix between the current config you're using and my config :D), because you need the quakelive default settings for it to work properly /!\. Also try to remove qzconfig and repconfig in your baseq3 folder.

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 15:33 CDT, 14 August 2015 - 6553 Hits
Can someone be kind enough... (29 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:02 CDT, 10 August 2015 - iMsg
... to make a list of obsolete/not working/useless cvars in my config and explain why for each cvar ? :D

13715 Hits
need your opinions (26 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:18 CDT, 8 August 2015 - iMsg
my current config (original) looks like this as you might already know :

/picmip 4 /lightningstyle 4 /fov 90

and the config (secondary) i'm tempted to make :D :

/picmip 6 /lightningstyle 5 /fov 90


What visuals do you prefer between those 2 ? original(picmip 4 lightningstyle 4 fov 90) or secondary(picmip 6 lightningstyle 5 fov 90) ? Vote there :

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 20:25 CDT, 8 August 2015 - 8552 Hits
Why does my QL cfg make sense ? (62 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:44 CDT, 1 August 2015 - iMsg
Okay so, I'll try to explain to you all why I have certain cvars set to X, Y or Z and why after all these years playing quake I think I finally managed to get pretty much the perfect config (at least for me).

Okay, so, I begin :

As you might already know, I'm not using a standard binds configuration for movements and weapons. In fact I have R to move left, H to move right, T to move forward and G to move backward. I use this configuration because it makes my hand and fingers more relaxed and the position of them on my keyboard feels more natural. I have also plenty of keys available around "R T G H", much more than compared to standard "W A S D". Actually I even have 5 keys that I can press only with my little finger (S for RL, X for PG, Z for HMG, W to walk and finally A to crouch), leaving free my others fingers.
I'm playing with this binds for years and years now, never ever went back to "W A S D", since I discovered it, I got addicted pretty fast :), actually it works VERY well.

I have my own grenades set to cyan (color of my crosshair), enemies grenades set to light green (enemymodelcolor) and team mates grenades set to red (teammodelcolor). This way I can easily recognize if I can rush a choke point with plenty of nades spammed. If I see them red then I can move forward, if I see them light green, I have to be more careful :).
I have also the same set of colors for rail.

I use the default hud3, which is the big one made by QL devs, it has big health and armor indicators, the scores at the bottom right corner are easy to read, the clock however seems a bit too small but I can deal with it :). It's a nice hud because you can easily see if you're low hp and then +back etc. It has also color indicators such as white for lot of hp, yellow for 100hp and less and finally red for less than 25 hp. I like the fact that the hp and armor numbers are BIG, because you don't constantly look at them with your, what I would call, "focus vision". When you're engaging a shaft battle for example, your focus vision is locked at the enemymodel, but because the hp and armor numbers are big, you still see the colors etc with your "peripheral vision".
I have also the weaponbar on the middle left of my screen, so that basically every hud elements are placed all around the sides of the screen, leaving the middle of the screen almost perfectly empty for better visibility and focus on my crosshair. Also I found that placing the weaponbar in bottom middle of the screen can cause some misreading with the shaft beam and the fact that it's put horizontally makes it a bit slower to read than when it's put vertically.

I have all disabled, because I have a sound when ammos start to get low, so the low ammo message would be redundant. And for frag message I don't need it because you have the kill beep sound with darken dead bodies and also an obituary at the top right corner of the screen.
And about the rewards like "impressive", "excellent", "headshot", "combokill" etc... I don't need it to be shown because I can hear the vadrigar voice over :). So there again, less messages/icons at the center of my screen, leaving all the space to focus on my target.

I personally use lightningstyle 4, which is the thinnest beam of all the beams available, with drawgun 3 (static weapons and translucent so that it doesn't obstruct my view).
Also the LG beam can be considered as part of the crosshair, so when it's thin, it's like adding a straight line from bottom-right/left/middle (depending if you show the guns or not or on the position of your guns on the screen) to center of the screen; it can help a bit for aiming.
Having the weapons shown is personal preference I guess, but I personally like a lot drawgun 3 (you have the weapons shown but translucent and the feeling is nice with big models @ FOV 90). If you show the guns, if you're left-handed, make sure to set them on the left, and if right-handed, obviously on the right, it will feel more natural this way. Don't put them in the middle of the screen, it gives bad habits and basically no other FPSs outside of the Quake franchise allow you to show the gun in the middle of the screen. You can still put them in middle if you only play quake ofc :), but I heard Diabotical won't allow to hide the guns and probably won't allow to put them in the middle of the screen either (hope 2GD will reconsider it tbh :D). And we don't know yet about QUAKE Champions :).
Truelightning MUST be set to 1 if you don't have a ping above 80ms (when the unlagged stops working). For example with 50ms all you have to do is putting your crosshair at the middle of the enemymodel, no need to anticipate the players movements like in the old days in Q3 OSP or RA3.
For the rail, I have just a translucent trail without any other bullshit and gimmicks effects like the circle around the trail or shit like these :p. Actually I have the default Q3 beam, which is perfectly fine as it is :).

I have a beep sound indicator only for team messages, this way if people in spec are chatting constantly you don't get the annoying beep everytime. And in team gametypes, when you hear the beep, it means that it's probably an important message like "enemy low!" or "escaping high" and so on...
Also I've set the teamchattime to last longer after the message is wrote.
And finally when I press +chat (bound to 3) I get 8 lines instead of the default 6.

I have phobos as own model because I just like his orange suit and I like the sounds he makes while jumping, getting low on health etc. It's very short and soft sounds (also, cooller used to play with doom for years :D).
I have light red crash as teammodel, because it's the thinnest model in the game along with bones. And doom and crash could start a love story together :D, they look the same except that they male and female xD. I like crash because when you're behind a team mate you can still see the enemy in front of your mate, unlike with tankjr who probably takes 80% of the screen :D. I like also having different sounds for myself, my team mates and the enemies.
I use keel as enemymodel with lodbias set to -2. This way it's a bit bigger keel and it fits the hitbox better.
Light green as enemymodel color, pretty standard, nothing special here :).
"Tankjr gives you the illusion you hit more" (c) idoser ---> He's right, if the model is bigger it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll hit it more easily, mainly because of the hitbox size, which stays the same.
And about the "yeah but with tankjr it's easier to hit pixel rails when enemy is hidding behind pillar or wall", I asked sponge about that, and he said to me that it's only 1 frame difference with keel, so let's say it's pretty much unoticeable. It doesn't give you any considerable advantage compared to keel.
And somehow I shaft better keel at close range than I do with tankjr. And I'm used to keel, it fits the hitbox very well, it's not to small nor big, just perfect really.
So I say it : keel > tankjr :)

Set to 2, means that you don't get the whole "recording demo xxxxxxxx" message at the bottom of the screen, instead, you get a very unobtrusive "REC *" at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Fov 90. Zoomfov 40 with instant zooming (no zoomScaling, which mean that when you press the zoom key (for me it's bound to spacebar) the zoom effect is 100% instant.
Zoomfov 40 only for long range rails. Fov 90 for all weapons.
I played for years and years with fov 100 and probably 2 years ago wanted to try lower fov. Tried 90, liked it, kept it up until now :D.
Why do I prefer fov 90 over any other fov ? Firstly because it's a very common and standard fov in basically 90% of the FPS on PC (not consoles, PC). CS has it to 90, TF2 aswell, bioshock, stalker, dishonored, rage, even doom, all those games have fov 90, and plently plently others fps games too. I think there's a reason why the standard fov is always 90, actually I think there are 2 main reasons : everything on the screen appears bigger (the environment, the models etc) and there's less "distortion" at the sides of the screen.
So yeah, bigger enemymodel, less distortion of the image, and also 1 last thing : it's easier and more visible to make tiny mouse's movements with a low fov than with a high fov. The mouse feels more responsive and fast. Combine fov 90 with high sens (which is my case), and you get maximum precision for small mouse's movements :).
And I think there's a reason why most of the pro players abuse the zoom. Fov 90 is actually like a minizoom :).
Oh and also, it makes medium/long range shaft battles a bit easier too :), which in my case is very important :D.

Quakelive's simple items are actually very nice, they are clear, they look cool. I use it. I've made the icons slightly bigger and I disabled the bobbing except for the major items like RA or MH, this way I can see the RA on bloodrun when I'm at the shards, because of the simple item size and bobbing (not for the shards, just for RA MH YA etc, like I said)

impact, muzzleflash, shadows, dynamiclights, smokes, bubble trail(in water), lightningimpact (no need for it since you have the crosshair that blinks/changes color when you hit + hitsounds), sparks, damageplum (except for rockets, nades, plasmagun, shotgun and bfg) damageblend, all these useless effects are disabled in my config. I want the cleanest and most "pure/raw" config possible. Not a single distracting effect. Basically everything is removed, but I can't list it there cause can't remember some cvars :D.
The less distracting effects you get, the better, I think a lot of people will agree with me on this :D.
Less is more (c) Axe

I have a plain black console background for better readability, and I have also console speed set to 1000 so that when you press the console bind it pops up instantly.

r_enablePostProcess 0
r_enableColorCorrect 0
r_enableBloom 0
r_ext_compressed_textures 1
If your PC is quite old or just not so powerful then adding these console commands might help you to get higher and more stable fps. And I personally don't give a shit about postprocess, bloom and colorcorrect, quake 3 looked good enough without it :D. More FPS always better than better look :).

I play with vertexlight, since it gives a significant fps boost and I like the consistent look of vertex compared to lightmap, I mean, if you configure the right way your vertex settings, you can get pretty much the same color intensity and "lighting" for all the maps. While in lightmap some maps are much brighter or darker than others. Also, with lightmap and high picmip you get some VERY ugly and distracting shadows. It's not the case with vertexlight.
With mapoverbrightbits set to 8 and mapoverbrightcap set to 145 you get a very smooth and consistent visual for ALL the maps.
I use picmip 16. I like when it looks very clean without any textures on the maps.
I have also texturemode set to "gl_linear", which is basically anisotropic-filtering 8x/16x, so that I have a thinner lg beam at long range and the enemymodels are fully textured at any range, which makes a nice contrast with the "textureless" maps.
That way I can focus on the enemymodel at 100%.
Oh and also, I can see perfectly the jumppads even at very long range :).

Set to 0. Playerlean is useless. Some people say it's easier to aim with player lean 1 because you see better where the enemymodel goes, so you can adjust your aim in consequence. Bullshit. Playerlean is just distracting nothing else. And also it makes the model go out of the hitbox especially at relatively high moving speed. With playerlean 0 the model NEVER goes out of the hitbox, and like I said it's much less distracting. I tried to play with playerlean 1 after years of playerlean 0, I had hard time to aim properly at the center of the enemymodel xD.
Also, quakeworld players still hit 60%+ LG without playerlean. Purri and Damiah can still rail 60% in quake 2 without playerlean :). And afaik CS doesn't have playerlean either and yet skilled people can aim and predict the movements very well still.

I discovered quake 3 for the first time in 2002 or something. Been playing quake on & off for more than 10 years now, so yes, I'm not the oldest quake player but I can still be considered a veteran. Over all these years I tried EVERY crosshairs you can imagine. And guess what ? One word: simplicity. I figured out that the simplest, most effective and generic crosshair is crosshair 11, a simple dot with black outline.
And because I'm playing with what we can consider to be a low fov (at least for quake players), I like my crosshair to be small but visible (so that I can see it perfectly even with my "peripheral vision", and it gives me maximum precision for long range shots and tiny mouse's movements). Also, at my resolution (1920x1080) crosshairsize 18 is "sharper", the black outline and the rest of the crosshair are more clear and visible.
With a simple small but visible dot, you get maximum precision without any crosshair overlapping.
Also I noticed that when I aim at the enemy, I don't look at my crosshair (or very rarely), so my "focus" vision is on the enemymodel. Then it makes sense to have a cyan/white & sharp dot with black outline so that you can see it better in any situation with your "peripheral" vision. Better for flick shots, to say the least.
I found out that crosshair 11 at size 18, and fov 90, is almost perfect in any situation with any weapon, especially at medium/long/very long range.
And finally my crosshair color is cyan because it's a very light color and it's smooth for the eyes. And I have crosshairhitcolor set to white, because if I set it to red I find it too distracting, I mean cyan is a closer color to white than it is to red, the contrast between red and cyan is just too much. Cyan and white work well together imho :).

I'm using high sensitivity for like 6 or 8 months now (14.4cm/360°, no accel). I was using low/very low sens (30+cm/360°) for years and years before it. I also tried med sens for like 2 or 3 years (23.1cm/360°). I have played with all different types of mice, from kinzu v1 with accel, to deathadder, mx310, diamondback, FK etc. I'm now playing with the ZowieByBenQ EC2-A at 1600dpi. If I were using low/very low sens I would've used 400dpi, if I were playing with very/ultra high sens, then I would have used 3200dpi. I think that for high sens (between 10cm and 15cm), 1600dpi works best (so yeah, middle/high dpi value). Also, at windows and in the QL menu, especially with full HD res (1080p), it's much more comfortable to have a relatively high dpi value, because obviously the mouse moves faster, it's more reactive. And for games like starcraft or mobas, having a higher sens without changing the windows sens (6/11) feels much better.
You would obviously probably ask me why I'm that crazy to use a high sens ?
CZM at his prime used high sens, latrommi is using high sens, rapha too, and one of my friend which is very very good at half-life 1 deathmatch and overwatch is also using high sens. As long as it's not extreme high sens (like 3cm or 5cm), it's still rather easy to control it once you get used to it. And it reacts much faster than very low sens (35+cm), it gives you more "freedom" in your movements too. And you almost don't get uncomfortable hand position on the mousepad while tracking with LG, unlike with low sens (even med sens tbh, 20cm-25cm). If you're very focused and slightly relaxed, you do your mouse's movements effortlessly, unlike with low sens. And no, you're not worst at long range compared to low sens, it's just a myth :). Maybe with ultra high sens, long range can be a problem, but with high sens, you can just aim as good with it as with low sens, but with less effort :). I'm actually still better at med-long range than close range, with high sens :).
TBH, I think the perfect sens value is between 10cm and 15cm.
Oh, and don't use accel, it's evil :).


Edited by He4rTL3sS at 15:00 CST, 6 December 2017 - 19620 Hits
QC 15 CONFIGS (9 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:39 CDT, 25 July 2015 - iMsg

3317 Hits
QuakeCon TDM MVP ? (36 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:15 CDT, 23 July 2015 - iMsg

so according to the stats latrommi and noctis are both at the top. But you have to keep in mind that MD faced more difficult teams than 102RC.

for example at round 2 102RC played against rapha's team (found em) while MD had to face BREAK (dahang's team). And apparently BREAK is better than "found em" at TDM. And at round 3 102RC had to play against iG (cypher's team) while MD had to play AVG (noctis's team). And i think it's safe to say that avg is better than iG at TDM.
So if you keep that in mind then you can add tox, linkin and winz at the top close to latrommi and noctis.

so, according to you, who was the most impressive/efficient tdm player of the tournament ?

my pick would go for latrommi because it's his 1st quakecon and he proved that he can be a beast at lan too and not only online :)

but yet noctis tox linkin and winz were also very effective in their own ways. So really it was a very hard decision to pick latrommi over them, and maybe a lot of people will disagree with me ^^

so what's your opinions guys ?
9842 Hits
My new HUD, what you guys think ? (21 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:13 CDT, 10 July 2015 - iMsg

good ? bad ? makes sense ? stupid ? personal preference :D ?
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 13:59 CDT, 11 July 2015 - 4346 Hits
don't try to play quake on xanax (111 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:18 CDT, 10 July 2015 - iMsg
so some days ago i went to my psychiatrist and she prescripted me xanax (generic name alprazolam, benzodiazepine family, like valium or lexomil) to fix my major anxiety / social phobia i had approximately every 2 days and which was VERY annoying as i literally couldn't do anything than going to bed and trying to relax, i mean, i felt so anxious that even talking with someone of my family was stressful :-/

I take ~0.75mg whenever i see the anxiety coming. And guess what ? IT WORKS. After 20-30mn the med starts to take effect, and i feel much more calm and not anxious anymore. It's AMAZING :). And unlike alcohol or all that shit i don't feel stoned or anything, i can still behave normally :).


i figured out that playing quake on xanax is a bad idea, why ? Because you feel much more focused and you have the feeling you play better but in reality.... it's all placebo, you're just playing worst. It's not similar effect to alcohol or weed because you're still aware of everything and you can control yourself, but somehow, you still play much WORST :D.

So what do i do when i'm back home and i took xanax when i was outside ? I SLEEP. 1-3 hours of sleep and you're good to go again :). And ofc no hangover or all that crap.

So if you see me on a server doing 1-2k less damages than usual that's probably cause i'm on xanax xD.

And i'm not a drug addict, i mean i don't take xanax to feel good like i would do by drinking alcohol. I take xanax for my anxiety and it seems to work without side effects (just being a bit more sleepy and like i said playing worst at quake :D).

Also, besides xanax I take Zyprexa (olanzapine, antipsychotic) to fix my paranoia and a different form of anxiety than the one I fix with xanax. Also before taking zyprexa i had chronical insomnia, i literally couldn't sleep at night and then slept 6 hours in the daylight :(. But now all of this is from the past, i can sleep whenever i want to both at night or day :D, it's much much better :).
When i started to take zyprexa at the psychiatric hospital this med just killed me, i mean i couldn't do anything but sleep, it made me slow and sleepy, but after 4-5 years taking it i don't have this side effect anymore, so it s all good :). I feel better. And i can still play quake because i usually take zyprexa right before i go to sleep, so it s ok :). Maybe the med still makes me lose 2-3% lg :D, but i can live with it. I prefer feeling better and being a bit worst at quake than feeling shit all day and don't even have the motivation to play quake or go outside.
So yeah, just like xanax, this med works very well in my case :) and in the long term.

And finally i take zoloft (sertraline), which is an antidepressant, i take it to fix my obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) and also my bad mood/sadness. Since I take this drug i feel much more happy about life and i no more think about suicide everyday xD. Antidepressant, unlike the anxiolytic etc makes you "faster", happy and so far i don't play worst at quake with it :).

Remember the old thread i made years ago "MY LIFE IS CRAP" ? Now it's from the past. Finally after all these years of pain and sadness i'm slowly but surely DIABOTICAL... OOPS, i mean REBORN :D.

I also used to think that mental illness was all bullshit and that psychiatrist were just conspirationist and that their goal was just to "control" you with drugs. But i was wrong, i learned over the years that they are really there to help you have a better life, if you suffer from mental illness, just trust in them, they know what they are doing, they don't do 12 years of studying for nothing, they trully know everything about mental illnesses. And about the meds, they are NOT like drugs, there are actually a wide variety of meds that can fix specifically this or that symptom you have, so if one day you meet a psychiatrist and he suggest you to take this or that med, don't be afraid, it's NOT like heroin/meth/weed/alcohol, actually it can really help you :)

Are there other people at ESR that suffer from mental illnesses like me and want to share their experience with us ? :D

TL;DR xanax is good to fix anxiety but bad for playing quake. And life is WORTH it :)
Edited by Teen Queen at 01:04 CDT, 11 July 2015 - 28062 Hits
COOLLER plays with EC2-A and FOV 90 (123 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:14 CDT, 9 July 2015 - iMsg
Yep, you read it right. The coolest and most successful quake player of all times plays with a mouse that has 3310 sensor (flawless sensor) without accel/anglesnapping and a LOW fov.

If you don't play with a low fov and a mouse that has prediction/anglesnapping/lazer sensor, you will NEVER be successful at quake.

cooller is better than fatal1ty because he's at the top of quake since 2000-2002 (15 years, yes), fatal1ty is just the shadow of himself now and quite long time ago he got crushed by toxjq at q4.
cooller is better than cypher or rapha because cypher started to get very good only at the end of q4 (when cooller stopped playing it) and rapha only since 2007 or something (with q3 cpma mod).

if cooller didn't stop playing quake 4 i'm pretty sure he could have given a hard challenge to toxjq when the later literally dominated q4. Av3k beat toxjq once at a big lan event, and cooller was better than toxjq at q3 duel. And he's still better than him at ql duel. Cooller remains the grand master of all quake players. If cypher is that good it's because he went to cooller's school. Also, most top duel players use low fov. Fov 90 is the new king. Cooller is the best.

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 14:18 CDT, 9 July 2015 - 40022 Hits
another "need advices to improve my rox" (100 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:14 CDT, 11 June 2015 - iMsg
So, yeah, my rockets are trash. And I want to improve it so that's why I'm asking you guys for some advices on how to use the RL in the most efficient way.

My shaft is god-like, I mean, after a lot of practice I finally managed to get almost (95%) to my old shape where basically nobody could outshaft me. There are probably only 1 dude that can beat me LG vs LG, his nick is Fragsau, this guy is fucking scary tbh. But for the rest, even the most skilled shafters can't out-lg me, even with my 38% overall acc I beat anyone cause of my dodges and my long experience with the LG.
BUT, yes, there's a BUT, like I said, I just DON'T feel confident while using the RL, any good RL player beats me in rl vs rl situation, and considering the fact that I play mainly 2v2 CA these days, I can lose to lesser opponents only cause my RL is trash and also cause in 2v2 CA is A LOT about the RL. There's not much room for +b shaft :). So sometimes I feel hopeless and it makes me rage :D.

I need any kind of advices concerning the RL usage really, anything would be welcome, from config tips to aiming tips etc... Pls, help me! :D

30738 Hits
Differences between sensors ? (23 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:11 CDT, 30 May 2015 - iMsg
So, I'm wondering, what are the differences between for example s3888, s3988, a3090, pmw3310 and 3366 in term of tracking/responsiveness/precision ?

I've personally tried s3888 (currently using this one in my aby 2k14), s3988 (the sensor inside the DA 2k13) and a3090 (zowie AM/FK). And I have to admit that I pretty much fail to find any major differences between these sensors. I mean, in my own experience, all of these sensors perform pretty much the same, I mean, similar tracking, similar responsiveness, similar precision. The only differences that I can feel are obviously the shapes of these mice as well as the different DPI settings. The rest... I just can't.

So that's why I'm asking you mice experts, can you explain to me the benefit of upgrading, for example, from 3888 to 3310 ? Is the tracking really different ? Is it more precise, or just marketing bullshit ?

My logic is that (in my humble opinion and from what I've experienced myself) all of these sensors are equally good, perform pretty much the same in term of tracking, and what differs between them are just the dpi customizations and the malfunction speed (also, in some cases, the software/driver). From what I understood (correct me if I'm wrong), recent/new [flawless] sensors like 3310 usually get higher malfunction speed than older ones. But the rest... I need your opinion/knowledge, so please, enlighten me :D
6843 Hits
Crosshairs per weapon ? (40 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 11:52 CDT, 23 April 2015 - iMsg
Okay so, with the latest update I came with the idea of using 1 different crosshair for each weapon, using cg_weaponConfig_xx. So far it works great, it's more responsive than doing it manually with the binds. And the crosshair changes even if I use mouseWheelUp/Down, I mean, even if I don't press my binds. Only thing I don't like is that it doesn't change crosshair automatically while spectating a player. But I can live with it still.

Okay so, my question is :

Should I use 1 crosshair for all weapons (in my case it would be crosshair 2 size 40 (the +)), or rather use 1 different crosshair for each weapon by doing that with weaponconfig ?

Here are screenshots of the different crosshairs I would use for each weapon : (tell me what you think about it)










TL;DR 1 single crosshair to rule them all OR multiple crosshairs per weapon ???!!
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 11:59 CDT, 23 April 2015 - 12599 Hits
cg_weaponconfig (10 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:10 CDT, 22 April 2015 - iMsg
How does it work ? If I want to do 1 different crosshair for each weapon, what are the steps to follow to make it work with cg_weaponconfig ?

4832 Hits
thumb down (5 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:18 CDT, 31 March 2015 - iMsg


BONUS (old but still good)
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 12:20 CDT, 31 March 2015 - 3409 Hits
proZaC (20 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:20 CDT, 18 March 2015 - iMsg
12199 Hits
cg_autohop (60 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:11 CDT, 16 March 2015 - iMsg
Am I the only one who finds this "new" feature to actually be a nice implementation to quakelive's gameplay ?

I mean I use it and got used to it. I do it while jumping on stairs or doing double jumps on boxes etc.

One thing however, It is disable in "classic" ruleset, which means duel tdm etc... but not in CA :)

Would be nice to get autohop to work in all gametypes/ruleset to unify the different gametypes.
I don't think it gives an unfair advantage, it just prevents you to spam the jump button in some situations, which is actually quite nice and helpful.

What do you think ?
13077 Hits
Who is your current favorite duel player (133 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:53 CDT, 9 March 2015 - iMsg
... and explain why.

for me it's cooller because he won the 125fps finals by beating both evil and cypher. And that without nerding the game 24/24 7/7.

also because he's at the top of duel since 2002, and i don't remember any duel player that managed to do that for a so long period of time.

also because his playstyle is enjoyable to watch.

and finally because... he's using EC2 evo cl :D. I mean finally a top player using a flawless mouse :D. I mean evil is using a kinzu... just imagine how good he could be with a mouse using flawless sensor. Yeah, yeah, i know, the mouse doesn't matter, it's not the mouse that does the player and blalbla :D

oh, and he's using keel. KEEL MASTER RACE!!!!! :)
29646 Hits
abyssus 2014 new firmware ? (22 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:56 CST, 2 February 2015 - iMsg
so i have an abyssus 2014 with v1.01.03 firmware version out of the box. Is it the latest version of the firmware ?

a friend of mine said to me that he got an update with synapse (when i tried synapse i got an update too, but afaik it wasn't a firmware update), and that it was probably the firmware. Is it possible to get firmware updates with synapse ?

he said also that the mouse performs great at 1000hz (better than at 500) while with mine (or at least with the current firmware version, at least if there's really a new firmware available :)), it's the opposite. Default settings (500hz) is best for me, i don't get negative accel while doing fast 360° turns (i get neg accel at 1000hz), and the tracking is more consistent at 500hz than at 1000. Also 1000hz isn't stable.

He's using an artisan mousepad (the red one), and i'm using a goliathus speed, maybe that can explain why his mouse performs consistently at 1000hz ? Or did he really get a firmware update with synapse ? :)

Thanks for your help !
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 15:02 CST, 2 February 2015 - 12145 Hits
baksteen > agent (27 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:01 CST, 24 January 2015 - iMsg
this is what happens when you can't outsmart your opponent. VERY wp baksteen and hope that agent will learn from his mistakes.
6588 Hits
XD (112 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:50 CST, 14 January 2015 - iMsg
25480 Hits
Your mouse,dpi,hz,mousepad,sens 2015 (276 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:25 CST, 10 January 2015 - iMsg
mouse: razer abyssus 2014
dpi: 1800
hz: 500
sensitivity: 1 (23.5cm/360°)
accel: none
in_mouse: 2
windows sens: 6/11 (doesn't matter with in_mouse 2, but matters for desktop and starcraft/mobas :D)
mousepad: razer goliathus speed extended
71679 Hits
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 17:55 CST, 25 December 2014 - 230946 Hits
So, I trolled strenx @ facebook... (60 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:51 CST, 23 December 2014 - iMsg
and he didn't like it :D

translation in english for the wall of text (in french) :
"What bothers me is that when you got a little reputation at a game, some fucking mentally challenged people lurk your profile (even when you block certain access, they still find a way to do it) and then go talk to all the girls in your profile to start a discussion with me as main subject and/or discussion "starter". Then I don't even know anymore who are those assholes that do this kind of bullshit and so they make me look like a cunt.
So I apologize in advance if that happend, and in the mean time, I block everything"

and also his reply at the bottom of the discussion (where he shows my facebook profile) :

"I show you already one of the guys that did it : *insert my facebook profile there*
I was chocked when I received messages in which he did that"

So basically I added as friend and talked to a random girl who made a comment on his facebook wall with stuffs like "do you know strenx ? He's a friend of mine, he looks handsome and is looking for a girlfriend aswell, he's a god in bed ("voulez vous coucher avec lui ce soir ?") if ya want, I can send him a message about you, you two would look good togethers" she then asked who am I and if she knew me already, I replied that I'm a super hero (called super-cupid) that likes to make people fall in love with each others, and kept telling random *insert your troll there* bullshit. She then told me that she's scared of me and blocked me from facebook :D.

Yes, I know, maybe I need stronger medication xD, but it's so tempting to troll at facebook now that I don't troll at ESR anymore xD. I have to admit that I miss it quite a lot :D.

And by the way, still <3 strenx, when he will learn the new maps he'll get back to his old shape and destroy everyone again online :>
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 12:56 CST, 23 December 2014 - 18921 Hits
Edited by Teen Queen at 14:30 CST, 21 December 2014 - 24378 Hits
SteelSeries Kinzu V3 (26 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:07 CST, 19 December 2014 - iMsg
Is it any good ? Can some informed people link me to the best threads about this mouse ?

sensor is 3050, if i'm correct, it's the same sensor bst wanted to use in his ninox velocity. Dpi range is from 250 to 2000 and afaik max tracking speed is close to 4+m/s.

shape is like the kinzu v1 so super-good then :). I guess build quality and switches are nice too, coming from steelseries.

my mate lanf3ust is using it at 1000dpi 1000hz and he told me the tracking felt even better than with the kana v2 :O

So, what you guys know about this mouse ? Any good threads about it ? ;)

btw, i don't plan to buy and try it, because i'm currently entierely satisfied by my abyssus 2014, but i'm just curious, you know :p

19028 Hits
ra3map12 arena2 a.k.a. "drunken mummy" (16 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:26 CST, 1 December 2014 - iMsg

[19:20] * Topic is 'Quake Live - Update and new content coming soon!' @ #quakelive

Should be coming with the next quakelive update, according to SyncError.

I'm excited, what about you ?

This map is basically a larger version of thunderstruck without the tunnel and in egyptian theme.
5576 Hits
S3888 = irA3090 ? S3988 = ir3310 ? (4 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:34 CST, 10 November 2014 - iMsg
So i had a little discussion with my m8 idoser and he said to me that he read somewhere (but can't remember the website) that basically the s3888 in the abyssus and deathadder 3.5g is in fact infrared version of A3090.

And also that the s3988 inside the deathadder 4G (2013 edition) and krait 2k13 is in fact infrared version of the now called pixart 3310 sensor.

He said that he is 75% sure of it.

So, is that true ?

Also, look at this :
5471 Hits
YouTube down ? (3 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:14 CST, 7 November 2014 - iMsg
I can't access to youtube it basically makes an endless loading and can't access the website... Every other website works as usual.

Is it just me or it's the same for you ?
1503 Hits
In case you missed it... (2 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:43 CDT, 31 October 2014 - iMsg
I had a lot of fun watching it :D <3 spart1e
1620 Hits
another abyssus 2014 thread (30 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:26 CDT, 29 October 2014 - iMsg
Got mine today.

- Shape is very good
- Build quality is better than on the old abyssus
- Mouse is sexy
- My abyssus 2014 had firmware up to date out of the box
- 1800dpi 500hz, perfect
- No synapse/drivers

Would I recommend it ? Yes, BUT, if you want 1000hz usb polling rate, forget this mouse, because it doesn't work as good at 1000hz than at 500hz (I tried it myself, mouse got some weird behavior at 1000hz (1000hz isn't stable also), but 500 is perfect), and if you don't mind playing with medium dpi setting (1800). I'm using 1800dpi on all my razer mice so in my case it's perfect :).

I'm a fan of razer. I'm a bit ashamed but well, doesn't matter :D <3 razer.
9682 Hits
Abyssus 2014, questions : (24 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:40 CDT, 25 October 2014 - iMsg
What are the default plug & play settings with the abyssus 2014 ? I guess 1800dpi 1000hz ? (or maybe 500hz?)

Does synapse 2.0 work the same than with the deathadder 2013/ krait 2013 ? Which means installing synapse, configuring your settings (would be 1800dpi 1000hz in my case) and then uninstalling it, and the onboard memory of the mouse remembers your settings even after uninstall.

Does the mouse even has 1800dpi step ? I guess yes considering that it's a razer sensor and the same as in the old abyssus.

So, to summarize, I want to play at 1800dpi 1000hz and installing then uninstalling synapse after I configured these settings, will it be possible ?

And last question, will I need firmware update manually or does it update it automatically with synapse ? If I have to do it manually, where to find the download link of the firmware update ?

16733 Hits
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 15:36 CDT, 22 October 2014 - 3406 Hits
Sev3n is grandmaster @ duel \o/ (25 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:51 CDT, 15 October 2014 - iMsg

french baguette, croissant and fromage talking it with style! :p
15166 Hits
What do you think about these CH<->Weap? (58 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:34 CDT, 14 October 2014 - iMsg
Gauntlet crosshair 11 size 40

SG crosshair 7 size 40

GL crosshair 14 size 40

RL crosshair 17 size 40

LG crosshair 2 size 40

RG crosshair 9 size 40

PG crosshair 15 size 40

HMG crosshair 3 size 40
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 17:34 CDT, 14 October 2014 - 12561 Hits
WE WANT COOLLER'S CONFIG FFS!!!!! (25 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:40 CDT, 12 October 2014 - iMsg
Pls h8m3 or Nico or someone else, give us cooller's config!!!!

I know that he's playing with zowie ec2 evo cl, and without accel, probably even with fov 90 and keel as enemymodel, but we haven't seen how his config looks like for quite a long time now.

PLS SOMEONE GIVE COOLLER'S CONFIG !!!!!! (or at least a screenshot)


*edit* see comment #1 for the config *edit*
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 12:52 CDT, 12 October 2014 - 13703 Hits
Post a ss of your config oct 2014 (213 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:38 CDT, 11 October 2014 - iMsg
you can dl my ql config at my esr profile (config : available)
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 11:58 CDT, 15 October 2014 - 55851 Hits
What to do if you got G-lined ? (8 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:48 CDT, 3 October 2014 - iMsg
"[20:46] Closing Link: heartless by (G-lined)"

Seems like I oppened to much clients with webchat :D And now it keeps telling me that when I want to connect.

Btw I closed all webchat windows and even restarted IRC.
2363 Hits
So I tested both keel and tankjr... (44 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:28 CDT, 28 September 2014 - iMsg
as enemy model. And I came up with the conclusion that Tankjr + lodbias 2 + playerLean 0 is better than keel lodbias -2.
Why ?

I hit at a non moving target, at the sides of the model, and also a tiny bit above the head/feet of the model, and what happens is that when you hit at keel's side, it's counted as a hit even if you don't "touch" the character model.
Basically tankjr + lodbias 2 fits a bit more the current hitbox than keel. Like I said, there are holes at the sides of keel, as well as above his head. And surprisingly enough, tankjr model doesn't exceed the hitbox actually :O, except for 1 of his arm, which is obviously not a big deal.
And with playerLean 0, he basically never goes out of the hitbox while moving (fast).

After all these years I thought that keel fitted the hitbox better than tank, but apparently I was wrong... BUT, if you use tankjr, ensure that playerLean is set to 0, and also lodbias to 2.

tl;dr tankjr lodbias 2 playerLean 0 > keel lodbias -2
25502 Hits
John Carmack <3 (37 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:36 CDT, 22 August 2014 - iMsg
8931 Hits
Some dumb questions, I need your help! (13 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:08 CDT, 21 August 2014 - iMsg
So, currently I'm playing with the DA 2K13 and I really like this mouse BUT, like you probably already know, I also have a krait 2k13, which I like a lot too.

Its been some months now that I play with the DA and so far I haven't noticed any major flaw in this mouse. I feel comfortable with it. BUT. Do you think that I would play better with a lighter/smaller mouse ? I know that some people like winz and l1nkin don't like big and heavy mice. For example, l1nkin tried the roccat kone pure optical, and he said the mouse is simply to heavy and big. Now he's playing with a wmoadder.

Concerning myself, I don't find the DA to be too big or heavy. Like I said I feel comfortable with it, and I like the sides grips a lot.

So yeah, it's a dumb question but still, do you think that I should switch back to the krait 2k13 and forget big mice for ever ? Or should I stick with the DA ? Yes, I know, after writing all of this I probably already got the answer, which would be to stick with the DA.
But everytime at night, in my head it's like "omg I miss the krait a bit, should I play with it again ? But ffs I also like a lot the DA, so I think that I will stick with." And the next night the same question remains lol.

I also know that hal is using an IE 3.0, and cooller an EC1 evo cl, which are very close mice to the DA 2k13. Maybe I should copy them and stick with the DA ? :D But FFS the krait is an awesome mouse too...

1829 Hits
cypher didn't accept my friend invit @QL (33 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:59 CDT, 18 August 2014 - iMsg
12370 Hits
NVC STREAMING REFLEX NOW!!!! (3 comments, locked)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:48 CDT, 13 August 2014 - iMsg

go watch it before it s over :)
Locked by xou at 08:13 CDT, 14 August 2014 - 1807 Hits
QC 2K14 footage by ddk <3 (4 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 07:57 CDT, 12 August 2014 - iMsg
Team "cypher don't care";index=3

Team "unknown";index=4

I had a good laugh with team cypher don't care :D
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 08:05 CDT, 12 August 2014 - 1911 Hits
QuakeLive upcoming RL LG RG changes (97 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:27 CDT, 11 August 2014 - iMsg
Here are 3 polls bellow concerning the main weapons (RL LG and RG) of QuakeLive, and their possible changes which are still in testing and on discussion in the focus group (I'm not part of the focus group by the way), for the upcoming big QL update.

Vote and give your opinion!


Concerning the Rocket Launcher:

Concerning the Lightning Gun:

Concerning the RailGun:


I will show the url of this thread to sponge or syncerror once enough people have voted, so please, take 2 minutes of your time to participate to the vote!




Edited by He4rTL3sS at 14:36 CDT, 13 August 2014 - 15215 Hits
Some mice questions (18 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:06 CDT, 3 August 2014 - iMsg

- avago 3090 sensor
- ambidextrous
- shape can be comparable to the abyssus.

Is it any good ? Is it the same sensor and settings than the ones you get in the Alcor ?


What sensor for this mouse ? I heard it's not that good, is it true ? No accel/anglesnapping/prediction ?


comparable shape to the kana v2, FK1 ? What sensor init ? No accel/angle/predict ?
is it any good ?
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 15:18 CDT, 3 August 2014 - 4488 Hits
Your current mouse ? (299 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:42 CDT, 2 August 2014 - iMsg
aby 2k14
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 22:20 CDT, 13 June 2015 - 43729 Hits
Modded duel is fun, try it! (77 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:54 CDT, 22 July 2014 - iMsg
It's a mix between normal duel and CA. Much much fun :D.

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 20:36 CDT, 22 July 2014 - 14430 Hits
I want this x574747856 (17 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:36 CDT, 21 July 2014 - iMsg
5388 Hits
America dominating quake... (39 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:44 CDT, 18 July 2014 - iMsg
go cypher you are our last hope!
5924 Hits
QuakeLive on steam and gameplay changes (632 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 20:27 CDT, 17 July 2014 - iMsg
"Today we are thrilled to announce that we are bringing Quake Live to Steam. Upon release, players will have the option of porting their Quake Live account to their Steam account, allowing you to play and update the game entirely through the Steam interface."
"... we will launch an update that for the first time in Quake Live's history, will bring about some big gameplay changes. We want to ensure that FPS fans who check out the game on Steam have more fun in their first match than the current gameplay systems allow. We're not talking too much about specific changes yet, especially since the changes need to be taken as one whole package in order to be effective, but we will be iterating internally over the next few weeks to see what works."

I'm personally a bit afraid of these possible changes. I hope that they won't break the gameplay balance and the overall feel of the game. Quakelive gameplay is already (almost) perfect, I just can't see how they could improve that by making changes.
But maybe they won't touch the weapons and the physics but rather add an item timer allowed for the players during the game, or stuff like that ?

What do you think ?
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 20:35 CDT, 17 July 2014 - 145405 Hits
* N U K E D * (1 comment, locked)
Posted by Nuked User @ 17:57 CDT, 17 July 2014 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

QuakeLive 2.0 (31 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:18 CDT, 16 July 2014 - iMsg
So, I've read the ins interview and the interviewer asked this question :

It sounds like QL 2.0 is coming out soon, what does id software need to do in order to overcome the big influx of new arena fps games that are currently in development?

and ins replied this :

I think this questions has been answered in so many different ways so many times that it’s just not worth to keep enumerating the same things, a quick glance and ESR and you can get lists of 500 features and marketing tricks that would be great for QL. Id software knows, the community knows, it’s just a matter of actually doing it that seems to be the problem. But I think what they have in mind will somewhat work, so let’s wait and see!

Seems like some people knows what going on at id software ?
7907 Hits
Your crosshair ? (41 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:23 CDT, 27 June 2014 - iMsg
mine is 11 size 40 cyan and hitcolor white <3
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 18:24 CDT, 27 June 2014 - 8241 Hits
QuakeLive is pretty much the perfect FPS (94 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:14 CDT, 20 June 2014 - iMsg
Quake is pretty much dead, ok, i agree with you BUT...

... it's still the king of every FPS games even for the newer ones like CoD or battlefield.

And paradoxally, the game is surviving with MOST of the pros players still playing. And the playerbase, altho being small, is still there, you can play any gametype you want at any time, there are always people to play against/with for any gametype.

The gameplay is perfect. Not too fast, not too slow, strategical, tactical, balanced, oldschool... It's impressive to watch and instant fun to play. It's easy to understand but very hard to master.


only thing i don't really like is the netcode, and the GFX could be updated (ql 2.0 ? :p), but otherwise it's so so good. And still, for a 2000' game engine, it's not ugly at all when maxed out.

21431 Hits
Personal message to winz (19 comments, locked)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:19 CDT, 14 June 2014 - iMsg
Pls winz can you remove me from your ignore list @ IRC and ESR ? :)

I'm not a dumb asshole like you think i am. Ofc back in the days (1-2 years ago?) i was a total attention whore/idiot/bastard/asshole, especially at ESR. I know my behavior and my attitude were really bad back in those times.

But things have changed, i'm not like that anymore. I don't troll anymore nor trash-talk anyone. Ofc sometimes i rage ingame but who doesn't ? ;)

Give me a 2nd chance, you won't be disappointed.

Peace. :)

*EDIT* nevermind *EDIT*

can some ESR admin remove/nuke this thread pls ? :)
Locked by Teen Queen at 11:13 CDT, 16 June 2014 - 5802 Hits
Low FOV FTW! (61 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:47 CDT, 13 June 2014 - iMsg
cg_fov 90
cg_zoomfov 40


what is your fov value and zoomfov settings ?

*EDIT* i'm back to fov 100 zoomfov 50, 90 is a bit to extreme for me i think :p *EDIT*

*EDIT 2* i'm back to fov 90 zoomfov 40 :p, made 2 binds to switch fovs, will take some time to decide which is better between 90 and 100 :D *EDIT 2*

my cfg at my ESR profile (with screenshot)
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 18:11 CDT, 14 June 2014 - 14692 Hits
Strenx and CTF (12 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 05:43 CDT, 8 June 2014 - iMsg
"Looking for a CTF Quakecon team (american or not). Ready to practice a lot" (c) strenx @ facebook
4363 Hits
La fouine (13 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 05:19 CDT, 8 June 2014 - iMsg
5819 Hits
discuss (16 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:15 CDT, 4 June 2014 - iMsg
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 15:17 CDT, 4 June 2014 - 2883 Hits
Youtube is slow as fuck (13 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:07 CDT, 3 June 2014 - iMsg
When i go to youtube, i can see all the suggested videos and categories as well as the advertising. Everything loads like usual : fast.

But when i click on a video the advertising loads and i can see it but when the video starts... well, it doesn't start, it keeps loading. I managed to make some videos finally load but i can only see the 1st seconds of it and then bam, endless loading again :(

Dailymotion works as usual. Every other websites are working without any trouble.

I tried restarting my box, still the same problem.
4877 Hits
19779 Hits
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